TransporterID Transporter Name Variations Type Epigenetic Phenomenon Disease ICD11 Variations Location Histones location Description Discover Experiment Experimental Material Alteration Trend Detect Experiment DTD0028 SLC47A2 Histone trimethylation Lower level of histone trimethylation of SLC47A2 in renal cell carcinoma (compare with adjacent counterpart normal cells) Renal cell carcinoma 2C90 Promoter H3K27 H3K27me3 might play a repressive role in the expression of SLC47A2 in RCC. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Patients samples of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0028 SLC47A2 Histone trimethylation Lower level of histone trimethylation of SLC47A2 in renal cell carcinoma (compare with adjacent counterpart normal cells) Renal cell carcinoma 2C90 Promoter H3K4 H3K4me3 might play a repressive role in the expression of SLC47A2 in RCC. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Patients samples of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0083 Slc12a2 Histone trimethylation Hypoacetylation of Slc12a2 in hypertension (compare with Ang II-treatment counterpart hypertension rats) Hypertension BA00-BA04 Promoter H3K4 Slc12a2 is upregulated via histone modification in the aortas of Ang II-induced hypertensive SD rats. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down RT-qPCR DTD0158 SLC23A1 Histone trimethylation Lower level of histone trimethylation of SLC23A1 in colon (compare with jejunum tissue of human) Colon . Promoter H3K4 Lower levels of H3 trimethylation of lysine 4 and lower gene expression was observed in the SLC23A1 promoter in the colon. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Patients samples of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0159 SLC23A2 Histone trimethylation Lower level of histone trimethylation of SLC23A2 in colon (compare with jejunum tissue of human) Colon . Promoter H3K4 Lower levels of H3 trimethylation of lysine 4 and lower gene expression was observed in the SLC23A2 promoter in the colon. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Patients samples of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0159 SLC23A2 Histone trimethylation Lower level of histone trimethylation of SLC23A2 in chronic alcohol exposure (compare with counterpart normal pancreatic acinar rat cells) Chronic alcohol exposure 6C40.2Z Promoter H3K4 Chronic exposure of mouse pancreatic acinar tumor cells to alcohol is associated with a significant reduction in the level of expression of H3K4me3 (an activation mark) of the Slc23a2. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down Western Blot DTD0159 SLC23A2 Histone trimethylation Higher level of histone trimethylation of SLC23A2 in chronic alcohol exposure (compare with counterpart normal pancreatic acinar rat cells) Chronic alcohol exposure 6C40.2Z Promoter H3K27 Chronic exposure of mouse pancreatic acinar tumor cells to alcohol is associated with a significant increase in the level of the H3K27me3 (a repressive mark) of the Slc23a2. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down Western Blot DTD0184 SLC25A23 Histone trimethylation Lower level of histone trimethylation of SLC25A23 in astrocytic tumors (compare with normal counterpart cells) Astrocytic tumors 2A00.0Y . H3K27 There is a direct role of H3K27me3 modification in epigenetically silencing the SLC25A23 gene expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Patients samples of human Down Western Blot DTD0230 SLC26A2 Histone trimethylation Lower level of histone trimethylation of SLC26A2 in colon cancer (compare with normal counterpart cells) Colon cancer 2B90 Promoter H3K4 Loss of H3 lysine 4 methylation was observed in cultured colon cancer cells with diminished SLC26A2 transcription, such as SW480, SW1083, and HT29. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0251 SLC2A1 Histone trimethylation Lower level of histone trimethylation of SLC2A1 in colon cancer (compare with counterpart JMJD2B knockdown cells) Colon cancer 2B90 Promoter H3K9 Knockdown of JMJD2B after glucose deprivation caused decreased level of GLUT1 through increasing H3K9 tri-methylation levels on its promoter. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0262 SLC2A4 Histone trimethylation Higher level of histone trimethylation of SLC2A4 in type 1 diabete (compare with counterpart normal rat cells) Type 1 diabetes 5A10 Promoter H3K9 The Type 1 diabetes reduced the H3Kac and increased the H3K9me3 content, and insulin treatment reversed only the H3K9me3 modification. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down Western Blot DTD0262 SLC2A4 Histone trimethylation Lower level of histone trimethylation of SLC2A4 in type 2 diabete (compare with counterpart normal rat cells) Type 2 diabetes 5A11 Promoter H3K9 The Type 2 diabetes reduced the H3Kac and increased the H3K9me3 content, and insulin treatment reversed only the H3K9me3 modification. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down Western Blot DTD0331 SLC38A4 Histone trimethylation Lower level of histone trimethylation of SLC38A4 in retinoic acid receptors (RAR) expression cells (compare with counterpart RAR knockout cells) Retinoic acid receptors (RAR) expression cells . Promoter H3K4 Increased SLC38A4 transcript levels was associated with decreased promoter CpG-island methylation and increased permissive histone modifications (H3K4me3) in RAR knockout cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0257 SLC2A2 Histone monomethylation Higher level of histone monomethylation of SLC2A2 in type 2 diabetes (compare with counterpart normal rat cells) Type 2 diabetes 5A11 Promoter H3K9 Increased H3K4me levels basically was correlated with decreased Glut2 gene expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down RT-qPCR DTD0083 Slc12a2 Histone dimethylation Lower level of histone dimethylation of Slc12a2 in hypertension (compare with normal rats) Hypertension BA00-BA04 Promoter H3K9 The decreased levels of mRNA expression correlated with increment of dimethylation on H3K4 at the Slc12a2 promoter region in spontaneously hypertensive rat. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Up RT-qPCR DTD0083 Slc12a2 Histone dimethylation Higher level of histone dimethylation of Slc12a2 in hypertension (compare with normal rats) Hypertension BA00-BA04 Promoter H3K4 The increased levels of mRNA expression correlated with increment of dimethylation on H3K4 at the Slc12a2 promoter region in spontaneously hypertensive rat. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Up RT-qPCR DTD0257 SLC2A2 Histone dimethylation Higher level of histone dimethylation of SLC2A2 in type 2 diabetes (compare with counterpart normal rat cells) Type 2 diabetes 5A11 Promoter H3K9 Increased H3K9me2 levels basically was correlated with decreased Glut2 gene expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down RT-qPCR DTD0003 ABCB1 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB1 in AML (compare with valproate treatment counterpart cells) Acute myeloid leukemia 2A60 Promoter H3 Hyperacetylation of histone proteins in the promoter regions of MDR1 on valproate treatment. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down Western Blot DTD0003 ABCB1 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB1 in acute myeloid leukemia (compare with valproate-treatment counterpart AML cells) Acute myeloid leukemia 2A60 Promoter . Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed the hyperacetylation of histone proteins in the promoter regions of MDR1 on valproate treatment. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0003 ABCB1 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB1 in promyeloblastic leukemia (compare with valproate-treatment counterpart AML cells) Promyeloblastic leukemia 2A60.0 . . Exposure of promyeloblastic leukemia cells for 24 h to 2 mM of the weak histone deacetylase inhibitor phenylbutyrate resulted in enhanced and marked expression of P-glycoprotein. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Human leukemia stem cell-like cell line (KG-1a) Down RT-qPCR DTD0003 ABCB1 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB1 in sarcoma (compare with multidrug-resistant counterpart cells) Sarcoma 2A60.39 968 bp upstream of exon 1 H3 The chromatin structure of the ABCB1 upstream promoter is changed via acetylation of histone H3 initiating ABCB1 activation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0003 ABCB1 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB1 in lymphoid tumour (compare with etoposide-resistant counterpart cells) Lymphoma 2B30 Exon 1 H3 Histone H3 acetylation in the same CpG island was significantly increased in drug-resistant cell line. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0003 ABCB1 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB1 in SCLC (compare with etoposide-resistant counterpart cells) Small cell lung cancer 2C25.1 Distal promoter (-981 to -817) H4 High acetylation level of histone H3 of ABCB1 in etoposide-resistant small cell lung carcinoma associated with higher ABCB1 expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Human small cell lung carcinoma cell line (H69) Down RT-qPCR DTD0003 ABCB1 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB1 in SCLC (compare with etoposide-resistant counterpart cells) Small cell lung cancer 2C25.1 Promoter (-981 to -817 and -222 to +37) H3 TSA induces downregulation of ABCB1 expression in drug-resistant SCLC cell line, independently of promoter methylation, and MBD1 or PCAF recruitment. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0003 ABCB1 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB1 in SCLC (compare with etoposide-resistant counterpart cells) Small cell lung cancer 2C25.1 Promoter (-981 to -817 and -222 to +37) H4 TSA induces downregulation of ABCB1 expression in drug-resistant SCLC cell line, independently of promoter methylation, and MBD1 or PCAF recruitment. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0003 ABCB1 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB1 in SCLC (compare with etoposide-resistant counterpart cells) Small cell lung cancer 2C25.1 Proximal promoter (+292 to +591) H3 High acetylation level of histone H3 of ABCB1 in etoposide-resistant small cell lung carcinoma associated with higher ABCB1 expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Human small cell lung carcinoma cell line (H69) Down RT-qPCR DTD0003 ABCB1 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB1 in SCLC (compare with etoposide-resistant counterpart cells) Small cell lung cancer 2C25.1 Proximal promoter (+292 to +591) H4 High acetylation level of histone H4 of ABCB1 in etoposide-resistant small cell lung carcinoma associated with higher ABCB1 expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Human small cell lung carcinoma cell line (H69) Down RT-qPCR DTD0003 ABCB1 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB1 in breast cancer (compare with doxorubicin-resistant counterpart cells) Breast cancer 2C60-2C6Z Promoter H3K9 Elevated level of lysine 9-acetylated histone H3 at the MDR1 promoter in doxorubicinresistant MCF-7 cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0004 ABCG2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCG2 in AML (compare with valproate treatment counterpart cells) Acute myeloid leukemia 2A60 Promoter H3K9 Hyperacetylation of histone proteins in the promoter regions of BCRP on valproate treatment. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down Western Blot DTD0004 ABCG2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCG2 in AML (compare with valproate treatment counterpart cells) Acute myeloid leukemia 2A60 Promoter H4 Hyperacetylation of histone proteins in the promoter regions of BCRP on valproate treatment. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down Western Blot DTD0004 ABCG2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCG2 in acute myeloid leukemia (compare with valproate-treatment counterpart AML cells) Acute myeloid leukemia 2A60 Promoter . Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed the?hyperacetylation?of?histone?proteins in the promoter regions of?BCRP on valproate treatment. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0004 ABCG2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCG2 in acute myeloid leukemia (compare with valproate-treatment counterpart AML cells) Promyeloblastic leukemia 2A60.0 . . Exposure of promyeloblastic leukemia cells for 24 h to 2 mM of the weak histone deacetylase inhibitor phenylbutyrate resulted in enhanced and marked expression of BCRP. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Human leukemia stem cell-like cell line (KG-1a) Down RT-qPCR DTD0004 ABCG2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCG2 in colon cancer (compare with romidepsin-resistant counterpart cells) Colon cancer 2B90 Promoter H3 High acetylation level of histone H3 of ABCG2 in romidepsin-resistant colon cancer cells associated with higher ABCG2 expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0004 ABCG2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCG2 in breast cancer (compare with doxorubicin-resistant counterpart cells) Breast cancer 2C60-2C6Z Promoter H3 High acetylation level of histone H3 of ABCG2 in doxorubicin-resistant breast cancer cells associated with higher ABCG2 expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0005 SLC22A7 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC22A7 in Hepatocellular carcinoma (compare with non-tumor adjacent tissue) Hepatocellular carcinoma 2C12.02 Promoter H3K18 Significant increases in SLC22A7 mRNA were observed when these cancer cells were cultured in the presence of histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. RT-qPCR Hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines (BEL-7402 and SMMC-7721) Down Western Blot DTD0006 SLC22A2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC22A2 in renal cell carcinoma Renal cell carcinoma 2C90 Promoter H3K18 Combined treatment using the DNA methylation inhibitor decitabine and the histone deacetylase inhibitor vorinostat significantly increased the expression of OCT2 in RCC cell lines, which sensitized these cells to oxaliplatin. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Patients samples of human; Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0006 SLC22A2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC22A2 in renal cell carcinoma Renal cell carcinoma 2C90 Promoter H3K27 Combined treatment using the DNA methylation inhibitor decitabine and the histone deacetylase inhibitor vorinostat significantly increased the expression of OCT2 in RCC cell lines, which sensitized these cells to oxaliplatin. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Patients samples of human; Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0013 ABCB4 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB4 in breast cancer (compare with doxorubicin-resistant counterpart cells) Breast cancer 2C60-2C6Z Promoter H3 ABCB4 was overexpressed in doxorubicin-resistant breast cancer cells compared to their doxorubicin-sensitive counterparts, which was associated with reduced DNA methylation as well as increased histone acetylation at the ABCB4 promoter. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0013 ABCB4 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB4 in breast cancer (compare with doxorubicin-resistant counterpart cells) Breast cancer 2C60-2C6Z Promoter H4 ABCB4 was overexpressed in doxorubicin-resistant breast cancer cells compared to their doxorubicin-sensitive counterparts, which was associated with reduced DNA methylation as well as increased histone acetylation at the ABCB4 promoter. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0014 Abcb11 Histone acetylation Hyperacetylation of Abcb11 in liver (compare with kidney and cerebrum cells) Rat liver . Promoter H3 The histone H3 associated with Oatp1b2 promoters was hyperacetylated in the liver but was acetylated very little in the kidney and cerebrum. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Up RT-qPCR DTD0020 Slc10a2 Histone acetylation Hyperacetylation of Slc10a2 in liver (compare with kidney and cerebrum cells) Rat liver . Promoter H3 The histone H3 associated with Oatp1b2 promoters was hyperacetylated in the liver but was acetylated very little in the kidney and cerebrum. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Up RT-qPCR DTD0028 SLC47A2 Histone acetylation Hyperacetylation of SLC47A2 in renal cell carcinoma (compare with adjacent counterpart normal cells) Renal cell carcinoma 2C90 Promoter H3K27 H3K27AC might play a repressive role in the expression of SLC47A2 in RCC. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Patients samples of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0057 ABCC11 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB11 in acute myeloid leukemia (compare with valproate treatment counterpart cells) Acute myeloid leukemia 2A60 Promoter H3;H3K9 Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed the hyperacetylation of histone proteins in the promoter regions of MDR1, BCRP, and MRP8 on valproate treatment. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Up RT-qPCR DTD0057 ABCC11 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCB11 in acute myeloid leukemia (compare with valproate treatment counterpart cells) Acute myeloid leukemia 2A60 Promoter H4 Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed the hyperacetylation of histone proteins in the promoter regions of MDR1, BCRP, and MRP8 on valproate treatment. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Up RT-qPCR DTD0061 ABCC8 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCC8 in acute myeloid leukemia (compare with valproate-treatment counterpart AML cells) Acute myeloid leukemia 2A60 Promoter . Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed the hyperacetylation of histone proteins in the promoter regions of MRP8 on valproate treatment. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0061 ABCC8 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of ABCC8 in acute myeloid leukemia (compare with valproate-treatment counterpart AML cells) Promyeloblastic leukemia 2A60.0 . . Exposure of promyeloblastic leukemia cells for 24 h to 2 mM of the weak histone deacetylase inhibitor phenylbutyrate resulted in enhanced and marked expression of MRP8. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Human leukemia stem cell-like cell line (KG-1a) Down RT-qPCR DTD0083 Slc12a2 Histone acetylation Hyperacetylation of Slc12a2 in hypertension (compare with normal rats) Hypertension BA00-BA04 Promoter H3K4 The increased levels of mRNA expression correlated with increment of acetylation on H3K4 at the Slc12a2 promoter region in spontaneously hypertensive rat. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Up RT-qPCR DTD0083 Slc12a2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of Slc12a2 in hypertension (compare with Ang II-treatment counterpart hypertension rats) Hypertension BA00-BA04 Promoter H3 Slc12a2 is upregulated via histone modification in the aortas of Ang II-induced hypertensive SD rats. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down RT-qPCR DTD0086 Slc12a5 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of Slc12a5 in bone cancer pain (compare with normal rats) Bone cancer pain MG30.1 Promoter . Suppression of HDAC2 in spinal cord alleviates mechanical hyperalgesia and restores KCC2 expression in a rat model of bone cancer pain. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down Western Blot DTD0086 Slc12a5 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of Slc12a5 in inflammatory pain (compare with normal rats) Inflammatory pain MG30.42 Promoter H3 Promoter histone acetylation plays a role in complete Freund's adjuvantinduced suppression of SLC12A5 in the spinal dorsal horn. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down Western Blot DTD0086 Slc12a5 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of Slc12a5 in inflammatory pain (compare with normal rats) Inflammatory pain MG30.42 Promoter H4 Promoter histone acetylation plays a role in complete Freund's adjuvantinduced suppression of SLC12A5 in the spinal dorsal horn. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down Western Blot DTD0100 Slc16a1 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of Slc16a1 in oligodendrocyte precursors (compare with oligodendrocyte) Oligodendrocyte precursors . Promoter H3K9 There was a significant negative correlation between H3K9ac in the Slc16a1 promoter and Slc16a1 expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Up RT-qPCR DTD0111 SLC16A7 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC16A7 in breast cancer (compare with beta-hydroxybutyrate-treatment counterpart cells) Breast cancer 2C60-2C6Z . H3K9 Treatment with -hydroxybutyrate, breast cancer cells expressing MCT2 increase the global histone H3K9 acetylation and upregulate several tumour-promoting genes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0128 SLC19A3 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC19A3 in colon cancer (compare with trichostatin A-treatment counterpart cells) Colon cancer 2B90 Promoter H3 TSA treatment increased histone H3 acetylation of SLC19A3 promoter region in all 4 colon cancer cell lines examined. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0128 SLC19A3 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC19A3 in colon cancer (compare with TSA-treatment counterpart cells) Colon cancer 2B90 Promoter . In the 4 colon cancer cells examined, SLC19A3 mRNA expression is down-regulated by histone deacetylation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0133 SLC1A5 Histone acetylation Hyperacetylation of SLC1A5 in chronic social defeat stress (compare with normal control mice) Chronic social defeat stress QE01 Promoter H3K9 Chronic social stress activates ASCT2 transcription via histone acetylation in its promoter. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Up RT-qPCR DTD0133 SLC1A5 Histone acetylation Hyperacetylation of SLC1A5 in chronic social defeat stress (compare with normal control mice) Chronic social defeat stress QE01 Promoter H3K27 Chronic social stress activates ASCT2 transcription via histone acetylation in its promoter. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Up RT-qPCR DTD0158 SLC23A1 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC23A1 in colon (compare with jejunum tissue of human) Colon . Promoter H3K9 Lower levels of H3 acethylation of lysine 9 and lower gene expression was observed in the SLC23A1 promoter in the colon. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Patients samples of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0159 SLC23A2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC23A2 in colon (compare with jejunum tissue of human) Colon . Promoter H3K9 Lower levels of H3 acethylation of lysine 9 and lower gene expression was observed in the SLC23A2 promoter in the colon. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Patients samples of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0170 SLC25A12 Histone acetylation Hyperacetylation of SLC25A12 in hepatocellular carcinoma (compare with normal human hepatocytes) Hepatocellular carcinoma 2C12.02 Promoter H3 SLC25A12 is epigenetically induced in HCC by mechanisms involving histone acetylation but not DNA methylation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (HepG2) Up Western Blot DTD0170 SLC25A12 Histone acetylation Hyperacetylation of SLC25A12 in hepatocellular carcinoma (compare with normal human hepatocytes) Hepatocellular carcinoma 2C12.02 Promoter H4 SLC25A12 is epigenetically induced in HCC by mechanisms involving histone acetylation but not DNA methylation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (HepG2) Up Western Blot DTD0230 SLC26A2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC26A2 in colon cancer (compare with normal counterpart cells) Colon cancer 2B90 Promoter H3K9 Significant increases in SLC26A2 mRNA were observed when these cancer cells were cultured in the presence of histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0245 SLC28A2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC28A2 in colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer 2B91 Promoter H3K9 Histone hypoacetylation due to increased levels of histone deacetylase 7 results in CNT2 repression in CRC tumour tissue and could lead to decreased uptake of and consequent resistance to nucleoside anti-cancer agents. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down Western Blot DTD0245 SLC28A2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC28A2 in colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer 2B91 Promoter H3K18 Histone hypoacetylation due to increased levels of histone deacetylase 7 results in CNT2 repression in CRC tumour tissue and could lead to decreased uptake of and consequent resistance to nucleoside anti-cancer agents. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down Western Blot DTD0245 SLC28A2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC28A2 in colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer 2B91 Promoter H4 Histone hypoacetylation due to increased levels of histone deacetylase 7 results in CNT2 repression in CRC tumour tissue and could lead to decreased uptake of and consequent resistance to nucleoside anti-cancer agents. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down Western Blot DTD0251 SLC2A1 Histone acetylation Hyperacetylation of SLC2A1 in fasted mice brain (compare with normal counterpart cells) Mice brain . Promoter H3K9 Fasting-induced production of the ketone body -hydroxybutyrate (-OHB) enhances expression of the glucose transporter gene Slc2a1 (Glut1) via histone modification. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Up RT-qPCR DTD0251 SLC2A1 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC2A1 in rat brain astrocytes (compare with valproic acid treatment counterpart cells) Rat brain astrocyte . Promoter . Valproic acid could increase SLC2A1 gene expression by increasing histone acetylation at the SLC2A1 promotor. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down RT-qPCR DTD0257 Slc2a2 Histone acetylation Hyperacetylation of Slc2a2 in high concentrations of glucose (compare with low concentrations of glucose counterpart cells) High concentrations of glucose . Promoter H4 High levels of glucose (30 mM) cause hyperacetylation of histone H4 at both insulin and Slc2a2 gene promoters in MIN6 cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Mouse insulinoma 6 cells Up RT-qPCR DTD0257 SLC2A2 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC2A2 in type 2 diabetes (compare with counterpart normal rat cells) Type 2 diabetes 5A11 Promoter H3 Decreased H3 acetylation basically was correlated with decreased Glut2 gene expression. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down RT-qPCR DTD0258 SLC2A3 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC2A3 in non-small cell lung cancer (compare with Vorinostat-treatment counterpart cells) Non-small cell lung cancer 2C25.4 Promoter . SLC2A3 expression can be induced or increased following inhibition of histone deacetylases in non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0262 SLC2A4 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC2A4 in non-small cell lung cancer (compare with Vorinostat-treatment counterpart cells) Non-small cell lung cancer 2C25.4 Promoter . SLC2A4 expression can be induced or increased following inhibition of histone deacetylases in non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0262 SLC2A4 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC2A4 in type 1 diabete (compare with counterpart normal rat cells) Type 1 diabetes 5A10 Promoter H3 The Type 1 diabetes reduced the H3Kac which would decrease the binding of transcription factors. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down Western Blot DTD0262 SLC2A4 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC2A4 in type 2 diabete (compare with counterpart normal rat cells) Type 2 diabetes 5A11 Promoter H3 The Type 2 diabetes reduced the H3Kac which would decrease the binding of transcription factors. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Down Western Blot DTD0263 SLC2A5 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC2A5 in fructose force-fed mice (compare with glucose force-fed mice) Fructose-fed mice . Promoter H3 Jejunal expression of Slc2a5 by fructose force-feeding involved inducing the acetylation of histone H3 at K9 and of H4 at K5/16 around the Slc2a5 gene. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Up RT-qPCR DTD0263 SLC2A5 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC2A5 in fructose force-fed mice (compare with glucose force-fed mice) Fructose-fed mice . Promoter H4 Jejunal expression of Slc2a5 by fructose force-feeding involved inducing the acetylation of histone H3 at K9 and of H4 at K5/16 around the Slc2a5 gene. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Model organism in vivo (mouse) Up RT-qPCR DTD0329 SLC38A2 Histone acetylation Hyperacetylation of SLC38A2 in activated amino acid response signaling pathways (compare with unfolded protein response signaling pathways) Activated amino acid response signaling pathways . Promoter H3 Hyperacetylation of histone H3 and recruitment of the general transcription factors at the HepG2 SLC38A2 promoter occurred in response to the activated amino acid but not the unfolded protein. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (HepG2) Up RT-qPCR DTD0331 SLC38A4 Histone acetylation Hypocetylation of SLC38A4 in retinoic acid receptors (RAR) expression cells (compare with counterpart RAR knockout cells) Retinoic acid receptors (RAR) expression cells . Promoter H3K9 Increased SLC38A4 transcript levels was associated with decreased promoter CpG-island methylation and increased permissive histone modifications (H3K9/K14ac) in RAR knockout cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0331 SLC38A4 Histone acetylation Hypocetylation of SLC38A4 in retinoic acid receptors (RAR) expression cells (compare with counterpart RAR knockout cells) Retinoic acid receptors (RAR) expression cells . Promoter H3K14 Increased SLC38A4 transcript levels was associated with decreased promoter CpG-island methylation and increased permissive histone modifications (H3K9/K14ac) in RAR knockout cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down RT-qPCR DTD0425 SLC5A5 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC5A5 in breast cancer (compare with SAHA treatment counterpart cells) Breast cancer 2C60-2C6Z Promoter H3 Levels of acetylated K9 and K14 were increased in high-responsive cells (MDA468) and reduced in low-responsive cells (MDA157). It is possible to hypothesize that decrease of H3 histone acetylation in low-responsive cells is not permissive for induction of high levels of NIS mRNA upon SAHA treatment. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down Western Blot DTD0425 SLC5A5 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC5A5 in thyroid cancer (compare with counterpart healthy thyroid cells) Thyroid cancer 2D10 Promoter H3K9 Histone deacetylation occurred on all these lysine residues of histones at the SLC5A5 promoter upon the activation of MAPK by BRAF V600E. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human and rat Down Western Blot DTD0425 SLC5A5 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC5A5 in thyroid cancer (compare with counterpart healthy thyroid cells) Thyroid cancer 2D10 Promoter H3K14 Histone deacetylation occurred on all these lysine residues of histones at the SLC5A5 promoter upon the activation of MAPK by BRAF V600E. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human and rat Down Western Blot DTD0425 SLC5A5 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC5A5 in thyroid cancer (compare with counterpart healthy thyroid cells) Thyroid cancer 2D10 Promoter H3K18 Histone deacetylation occurred on all these lysine residues of histones at the SLC5A5 promoter upon the activation of MAPK by BRAF V600E. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human and rat Down Western Blot DTD0425 SLC5A5 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC5A5 in thyroid cancer (compare with counterpart healthy thyroid cells) Thyroid cancer 2D10 Promoter H4K16 Histone deacetylation occurred on all these lysine residues of histones at the SLC5A5 promoter upon the activation of MAPK by BRAF V600E. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human and rat Down Western Blot DTD0425 SLC5A5 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC5A5 in thyroid cancer (compare with counterpart healthy thyroid cells) Thyroid cancer 2D10 Promoter H3K9 The underlying mechanism of HDACi-induced upregulation of SLC5A5 gene expression via improving the acetylation status of histone at the promoter was elucidated directly by ChIP assay Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down Western Blot DTD0425 SLC5A5 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC5A5 in thyroid cancer (compare with counterpart healthy thyroid cells) Thyroid cancer 2D10 Promoter H3K14 The underlying mechanism of HDACi-induced upregulation of SLC5A5 gene expression via improving the acetylation status of histone at the promoter was elucidated directly by ChIP assay Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down Western Blot DTD0425 SLC5A5 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC5A5 in thyroid cancer (compare with counterpart healthy thyroid cells) Thyroid cancer 2D10 Promoter H4K16 The underlying mechanism of HDACi-induced upregulation of SLC5A5 gene expression via improving the acetylation status of histone at the promoter was elucidated directly by ChIP assay Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down Western Blot DTD0452 SLC6A2 Histone acetylation Hyperacetylation of SLC6A2 in corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) treatment neuroblastoma cells (compare with counterpart neuroblastoma cells) Neuroblastoma cells treatment with CRF . Promoter H3 Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays confirm an increased acetylation of histone H3 on the NET promoter following treatment with CRF. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Up RT-qPCR DTD0455 Slc6a3 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of Slc6a3 in rat dopaminergic cell (compare with valproate-treatment counterpart cells) Rat dopaminergic cell . Promoter H3K9 Valproate treatment results in enhanced histone acetylation at the Slc6a3 promoter in cultured rat N27 cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Rat dopaminergic cell line (N27) Down RT-qPCR DTD0455 Slc6a3 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of Slc6a3 in rat dopaminergic cell (compare with valproate-treatment counterpart cells) Rat dopaminergic cell . Promoter H3K14 Valproate treatment results in enhanced histone acetylation at the Slc6a3 promoter in cultured rat N27 cells. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Rat dopaminergic cell line (N27) Down RT-qPCR DTD0456 SLC6A4 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC6A4 in neuroblastoma cells (compare with TSA-treatment counterpart cells) Neuroblastoma cells . . . Dramatic upregulation of dopamine and serotonin transporter expression by inhibition of histone deacetylases. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Human neuroblastoma cell line (SK-NF-I) Down Western Blot DTD0456 SLC6A4 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC6A4 in several types of cancer (compare with trichostatin A treatment counterpart cells) Several types of cancer 2A00-2F9Z Promoter H4 SLC6A4 gene is epigenetically downregulated by HDAC1 in several types of cancer. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Multiple cell lines of human Down Western Blot DTD0456 SLC6A4 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC6A4 in epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma (compare with butyrate-treatment counterpart cells) Colorectal cancer 2B91 Promoter H3 The SLC6A4 promoter 1 region appears to be specifically modulated by alterations in the acetylation (but not methylation) status of histone H3. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Human epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma cells (Caco-2) Down Western Blot DTD0456 SLC6A4 Histone acetylation Hypoacetylation of SLC6A4 in epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma (compare with butyrate-treatment counterpart cells) Colorectal cancer 2B91 Promoter H4 The SLC6A4 promoter 1 region appears to be specifically modulated by alterations in the acetylation (but not methylation) status of histone H4. Chromatin immunoprecipitation Human epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma cells (Caco-2) Down Western Blot