GPVID ALLELE ALLELE_change drug_name Disease GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with allele G) Methadone Opioid-Related Disorders GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the decreased likelihood of event-free survival in patients (compare with allele G) Vincristine Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the decreased myalgia risk in patients (compare with allele G) Simvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the decreased toxic liver disease risk in patient (compare with allele G); Correlated with the increased likelihood of toxicity-related treatment failure in patients (compare with allele G) Nelfinavir HIV Infection GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the increased adverse drug event risk in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug discontinuation in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the increased disease risk in patients (compare with allele G) Clopidogrel Hemorrhage GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the increased disease risk in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug exposure in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the the drug antiplatelet effect or clinical outcomes in patients (compare with Allele G) Clopidogrel Acute Coronary Syndrome GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the increased drug serum concentrations in patients (compare with allele G) Digoxin Congestive Cardiac Insufficiency; Arrhythmias; Heart Failure GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the increased likelihood of disease in patients (compare with allele G) Codeine CNS Depression GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug resistance in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the increased likelihood of mucositis in patients (compare with allele G) Everolimus Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the increased likelihood of myalgia in patients (compare with allele G) Atorvastatin Coronary Artery Disease GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the increased plasma drug levels in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) Phenytoin Healthy Individuals GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the positive relationship between drug plasma levels and positive symptom reduction in patients (compare genotype GG) Olanzapine Psychotic Disorders GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the acute cellular rejection in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug bioavailability in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the drug trough concentrations in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the likelihood of achieving target concentrations of drug in patients (compare with Allele G) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele A) Paliperidone Bipolar Disorder GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele A) Paliperidone Psychotic Disorders GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele A) Risperidone Bipolar Disorder GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele A) Risperidone Psychotic Disorders GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele G) Tacrolimus Hemopoietic Stem Cell Transplant GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele G) Tacrolimus Liver Transplantation GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with allele G) Cyclosporine Kidney Transplantation GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele G) Sirolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Clopidogrel Angina Pectoris GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the the antiplatelet effect or drug clinical outcomes in patients (compare with Allele G) Clopidogrel Platelet Reactivity GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug toxicity in patients (compare with allele G) Sunitinib Renal Cell Carcinoma GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the increased disease risk in patients (compare with allele G) Clopidogrel St-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Valproic acid Epilepsy GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Phenytoin Epilepsy GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Phenobarbital Epilepsy GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the increased high on-treatment platelet reactivity risk in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the increased myocardial infarction (mI) or composite outcome of non-fatal mI, all cause death and stent thrombosis risk in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the major adverse cardiac risk in patients (compare with Allele G) Clopidogrel Coronary Artery Disease GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the increased high post-treatment platelet reactivity risk in patients (compare with Allele G) Clopidogrel Percutaneous Coronary Intervention GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the increased mortality risk in patients (compare with Allele G) Clopidogrel Myocardial Infarction GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the increased on-treatment platelet activity risk in patients (compare with Allele G) Clopidogrel Coronary Disease GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the likelihood of treatment failure in patients (compare with Allele G) Ritonavir HIV Infection GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the overall survival in patients (compare with Allele G) Ranitidine Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the overall survival in patients (compare with Allele G) Dexamethasone Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the overall survival in patients (compare with Allele G) Paclitaxel Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug resistance in patients (compare with Allele A); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) Phenytoin Epilepsy GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the dose decrease or drug switching risk (compare with allele A) Atorvastatin Coronary Artery Disease GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the dose decrease or drug switching risk (compare with allele A) Atorvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the dose decrease or drug switching risk (compare with allele A) Simvastatin Coronary Artery Disease GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the dose decrease or drug switching risk (compare with allele A) Simvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with Allele A) Tacrolimus Organ Transplantation GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with allele A) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) Fluorouracil Esophageal Neoplasm GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) Clopidogrel Acute Coronary Syndrome GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) Clopidogrel Myocardial Infarction GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) Cisplatin Esophageal Neoplasm GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) Valproic acid Epilepsy GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) Phenobarbital Epilepsy GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the hyperbilirubinemia risk in patients (compare with allele A); Irrelevant to the severity of hyperbilirubinemia in patients (compare with allele A); Irrelevant to the trough concentration of drug in patients (compare with allele A) Ritonavir HIV Infection GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele A) Paliperidone Schizophrenia GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele A) Risperidone Schizophrenia GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the likelihood of drug toxicity in patients (compare with allele A) Fluorouracil Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the likelihood of drug toxicity in patients (compare with allele A) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased bleeding events in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the decreased drug exposure in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the decreased drug peak plasma concentration (Cmax) and the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) in patients (compare with genotypes GG + AG); Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increase early major adverse cardiovascular events (mACE) risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Clopidogrel Coronary Artery Disease GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased drug dose in patients (compare with genotype AG) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism (compare with genotype GG) Digoxin Congestive Cardiac Insufficiency; Arrhythmias; Heart Failure GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug plasma concentration in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes GG + AG) Fexofenadine Healthy Individuals GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Genotype AA + AG) Fentanyl Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased likelihood of Arthralgia in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Anastrozole Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased likelihood of Postoperative nausea and Vomiting in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Pantoprazole Helicobacter Infections GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Sunitinib Renal Cell Carcinoma GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased osteonecrosis risk in patients (compare with genotypes GG + AG) Methylprednisolone Kidney Transplantation GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased osteonecrosis risk in patients (compare with genotypes GG + AG) Prednisolone Kidney Transplantation GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased agranulocytosis and neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased drug plasma concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Clozapine Schizophrenia GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased anemia and thrombocytopenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Vincristine Lymphoma GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased anemia and thrombocytopenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Doxorubicin Lymphoma GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased anemia and thrombocytopenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Prednisolone Lymphoma GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased anemia and thrombocytopenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased toxic liver disease risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Methotrexate Lymphoma GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke risk in patients (compare with genotypes GG + AG); Correlated with the increased thrombosis risk in pstients(compare with genotypes AG + GG) Clopidogrel Acute Coronary Syndrome GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased cardiovascular events risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased platelet reactivity in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Clopidogrel Myocardial Infarction GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased CD4 t cell count in patients (compare with genotype AG + GG) Nelfinavir HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Tacrolimus Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Talinolol Healthy Individuals GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Methadone Opioid-Related Disorders GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug dose in patients (compare with genotype GG) Methadone Heroin Dependence GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug exposure (compare with genotype GG) Tramadol Pain GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Morphine Pain GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased likelihood of respiratory insufficiency in patients (compare with Genotype AA + AG) Fentanyl Postoperative Pain GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased reduction in pain in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Morphine Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased reduction in total cholesterol in patients (compare with genotype GG) Simvastatin Coronary Artery Disease GPV0001 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Tacrolimus Liver Transplantation GPV0001 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Daunorubicin Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0001 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Cytarabine Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0001 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the neurotoxicity syndromes risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Methotrexate Hematologic Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype AG Correlated with the decreased disease control rate and lower overall survival rate in patients (compare with genotype GG) Paclitaxel Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype AG Correlated with the decreased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0001 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased disease recurrence risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased disease recurrence risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG) Tamoxifen Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG) Methadone Opioid-Related Disorders GPV0001 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased hypokalemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG); Correlated with the increased transplant rejection risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG); Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0001 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased recurrence-free survival in patients (compare with genotype AA) Oxaliplatin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype AG Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0001 Genotype GA Correlated with the increased nonresponse risk in patients Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with genotype AA); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug toxicity in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Fluorouracil Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype AA); Correlated with the decreased drug intracellular and blood concentration in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Cyclosporine Transplantation GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Verapamil Healthy Individuals GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Atorvastatin Coronary Artery Disease GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased survival in patients (compare with genotype AA) Vincristine Multiple Myeloma GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased survival in patients (compare with genotype AA) Dexamethasone Multiple Myeloma GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased survival in patients (compare with genotype AA) Doxorubicin Multiple Myeloma GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased survival rate in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Fluorouracil Esophageal Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased survival rate in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Cisplatin Esophageal Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Fluorouracil Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug clearance (compare with genotype AG) Probenecid Gout; Hyperuricemia GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug clearance (compare with genotype AG) Dicloxacillin Cystic Fibrosis GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype AG); Irrelevant to the drug resistance in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with Genotypes AA + AG) Paliperidone Healthy Individuals GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with Genotypes AA + AG) Risperidone Healthy Individuals GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug metabolism (compare with genotype AA) Digoxin Congestive Cardiac Insufficiency; Arrhythmias; Heart Failure GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Etoposide Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Tacrolimus Liver Transplantation GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype AA) Clopidogrel Hypertension GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype AA) Phenobarbital Epilepsy GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased exanthema and mucositis risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Sunitinib Renal Cell Carcinoma GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased ischaemic events risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Clopidogrel Acute Coronary Syndrome GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased likelihood of 3-year Event Free Survival in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Correlated with the increased likelihood of complete remission in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Cytarabine Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0001 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the decreased survival in patients (compare with genotype AA) Cytarabine Acute Multiple Myeloma GPV0001 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with Allele T); Irrelevant to the drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the glomerular filtration rate in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0001 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Bilirubin HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Tacrolimus Organ Transplantation GPV0001 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Tacrolimus Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0001 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Simvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0001 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug toxicity in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Irinotecan Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug toxicity in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Oxaliplatin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased early major adverse cardiovascular events (mACE) risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the increased high on-treatment platelet reactivity risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Clopidogrel Acute Coronary Syndrome GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Clopidogrel Platelet Reactivity GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the decreased drug trough concentration in patients (compare with genotype GG) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the decreased glomerular filtration rate in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the renal transplant failure risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the transplant rejection risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the decreased lymph node metastases risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Fluorouracil Esophageal Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the decreased lymph node metastases risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Cisplatin Esophageal Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Tacrolimus Lung Transplantation GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) Rivaroxaban Healthy Individuals GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) Dabigatran Healthy Individuals GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Losartan Hypertension GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the mucositis risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased hypertension risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Sorafenib Renal Cell Carcinoma GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased total cholesterol in patients (compare with genotype GG) Sirolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased major adverse cardiovascular events (mACE) risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the all-cause mortality in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the increased high on-treatment platelet reactivity risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the increased ischemic stroke risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the increased major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the increased myocardial Infarction risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the stent thrombosis in patients (compare with genotype GG) Clopidogrel Coronary Artery Disease GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased major cardiovascular events (mACE) risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Clopidogrel Myocardial Infarction GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased overall survival in patients (compare with genotype GG) Cytarabine Acute Multiple Myeloma GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the increased drug discontinuation in patients (compare with genotype GG) Ritonavir HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Paclitaxel Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype AA) Tacrolimus Liver Transplantation GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype AA); Correlated with the increased drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotype AA); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype AA) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype AA) Lamivudine HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype AA) Lopinavir HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype AA) Zidovudine HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype AA) Ritonavir HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Irrelevant to the decreased clinical outcome in patients (compare with genotype AA) Gemcitabine Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Irrelevant to the decreased clinical outcome in patients (compare with genotype AA) Epirubicin Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Irrelevant to the decreased clinical outcome in patients (compare with genotype AA) Docetaxel Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Irrelevant to the decreased clinical outcome in patients (compare with genotype AA) Cisplatin Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype AA); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Tacrolimus Ulcerative Colitis GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Irrelevant to the prognosis in patients (compare with genotype AA) Fluorouracil Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Irrelevant to the prognosis in patients (compare with genotype AA) Leucovorin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Irrelevant to the prognosis in patients (compare with genotype AA) Cisplatin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0002 Allele A Correlated with the decreased myalgia risk in patients (compare with allele G) Simvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0002 Allele A Correlated with the increased drug serum concentrations in patients (compare with allele G) Digoxin Congestive Cardiac Insufficiency; Arrhythmias; Heart Failure GPV0002 Allele A Correlated with the increased likelihood of CnS depression when used drug (compare with allele G) Codeine Pain GPV0002 Allele A Correlated with the increased plasma drug levels in healthy individual (compare with genotype GG) Phenytoin Healthy Individuals GPV0002 Allele A Irrelevant to the dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele G) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0002 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with allele G) Cyclosporine Kidney Transplantation GPV0002 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele G) Tacrolimus Liver Transplantation GPV0002 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0002 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug discontinuation in patients (compare with allele G) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0002 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele G) Sirolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0002 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0002 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Valproic acid Epilepsy GPV0002 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Phenytoin Epilepsy GPV0002 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Phenobarbital Epilepsy GPV0002 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug toxicity in patients (compare with allele G) Sunitinib Renal Cell Carcinoma GPV0002 Allele G Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele A) Methotrexate Osteosarcoma GPV0002 Allele G Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele A) Vincristine Osteosarcoma GPV0002 Allele G Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele A) Cisplatin Osteosarcoma GPV0002 Allele G Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele A) Doxorubicin Osteosarcoma GPV0002 Allele G Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele A) Cyclophosphamide Osteosarcoma GPV0002 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with allele A) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0002 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0002 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Genotype AG + GG ) Fentanyl Neoplasm GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Sunitinib Renal Cell Carcinoma GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased diarrhea and exanthema risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Gefitinib Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug exposure (compare with genotype GG) Tramadol Pain GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased likelihood of respiratory insufficiency in patients (compare with Genotype AG + GG) Fentanyl Postoperative Pain GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased nephrotoxicity risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Cyclosporine Kidney Transplantation GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased overall survival in patients (compare with genotype GG) Oxaliplatin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased reduction in total cholesterol in patients (compare with genotype GG) Simvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased triglycerides in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Sirolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased trough blood concentration in patients (compare with genotype GG) Cyclosporine Myasthenia Gravis GPV0002 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Daunorubicin Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0002 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Cytarabine Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0002 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the increased success rate in achieving short-term remission in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Tacrolimus Ulcerative Colitis GPV0002 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased drug trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0002 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug toxicity in patients (compare with genotype GG) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis; Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0002 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased overall survival in patients (compare with genotype GG) Oxaliplatin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0002 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Tacrolimus Liver Transplantation GPV0002 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug exposure in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Sirolimus Urinary Bladder Neoplasm GPV0002 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug exposure in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Temsirolimus Urinary Bladder Neoplasm GPV0002 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Simvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0002 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0002 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased survival in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Cytarabine Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0002 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Gefitinib Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0002 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the decreased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Sunitinib Renal Cell Carcinoma GPV0002 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype GG) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0002 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug resistance (compare with genotype GG) Clopidogrel Acute Coronary Syndrome GPV0002 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Risperidone Autistic Disorder GPV0002 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0002 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased infection risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Tacrolimus Heart Transplantation GPV0002 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased infection risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Cyclosporine Heart Transplantation GPV0002 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased overall survival in patients (compare with genotype GG) Cytarabine Acute Multiple Myeloma GPV0002 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype AA) Tacrolimus Ulcerative Colitis GPV0002 Genotypes AG + GG Irrelevant to the mucositis risk in patients (compare with genotype AA) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0003 Allele A Correlated with the increased drug serum concentrations in patients (compare with allele C) Digoxin Congestive Cardiac Insufficiency; Arrhythmias; Heart Failure GPV0003 Allele A Correlated with the increased likelihood of lymphopenia in patients (compare with allele C) Everolimus Breast Neoplasm GPV0003 Allele A Correlated with the increased transplant rejection risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Mycophenolate mofetil Kidney Transplantation GPV0003 Allele A Correlated with the increased transplant rejection risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Cyclosporine Kidney Transplantation GPV0003 Allele A Irrelevant to the dose decrease or drug switching risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Atorvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0003 Allele A Irrelevant to the dose decrease or drug switching risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Simvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0003 Allele A Irrelevant to the dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with allele C); Irrelevant to the drug trough concentrations in patients (compare with Allele C) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0003 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele C) Tacrolimus Hemopoietic Stem Cell Transplant GPV0003 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele C) Tacrolimus Liver Transplantation GPV0003 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug-induced liver injury risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Atorvastatin Coronary Artery Disease GPV0003 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele A) Sirolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0003 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele A) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0003 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele A); Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0003 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) Pravastatin Hyperlipoproteinemia GPV0003 Allele C Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Valproic acid Epilepsy GPV0003 Allele C Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Phenytoin Epilepsy GPV0003 Allele C Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Phenobarbital Epilepsy GPV0003 Allele T Correlated with the drug-resistant phenotype in patients (compare with allele C) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0003 Allele T Correlated with the drug-resistant phenotype in patients (compare with allele C) Valproic acid Epilepsy GPV0003 Allele T Correlated with the drug-resistant phenotype in patients (compare with allele C) Phenytoin Epilepsy GPV0003 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele A); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients(compare with allele C) Atorvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0003 Allele T Correlated with the increased Hemorrhage risk in patients (compare with allele A) Clopidogrel Coronary Artery Disease GPV0003 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype CC) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0003 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype CC) Doxorubicin Leukemia GPV0003 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) Anastrozole Breast Neoplasm GPV0003 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug exposure (compare with genotype CC) Tramadol Pain GPV0003 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug resistance risk in patients (compare with genotypes CC + AC) Cyclosporine Ulcerative Colitis GPV0003 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug trough blood concentration in patients (compare with genotype CC) Cyclosporine Myasthenia Gravis GPV0003 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0003 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased likelihood of respiratory insufficiency in patients (compare with Genotype AA) Fentanyl Postoperative Pain GPV0003 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased reduction in total cholesterol in patients (compare with genotype CC) Simvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0003 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in vitro (compare with genotypes CC + AC) Mitoxantrone Breast Neoplasm GPV0003 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) Daunorubicin Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0003 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) Cytarabine Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0003 Genotype AC Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + CC) Methadone Opioid-Related Disorders GPV0003 Genotype AC Correlated with the increased reduction in total cholesterol in patients (compare with genotype CC) Simvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0003 Genotype AT Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with allele C) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0003 Genotype AT Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with allele C) Cyclosporine Kidney Transplantation GPV0003 Genotype CC Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes AC + Ct) Methadone Opioid-Related Disorders GPV0003 Genotype CC Correlated with the decreased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Rivaroxaban Healthy Individuals GPV0003 Genotype CC Correlated with the decreased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Dabigatran Healthy Individuals GPV0003 Genotype CC Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Verapamil Healthy Individuals GPV0003 Genotype CC Correlated with the decreased survival in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Cytarabine Acute Multiple Myeloma GPV0003 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype AA) Cyclosporine Cystic Fibrosis GPV0003 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype AA) Dicloxacillin Cystic Fibrosis GPV0003 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug metabolism (compare with genotype AA) Digoxin Congestive Cardiac Insufficiency; Arrhythmias; Heart Failure GPV0003 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Temsirolimus Urinary Bladder Neoplasm GPV0003 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Atorvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0003 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased percent reduction in LDL-cholesterol in patients Pravastatin Acute Coronary Syndrome GPV0003 Genotypes AA + AC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Atorvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0003 Genotypes AA + AC Irrelevant to the increased overall survival in patients (compare with genotype CC) Cytarabine Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0003 Genotypes AA + AT Correlated with the decreased overall survival in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) Sunitinib Renal Cell Carcinoma GPV0003 Genotypes AA + AT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) Paclitaxel Ovarian Neoplasm GPV0003 Genotypes AA + TT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Tacrolimus Nephrotic Syndrome GPV0003 Genotypes AC + CC Correlated with the decreased drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations as in patients (compare with genotypes AA + Ct); Correlated with the increased drug dose in patients (compare with genotypes AA + Ct) Cyclosporine Kidney Transplantation GPV0003 Genotypes AC + CC Correlated with the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype AA) Ritonavir HIV Infection GPV0003 Genotypes AC + CC Correlated with the increased drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotype AA) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0003 Genotypes AC + CC Correlated with the increased likelihood of constipation in patients (compare with genotype AA) Fentanyl Neoplasm GPV0003 Genotypes AC + CT Correlated with the increased drug trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotype CC) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0003 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased likelihood of constipation in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Fentanyl Neoplasm GPV0003 Genotypes CC + CT Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AC + At) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0003 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the decreased survival in patients(compare with Genotypes AC + CC) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0003 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the decreased survival in patients(compare with Genotypes AC + CC) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0004 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) Citalopram Depression GPV0005 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Citalopram Depression GPV0006 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) Fluorouracil Neoplasm GPV0007 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype At) Fluvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0008 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with Allele A) Citalopram Major Depressive Disorder GPV0008 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with Allele A) Fluvoxamine Major Depressive Disorder GPV0008 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Citalopram Bipolar Disorder GPV0008 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype AA) Citalopram Depression GPV0008 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype AA) Fluvoxamine Depression GPV0009 Allele C Irrelevant to the anemia, neutropenia or thrombocytopenia risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Dexamethasone Multiple Myeloma GPV0009 Allele C Irrelevant to the anemia, neutropenia or thrombocytopenia risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Lenalidomide Multiple Myeloma GPV0009 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased diarrhea and vomiting risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Vincristine Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma GPV0009 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased diarrhea and vomiting risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Doxorubicin Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma GPV0009 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased diarrhea and vomiting risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Cyclophosphamide Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma GPV0009 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0009 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) Vincristine Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0009 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) Doxorubicin Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0009 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) Prednisolone Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0009 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased likelihood of progression-free survival in patients (compare with genotype CC); Irrelevant to the likelihood of overall survival in patients (compare with genotype CC) Dexamethasone Multiple Myeloma GPV0009 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased likelihood of progression-free survival in patients (compare with genotype CC); Irrelevant to the likelihood of overall survival in patients (compare with genotype CC) Lenalidomide Multiple Myeloma GPV0009 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Valganciclovir Kidney Transplantation GPV0009 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased renal transplant failure risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0010 Allele A Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Citalopram Depression GPV0010 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Citalopram Depression GPV0011 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with allele C) Citalopram Major Depressive Disorder GPV0011 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with allele C) Fluvoxamine Major Depressive Disorder GPV0011 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Citalopram Depression GPV0011 Genotype CT Correlated with the decreased periorbital edema risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Imatinib Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors GPV0012 Allele C Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele A) Daunorubicin Neoplasm GPV0012 Allele C Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele A) Doxorubicin Neoplasm GPV0013 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Citalopram Depression GPV0014 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Citalopram Major Depressive Disorder GPV0015 Allele G Correlated with the increased hypercholesterolemia risk in patients (compare with Allele A) Atenolol Hypertension GPV0017 Allele C Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Methotrexate Osteosarcoma GPV0017 Allele C Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Vincristine Osteosarcoma GPV0017 Allele C Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Cisplatin Osteosarcoma GPV0017 Allele C Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Doxorubicin Osteosarcoma GPV0017 Allele C Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Cyclophosphamide Osteosarcoma GPV0017 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0017 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0018 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Citalopram Major Depressive Disorder GPV0018 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) Citalopram Depression GPV0018 Genotype TT Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype Ct) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0019 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) Citalopram Depression GPV0019 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype AA) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0020 Allele A Correlated with the decreased neurotoxicity syndromes risk in patients (compare with allele G) Vincristine Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0022 Allele A Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Citalopram Depression GPV0022 Allele G Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Allele A) Clozapine Schizophrenia GPV0023 Allele C Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele T) Methadone Opioid-Related Disorders GPV0023 Allele T Irrelevant to the drug trough concentration in patients (compare with allele C) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0023 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Tacrolimus Lung Transplantation GPV0023 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the decreased drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0023 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased respiratory insufficiency risk (compare with Genotype TT) Morphine Neoplasm GPV0024 Allele C Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Atorvastatin Hyperlipidemias GPV0024 Allele C Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Pravastatin Hyperlipidemias GPV0024 Allele C Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Simvastatin Hyperlipidemias GPV0025 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased HDL-cholesterol in patients (compare with genotype CC) Pravastatin Coronary Disease GPV0027 Allele A Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) Clozapine Schizophrenia GPV0027 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) Citalopram Depression GPV0028 Allele G Correlated with the increased hypercholesterolemia risk in patients (compare with Allele A) Atenolol Hypertension GPV0029 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0029 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0029 Allele C Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Methotrexate Osteosarcoma GPV0029 Allele C Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Vincristine Osteosarcoma GPV0029 Allele C Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Cisplatin Osteosarcoma GPV0029 Allele C Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Doxorubicin Osteosarcoma GPV0029 Allele C Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Cyclophosphamide Osteosarcoma GPV0030 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) Citalopram Depression GPV0031 Allele G Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele T) Daunorubicin Neoplasm GPV0031 Allele G Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele T) Doxorubicin Neoplasm GPV0032 Allele T Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Daunorubicin Neoplasm GPV0032 Allele T Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Doxorubicin Neoplasm GPV0033 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased drug toxicity in patients (compare with genotype CC) Haloperidol Psychotic Disorders GPV0034 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased changes in FEV1 in patients (compare with genotype CC) Montelukast Asthma GPV0035 Allele T Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele G) Daunorubicin Neoplasm GPV0035 Allele T Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele G) Doxorubicin Neoplasm GPV0036 Allele T Correlated with the increased cardiotoxicity risk in patients (compare with allele G) Doxorubicin Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma GPV0038 Allele G Correlated with the increased kidney tubular dysfunction in patients (compare with Allele A) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0039 Genotype CG Correlated with the increased drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotype CC) Pravastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0039 Genotype CG Correlated with the increased expression of ABCC2 mRnA in human liver samples (compare with genotype CC) Pravastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0040 Genotype CC Irrelevant to the neutropenia in patients (compare with genotypes CG + GG) Docetaxel Neoplasm GPV0040 Genotypes CG + GG Correlated with the decreased drug clearance (compare with genotype CC) Docetaxel Breast Neoplasm GPV0041 Allele A Correlated with the decreased renal proximal tubulopathy risk in patients (compare with Allele T); Irrelevant to the increased kidney tubular dysfunction risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0041 Allele A Correlated with the increased cardiotoxicity risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Doxorubicin Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma GPV0042 Allele A Correlated with the decreased drug exposure in patients (compare with allele G) Mycophenolic acid Kidney Transplantation GPV0042 Allele A Correlated with the increased renal proximal tubulopathy risk in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the increased fanconi syndrome risk in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the increased kidney tubular dysfunction risk in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the likelihood of kidney diseases in patients (compare with Allele G) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0042 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug discontinuation in patients (compare with allele G) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0042 Allele A Irrelevant to the number of seizures per year in patients (compare with Allele G) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0042 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with allele A) Mycophenolic acid Kidney Transplantation GPV0042 Allele G Irrelevant to the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with allele A) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0042 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug toxicity in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0042 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Mycophenolic acid Lung Transplantation GPV0042 Genotype AG Correlated with the relationship with drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype GG) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0042 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Fluorouracil Breast Neoplasm GPV0042 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0042 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0042 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the any pharmacokinetic parameters measured in the study in patients (compare with genotype AA) Mycophenolic acid Kidney Transplantation GPV0042 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype GG) Irinotecan Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0042 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased neurological ADR risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0042 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased overall survival and progression-free survival in patients (compare with genotype GG) Cisplatin Mesothelioma GPV0042 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased overall survival and progression-free survival in patients (compare with genotype GG) Pemetrexed Mesothelioma GPV0042 Genotypes AA + AG Irrelevant to the glomerular disease in patients (compare with genotype GG) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0043 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased recurrence of breast cancer risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Tamoxifen Breast Neoplasm GPV0043 Genotype AG Irrelevant to the disease recurrence risk in patients (compare with genotype AA) Tamoxifen Breast Neoplasm GPV0043 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased drug plasma level in patients (compare with genotype AA); Correlated with the increased toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotype AA) Methotrexate Acute B-Cell Leukemia GPV0044 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele T) Mycophenolic acid Kidney Transplantation GPV0044 Allele T Irrelevant to the drug trough concentration in patients (compare with allele C) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0044 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT); Irrelevant to the neutropenia in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Irinotecan Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0044 Genotype CC Irrelevant to the any pharmacokinetic parameters measured in the study (compare with Genotype TT) Mycophenolic acid Organ Transplantation GPV0044 Genotype CT Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes CC + tt) Mycophenolic acid Lung Transplantation GPV0044 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Fluorouracil Breast Neoplasm GPV0044 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0044 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0044 Genotype TT Irrelevant to the drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0044 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the decreased drug dose in patients (compare with genotype CC); Correlated with the increased drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotype CC) Tacrolimus Kidney Transplantation GPV0044 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype CC) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0044 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased nausea risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Fluorouracil Breast Neoplasm GPV0044 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased nausea risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0044 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased nausea risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0045 Allele C Irrelevant to the nephrotoxicity risk in patients (compare with Allele T); Irrelevant to the prolonged high drug concentrations risk patients (compare with Allele T) Methotrexate Leukemia GPV0045 Allele T Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele C); Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with Allele C ) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0045 Allele T Correlated with the drug exposure in patients (compare with allele C) Mycophenolic acid Kidney Transplantation GPV0045 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk (compare with Genotype CC) Lopinavir HIV Infection GPV0045 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk (compare with Genotype CC) Ritonavir HIV Infection GPV0045 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk (compare with Genotype CC); Irrelevant to the likelihood of kidney diseases in patients (compare with allele C) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0045 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Fluorouracil Colonic Neoplasm GPV0045 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Leucovorin Colonic Neoplasm GPV0045 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Oxaliplatin Colonic Neoplasm GPV0045 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased exanthema risk in patients (compare with genotype Ct) Sorafenib Renal Cell Carcinoma GPV0045 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased kidney tubular dysfunction risk in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT); Irrelevant to the increased renal proximal tubulopathy risk in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0045 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Tamoxifen Breast Neoplasm GPV0045 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug metabolism (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Erythromycin Bacterial Infections GPV0045 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased severity of neurotoxicity syndromes in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Fluorouracil Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0045 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased severity of neurotoxicity syndromes in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Leucovorin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0045 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased severity of neurotoxicity syndromes in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Oxaliplatin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0045 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Atorvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0045 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype CC) Methotrexate Lymphoid GPV0045 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug distribution volume in patients (compare with genotype CC) Leucovorin Leukemia GPV0045 Genotypes CT + TT Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0045 Genotypes CT + TT Irrelevant to the glomerular disease in patients (compare with genotype CC) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0046 Genotype CT Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype CC) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0047 Allele T Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype CC) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0048 Allele A Correlated with the higher drug accumulation in patients (compare with genotype GG) Lopinavir HIV Infection GPV0048 Allele A Correlated with the increased cardiotoxicity risk in patients (compare with allele G) Doxorubicin Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma GPV0049 Allele G Correlated with the increased ototoxicity risk in patients (compare with Allele A); Irrelevant to the ototoxicity risk in patients (compare with allele A) Cisplatin Neoplasm GPV0049 Allele G Irrelevant to the likelihood of ototoxicity in patients (compare with allele A) Cisplatin Testicular Neoplasm GPV0050 Allele T Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with allele C) Methotrexate Osteosarcoma GPV0050 Allele T Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with allele C) Vincristine Osteosarcoma GPV0050 Allele T Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with allele C) Cisplatin Osteosarcoma GPV0050 Allele T Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with allele C) Doxorubicin Osteosarcoma GPV0050 Allele T Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with allele C) Cyclophosphamide Osteosarcoma GPV0051 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Morphine Pain GPV0052 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of kidney diseases in patients (compare with Allele A) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0053 Genotype AC Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Latanoprost Open-Angle Glaucoma GPV0053 Genotype AC Correlated with the increased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Valganciclovir Kidney Transplantation GPV0056 Genotype CT Correlated with the decreased overall survival in patients (compare with genotype CC) Irinotecan Small Cell Carcinoma GPV0056 Genotype CT Correlated with the decreased overall survival in patients (compare with genotype CC) Cisplatin Small Cell Carcinoma GPV0057 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) Furosemide Heart Failure GPV0058 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased mucositis risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0059 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Imatinib Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors GPV0060 Allele T Correlated with the increased adverse drug reaction risk in patients (compare with allele G) Fluorouracil Breast Neoplasm GPV0060 Allele T Correlated with the increased adverse drug reaction risk in patients (compare with allele G) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0060 Allele T Correlated with the increased adverse drug reaction risk in patients (compare with allele G); Correlated with the increased gastrointestinal toxicity risk in patients (compare with allele G); Correlated with the increased severity of neutropenia in patients (compare with allele G) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0061 Allele T Correlated with the decreased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Irinotecan Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0061 Allele T Correlated with the decreased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Fluorouracil Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0061 Allele T Correlated with the decreased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Leucovorin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0062 Allele A Correlated with the increased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Irinotecan Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0062 Allele A Correlated with the increased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Fluorouracil Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0062 Allele A Correlated with the increased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Leucovorin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0063 Allele C Correlated with the increased toxicity risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Docetaxel Prostatic Neoplasm GPV0064 Allele T Correlated with the decreased drug concentration in healthy individuals (compare with allele C) Montelukast Healthy Individuals GPV0065 Allele T Correlated with the increased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Irinotecan Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0065 Allele T Correlated with the increased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Fluorouracil Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0065 Allele T Correlated with the increased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Leucovorin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0066 Allele G Correlated with the increased sensitivity of drug in K562 cells (compare with Allele A) Nilotinib Chronic myelogenous leukaemia GPV0066 Allele G Correlated with the increased sensitivity of drug in K562 cells (compare with Allele A) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0066 Allele G Correlated with the increased sensitivity of drug in K562 cells (compare with Allele A) Dasatinib Bacterial infections GPV0067 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes tt + Ct) Methotrexate Psoriasis GPV0067 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0068 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased mucositis risk in patients (compare with genotype AA) Methotrexate Osteosarcoma GPV0069 Allele T Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in K562 cells (compare with allele C) Nilotinib Chronic myelogenous leukaemia GPV0069 Allele T Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in K562 cells (compare with allele C) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0069 Allele T Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in K562 cells (compare with allele C) Dasatinib Bacterial infections GPV0069 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with genotype CC); Irrelevant to the neutropenia in patients (compare with genotype CC) Irinotecan Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0070 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with Allele T); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Lamotrigine Epilepsy GPV0070 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug discontinuation in patients (compare with Allele T) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0070 Allele G Irrelevant to the severity of neutropenia in patients (compare with Allele T) Gemcitabine Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0070 Allele T Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with allele G); Correlated with the increased drug dose in patients (compare with allele G) Allopurinol Gout GPV0070 Allele T Correlated with the decreased LDL-C in patients (compare with allele G); Correlated with the increased drug plasma concentrations in patients (compare with allele G); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele G); Correlated with the increased reduction in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) level in patients (compare with allele G) Rosuvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0070 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with allele G) Lamotrigine Epilepsy GPV0070 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with allele G) Rosuvastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0070 Allele T Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in K562 cells (compare with allele G) Nilotinib Chronic myelogenous leukaemia GPV0070 Allele T Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in K562 cells (compare with allele G) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0070 Allele T Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in K562 cells (compare with allele G) Dasatinib Bacterial infections GPV0070 Allele T Irrelevant to the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with allele G) Gefitinib Lung Neoplasm GPV0070 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes GT + TT) Leucovorin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0070 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes GT + TT); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes GT + TT) Fluorouracil Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0070 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes GT + TT); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes GT + TT) Oxaliplatin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0070 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased percentage change in LDL-cholesterol levels in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Rosuvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0070 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of drug in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes tt + Gt) Rosuvastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0070 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes GT + TT) Irinotecan Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0070 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with Genotypes GT + TT); Irrelevant to the increased likelihood of drug toxicity in patients (compare with Genotypes GT + TT) Gefitinib Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0070 Genotype GT Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype GG) Imatinib Neoplasm GPV0070 Genotype GT Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Fluorouracil Breast Neoplasm GPV0070 Genotype GT Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0070 Genotype GT Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0070 Genotype GT Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) Sulfasalazine Healthy Individuals GPV0070 Genotype GT Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) Rosuvastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0070 Genotype GT Correlated with the increased likelihood of diarrhea in patients (compare with genotype GG) Gefitinib Lung Neoplasm GPV0070 Genotype TT Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes GG + Gt) Sulfasalazine Healthy Individuals GPV0070 Genotype TT Correlated with the decreased likelihood of adverse events in patients (compare with genotype GG) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0070 Genotype TT Correlated with the decreased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes GG + Gt); Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotypes GG + Gt); Correlated with the increased hand-foot syndrome risk in patients (compare with genotypes GG + Gt); Correlated with the increased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes GG + Gt); Correlated with the increased thrombocytopenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes GG + Gt); Irrelevant to the anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes GG + Gt) Sunitinib Renal Cell Carcinoma GPV0070 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Apixaban Atrial Fibrillation GPV0070 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes GG + Gt) Lamotrigine Epilepsy GPV0070 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes GG + Gt) Dolutegravir HIV Infection GPV0070 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes GG + Gt) Fluvastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0070 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes GG + Gt) Simvastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0070 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug plasma concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Rosuvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0070 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes GG + Gt) Rosuvastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0070 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of drug in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes GG + Gt) Atorvastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0070 Genotypes GG + GT Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Apixaban Atrial Fibrillation GPV0070 Genotypes GT + TT Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Allopurinol Gout GPV0070 Genotypes GT + TT Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Lamotrigine Epilepsy GPV0070 Genotypes GT + TT Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0070 Genotypes GT + TT Correlated with the increased drug exposure in patients (compare with genotype GG) Sunitinib Neoplasm GPV0070 Genotypes GT + TT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Sulfasalazine Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0070 Genotypes GT + TT Correlated with the increased progression-free survival in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased severity of thrombocytopenia in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the overall survival in patients (compare with genotype GG) Gemcitabine Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0071 Allele C Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in K562 cells (compare with Allele G) Nilotinib Chronic myelogenous leukaemia GPV0071 Allele C Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in K562 cells (compare with Allele G) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0071 Allele C Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in K562 cells (compare with Allele G) Dasatinib Bacterial infections GPV0072 Allele T Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in K562 cells (compare with allele C) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0072 Allele T Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in K562 cells (compare with allele C) Dasatinib Bacterial infections GPV0073 Allele C Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in K562 cells (compare with Allele A) Nilotinib Chronic myelogenous leukaemia GPV0073 Allele C Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in K562 cells (compare with Allele A) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0073 Allele C Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in K562 cells (compare with Allele A) Dasatinib Bacterial infections GPV0075 Allele A Correlated with the increased grade 3-4 nonhematological toxicity risk in patients (compare with allele G); Correlated with the increased tumor response rate in patients (compare with allele G) Irinotecan Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0075 Allele A Correlated with the increased grade 3-4 nonhematological toxicity risk in patients (compare with allele G); Correlated with the increased tumor response rate in patients (compare with allele G) Fluorouracil Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0075 Allele A Correlated with the increased grade 3-4 nonhematological toxicity risk in patients (compare with allele G); Correlated with the increased tumor response rate in patients (compare with allele G) Leucovorin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0076 Genotype CG Correlated with the increase coronary artery disease risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Atorvastatin Coronary Artery Disease GPV0076 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotype CG) Atorvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0076 Genotypes CC + CG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Atorvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0077 Allele A Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with allele G) Docetaxel Prostatic Neoplasm GPV0078 Allele A Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele G) Daunorubicin Neoplasm GPV0078 Allele A Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele G) Doxorubicin Neoplasm GPV0079 Allele A Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele G) Daunorubicin Neoplasm GPV0079 Allele A Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele G) Doxorubicin Neoplasm GPV0081 Allele C Correlated with the increased 24-h excretion of chloride and potassium in healthy individuals (compare with Allele G) Torsemide Healthy Individuals GPV0081 Allele C Correlated with the increased 24-h excretion of chloride and potassium in healthy individuals (compare with Allele G) Furosemide Healthy Individuals GPV0081 Allele C Correlated with the increased 24-h excretion of chloride and potassium in healthy individuals (compare with Allele G) Bumetanide Healthy Individuals GPV0081 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) Torsemide Healthy Individuals GPV0081 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) Furosemide Healthy Individuals GPV0081 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) Bumetanide Healthy Individuals GPV0083 Genotype AA Correlated with the larger mean changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients (compare with genotype GG) Nifedipine Hypertension GPV0083 Genotype GA Correlated with the larger mean changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients (compare with genotype GG) Nifedipine Hypertension GPV0084 Genotype AA Correlated with the smaller mean changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients (compare with genotype GG) Nifedipine Hypertension GPV0084 Genotype GA Correlated with the Smaller mean changes in systolic and diastolic blood pressure in patients (compare with genotype GG) Nifedipine Hypertension GPV0085 Genotype CC Correlated with the decreased progression-free survival in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Sorafenib Hepatocellular Carcinoma GPV0086 Allele T Correlated with the decreased likelihood of ototoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Cisplatin Testicular Neoplasm GPV0087 Allele A Correlated with the increased drug non-response risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0088 Allele C Correlated with the increased vomiting in patients (compare with Allele T); Irrelevant to the differences in plasma or cerebrospinal fluid homocysteine levels or in toxicity in patients (compare with Allele T); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0088 Allele C Irrelevant to the nephrotoxicity risk in patients (compare with Allele T); Irrelevant to the prolonged high drug concentrations risk patients (compare with Allele T) Methotrexate Leukemia GPV0088 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Folic Acid Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0088 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Sulfasalazine Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0088 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Hydroxychloroquine Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0088 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0088 Allele T Correlated with the worse prognose in patients (compare with genotype CC) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0088 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Irinotecan Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0088 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Fluorouracil Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0088 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Leucovorin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0088 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0088 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased likelihood of toxic liver disease in patients (compare with genotypes tt + Ct) Mercaptopurine Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0088 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased likelihood of toxic liver disease in patients (compare with genotypes tt + Ct) Leucovorin Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0088 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased likelihood of toxic liver disease in patients (compare with genotypes tt + Ct); Correlated with the increased severity of mucositis risk in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0088 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased overall survival in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Methotrexate Osteosarcoma GPV0088 Genotype CT Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0088 Genotype TT Correlated with the decreased disease activity in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT); Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC); Correlated with the increased aminotransferase activity in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT); Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype CC); Correlated with the increased methotrexate polyglutamate (mtXPG3-5) levels in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0088 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased likelihood of myelosuppression in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT); Correlated with the increased likelihood of staying in remission in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT); Correlated with the increased likelihood of toxic liver disease in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT); Correlated with the increased plasma drug levels in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT); Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT); Irrelevant to the drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0088 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased likelihood of staying in remission in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Mercaptopurine Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0088 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased likelihood of staying in remission in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Leucovorin Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0088 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased neoplasm metastasis risk in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Methotrexate Osteosarcoma GPV0088 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased toxic liver disease risk in patients (compare with genotype CC); Irrelevant to the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype CC) Methotrexate Lymphoma GPV0088 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased gastrointestinal toxicity risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the increased severity of disease in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0088 Genotypes CC + CT Irrelevant to the mucositis risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0088 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the decreased drug discontinuation in patients (compare with genotype CC); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0088 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Mercaptopurine Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0088 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotype CC); Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype CC) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0088 Genotypes TT + CT Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug toxicity in patients (compare with genotype CC) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0088 Genotypes TT + CT Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug toxicity in patients (compare with genotype CC); Correlated with the increased likelihood of treatment interruptions in patients (compare with genotype CC) Mercaptopurine Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0089 Allele G Correlated with the increased progression-free survival in patients (compare with Allele A) Pemetrexed Lung Neoplasm GPV0089 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the decreased overall survival in patients (compare with genotype GG) Pemetrexed Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0090 Allele A Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) Fluorouracil Uterine Cervical Neoplasm GPV0090 Allele A Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) Cisplatin Uterine Cervical Neoplasm GPV0090 Allele A Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) Carboplatin Uterine Cervical Neoplasm GPV0091 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0092 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of treatment inefficacy in patients (compare with allele C) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0096 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug bioavailability (AUC, CL & AUC/CL ratio) Metformin Diabetes Mellitus GPV0096 Allele T Correlated with the higher o-desmethyltramadol plasma concentrations in healthy individuals (compare with allele C) Tramadol Healthy Individuals GPV0096 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with allele C) Metformin Healthy Individuals GPV0096 Allele T Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Metformin Diabetes Mellitus GPV0096 Allele T Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Metformin Polycystic Ovary Syndrome GPV0096 Genotype TT Correlated with the decreased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotype CC) Metformin Healthy Individuals GPV0097 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Metformin Healthy Individuals GPV0099 Genotype DEL Correlated with the increased plasma concentrations of o-desmethyltramadol in healthy individuals (compare with allele A) Tramadol Healthy Individuals GPV0100 Allele GTAAGTTG Correlated with the gastrointestinal side effects in patients (compare with allele del) Metformin Diabetes Mellitus GPV0102 Allele A Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with allele G); Correlated with the gastrointestinal toxicity in patients (compare with allele G) Metformin Diabetes Mellitus GPV0102 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Lamotrigine Epilepsy GPV0102 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug dose in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Lamotrigine Epilepsy GPV0102 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Lamotrigine Epilepsy GPV0103 Genotype CC Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes CG + GG); Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes CG + GG) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0103 Genotypes CG + GG Correlated with the increased conjunctival hemorrhage risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Imatinib Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors GPV0104 Genotype GAT/DEL Correlated with the decreased drug trough steady-state concentration in patients (compare with genotype GAt/GAt) Metformin Diabetes Mellitus GPV0105 Allele A Irrelevant to the likelihood of febrile neutropenia in patients (compare with Allele G) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0105 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug toxicity in patients (compare with Allele A) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0105 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug toxicity in patients (compare with Allele A) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0106 Allele G Correlated with the decreased likelihood of dose delay in patients (compare with Allele A) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0106 Allele G Correlated with the decreased likelihood of dose delay in patients (compare with Allele A) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0106 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the decreased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with Genotype AA) Fluorouracil Breast Neoplasm GPV0106 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the decreased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with Genotype AA) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0106 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the decreased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with Genotype AA) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0107 Allele C Correlated with the decreased likelihood of dose delay in patients (compare with Allele T) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0107 Allele C Correlated with the decreased likelihood of dose delay in patients (compare with Allele T) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0107 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of drug in patients (compare with genotypes tt + Ct) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0107 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased nausea risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Fluorouracil Breast Neoplasm GPV0107 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased nausea risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0107 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased nausea risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0108 Allele G Correlated with the decreased likelihood of dose delay in patients (compare with Allele A) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0108 Allele G Correlated with the decreased likelihood of dose delay in patients (compare with Allele A) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0109 Allele A Correlated with the decreased ototoxicity risk in patients (compare with allele C) Cisplatin Neoplasm GPV0109 Allele A Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele C) Daunorubicin Neoplasm GPV0109 Allele A Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele C) Doxorubicin Neoplasm GPV0109 Allele A Irrelevant to the steady-state concentration of metformin in healthy individuals (compare with Allele C) Metformin Healthy Individuals GPV0109 Allele C Irrelevant to the likelihood of ototoxicity in patients (compare with Allele A) Cisplatin Testicular Neoplasm GPV0109 Genotype AC Correlated with the decreased nephrotoxicity risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Cisplatin Neoplasm GPV0109 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug clearance (compare with genotypes AA + AC) L-Tryptophan Depression GPV0109 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotype AC) Metformin Healthy Individuals GPV0109 Genotype CC Irrelevant to the increased likelihood of nephrotoxicity in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Cisplatin Neoplasm GPV0110 Allele G Correlated with the decreased drug response in healthy individuals (compare with Allele C) Metformin Healthy Individuals GPV0110 Allele G Correlated with the decreased expression of SLC22A3 (compare with Allele C) Metformin Diabetes Mellitus GPV0111 Allele T Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism (compare with allele C) Metformin Diabetes Mellitus GPV0112 Allele T Correlated with the decreased the drug K(m) (compare with Allele C); Irrelevant to the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with allele C) Cidofovir Cytomegalovirus Infection GPV0112 Allele T Correlated with the decreased the drug K(m) (compare with Allele C); Irrelevant to the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with allele C) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0112 Allele T Irrelevant to the the drug uptake (compare wuth Allele C) Methotrexate Acute B-Cell Leukemia GPV0115 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased hematologic toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Gemcitabine Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0116 Allele C Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele A) Daunorubicin Neoplasm GPV0116 Allele C Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele A) Doxorubicin Neoplasm GPV0117 Allele T Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Daunorubicin Neoplasm GPV0117 Allele T Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Doxorubicin Neoplasm GPV0118 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) Gemcitabine Pancreatic Neoplasm GPV0118 Genotype CC Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC); Correlated with the decreased hematologic toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Gemcitabine Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0119 Genotype CC Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT); Correlated with the decreased hematologic toxicity risk in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Gemcitabine Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0119 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Ribavirin Hepatitis C GPV0120 Allele A Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele C) Daunorubicin Neoplasm GPV0120 Allele A Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele C) Doxorubicin Neoplasm GPV0121 Allele A Correlated with the decreased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Daunorubicin Neoplasm GPV0121 Allele A Correlated with the decreased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Doxorubicin Neoplasm GPV0123 Allele A Correlated with the decreased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Daunorubicin Neoplasm GPV0123 Allele A Correlated with the decreased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Doxorubicin Neoplasm GPV0124 Allele G Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Allele C) Gemcitabine Breast Neoplasm GPV0124 Allele G Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Allele C) Paclitaxel Breast Neoplasm GPV0125 Allele A Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) Gemcitabine Breast Neoplasm GPV0125 Allele A Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) Paclitaxel Breast Neoplasm GPV0125 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Gemcitabine Pancreatic Neoplasm GPV0125 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Ribavirin Chronic Hepatitis C GPV0125 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Trifluridine Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0126 Genotype CC Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Gemcitabine Pancreatic Neoplasm GPV0126 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Trifluridine Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0126 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Gemcitabine Pancreatic Neoplasm GPV0127 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Metformin Diabetes Mellitus GPV0128 Allele A Correlated with the decreased aspirin-induced asthma risk in patients (compare with allele G) Aspirin Asthma GPV0132 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased overall survival in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Cisplatin Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0132 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased overall survival in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Carboplatin Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0134 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Metformin Polycystic Ovary Syndrome GPV0134 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in healthy individuals (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Metformin Healthy Individuals GPV0134 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Metformin Diabetes Mellitus GPV0135 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Metformin Diabetes Mellitus GPV0135 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Metformin Polycystic Ovary Syndrome GPV0135 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Metformin Diabetes Mellitus GPV0135 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Metformin Diabetes Mellitus GPV0136 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Metformin Polycystic Ovary Syndrome GPV0136 Allele A Irrelevant to the steady-state concentration of metformin in healthy individuals (compare with Allele G) Metformin Healthy Individuals GPV0136 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug response in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased drug renal clearance and secretion clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the differences in the plasma metformin concentration versus time curve or the maximum metformin concentration in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the drug glucose-lowering effect in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) Metformin Healthy Individuals GPV0136 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Metformin Diabetes Mellitus GPV0136 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the increased drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Metformin Healthy Individuals GPV0136 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased renal and secretory drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) Metformin Healthy Individuals GPV0137 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug renal clearance and secretion clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the differences in the plasma metformin concentration versus time curve or the maximum drug concentration in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the drug glucose-lowering effect in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) Metformin Healthy Individuals GPV0138 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of asthma in patients (compare with Allele A) Aspirin Asthma GPV0143 Allele A Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Clozapine Schizophrenia GPV0144 Genotype CACATACCATGCAACATACACACTCAGACA/CACATACCATGCAACATACACACTCAGACA Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes CACAtACCAtGCAACAtACACACtCAGACA/del + del/del) Levodopa Parkinson Disease GPV0144 Genotype CACATACCATGCAACATACACACTCAGACA/CACATACCATGCAACATACACACTCAGACA Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes CACAtACCAtGCAACAtACACACtCAGACA/del + del/del) Methylphenidate Parkinson Disease GPV0147 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of side effects in patients (compare with Allele T) Citalopram Dementia GPV0147 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Citalopram Depression GPV0147 Allele C Irrelevant to the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) Citalopram Major Depressive Disorder GPV0149 Genotype AA Correlated with the motor side effects in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Haloperidol Schizophrenia GPV0150 Genotype CC Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0151 Genotype AC Correlated with the increased drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotype CC) Rifampicin Healthy Individuals GPV0151 Genotype CC Correlated with the decreased LDL-C reduction in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Fluvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0152 Allele A Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with allele G) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0154 Allele C Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele T) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0154 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with allele C); Correlated with the increased gastrointestinal toxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0154 Allele T Correlated with the increased gastrointestinal toxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Mercaptopurine Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0154 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Methotrexate Osteosarcoma GPV0154 Genotypes CC + CT Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0156 Allele A Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with allele G) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0156 Allele G Irrelevant to the likelihood of statin-related myopathy in patients (compare with allele A) Atorvastatin Coronary Artery Disease GPV0156 Allele G Irrelevant to the likelihood of statin-related myopathy in patients (compare with allele A) Rosuvastatin Coronary Artery Disease GPV0156 Allele G Irrelevant to the likelihood of statin-related myopathy in patients (compare with allele A) Simvastatin Coronary Artery Disease GPV0156 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Mycophenolic acid Lung Transplantation GPV0156 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Atorvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0156 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Pravastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0156 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Rifampicin Healthy Individuals GPV0156 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of drug and Cmax in healthy individuals (compare with genotype AA) Repaglinide Healthy Individuals GPV0156 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotype AA) Irinotecan Neoplasm GPV0156 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased reduction in LDL in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Atorvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0156 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Simvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0156 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the neutropenia in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Irinotecan Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0156 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype GG) Mycophenolic acid Kidney Transplantation GPV0156 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype GG) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0156 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Irinotecan Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0156 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Fluorouracil Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0156 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Leucovorin Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0156 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the decreased likelihood of diarrhea in patients (compare with genotype AA) Sorafenib Diarrhea GPV0156 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA); Irrelevant to the increased myalgia unspecified risk in patients (compare with genotype AA) Atorvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0156 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of drug and Cmax in healthy individuals (compare with genotype AA) Pitavastatin calcium Healthy Individuals GPV0156 Genotypes AG + GG Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype AA) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0156 Genotypes AG + GG Irrelevant to the severity of neutropenia in patients (compare with genotype AA) Irinotecan Neoplasm GPV0158 Genotype AG Correlated with the decreased drug response (compare with genotype GG) Pravastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0158 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased drug AUC0-12 in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) Pravastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0158 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased neutropenia in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the diarrhea in patients (compare with genotype GG) Irinotecan Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0159 Allele T Correlated with the decreased drug exposure in patients (compare with allele C) Rifampicin Tuberculosis GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the all statin-induced myopathy and severe myopathy in patients (compare with Allele T) Fluvastatin Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the all statin-induced myopathy and severe myopathy in patients (compare with Allele T) Simvastatin Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the all statin-induced myopathy and severe myopathy in patients (compare with Allele T); Correlated with the increased drug plasma concentrations in patients (compare with Allele T) Atorvastatin Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the all statin-induced myopathy and severe myopathy in patients (compare with Allele T); Correlated with the increased drug plasma concentrations in patients (compare with Allele T) Rosuvastatin Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the all statin-induced myopathy and severe myopathy in patients (compare with Allele T); Correlated with the increased the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of drug and Cmax in patients (compare with Allele T) Pravastatin Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the decreased adverse drug reactions risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Mycophenolate mofetil Kidney Transplantation GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele T) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in healthy individuals (compare with Allele T); Correlated with the increased the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of drug in healthy individuals (compare with Allele T) Pravastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the increased composite adverse events risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Atorvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the increased composite adverse events risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Pravastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the increased composite adverse events risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Simvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug plasma concentrations in patients (compare with Allele T) Rosuvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of statin-related myopathy in patients (compare with Allele T) Rosuvastatin Coronary Artery Disease GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of toxic liver disease in patients (compare with Allele T) Cytarabine Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0160 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug pharmacokinetics (compare with Genotype TT) Nateglinide Diabetes GPV0160 Allele C Irrelevant to the muscular diseases risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Atorvastatin Hyperlipidemias GPV0160 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with allele C) Rosuvastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0160 Allele T Irrelevant to the increased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with allele C); Irrelevant to the increased leukopenia risk in patients (compare with allele C) Mycophenolate mofetil Kidney Transplantation GPV0160 Allele T Irrelevant to the LDL-C response in patients (compare with allele C) Rosuvastatin Coronary Disease GPV0160 Allele T Irrelevant to the LDL-C response in patients (compare with allele C) Simvastatin Coronary Disease GPV0160 Genotype CC Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0160 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug AUC in patients (p=0.002) and Cmax in patients (p=0.003) (compare with Genotype TT) Rosuvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0160 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug mean peak concentration in plasma and area under the plasma concentration in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Pravastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0160 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug median plasma Cmin and C2-6 (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Lopinavir HIV Infection GPV0160 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug plasma concentrations in healthy individuals (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Simvastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0160 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased likelihood of muscular diseases in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Simvastatin Myocardial Infarction GPV0160 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased muscular diseases risk in patients (compare with genotype Ct); Irrelevant to the increased drug dose decrease or switch to another cholesterol-lowering drug risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Simvastatin Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased rhabdomyolysis risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Cerivastatin Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased rhabdomyolysis risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Cerivastatin Rhabdomyolysis GPV0160 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of drug (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Repaglinide Diabetes Mellitus GPV0160 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of drug in healthy individuals (compare with Genotype TT) Atorvastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0160 Genotype CC Irrelevant to the increased mean peak concentration in plasma and area under the plasma concentration in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Fluvastatin Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Genotype CT Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the increased muscular diseases risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Simvastatin Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Genotype CT Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Pravastatin Coronary Stenosis GPV0160 Genotype CT Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the increased drug AUC0-12 in patients (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Pravastatin Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Genotype CT Correlated with the drug response in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Pravastatin Transplantation GPV0160 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased drug AUC and Cmax in healthy individuals (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the increased drug AUC0-12 in healthy individuals (compare with Genotype TT) Pravastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0160 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in healthy individuals (compare with Genotype TT) Repaglinide Healthy Individuals GPV0160 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with Genotype TT) Atorvastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0160 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with Genotype TT) Rosuvastatin Healthy Individuals GPV0160 Genotype CT Irrelevant to the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Pravastatin Hyperlipoproteinemia GPV0160 Genotype CT Irrelevant to the severity of neutropenia in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Irinotecan Neoplasm GPV0160 Genotype TT Correlated with the a nearly tripled increased percentage of drug AUC (0 - 48) values in patients (compare with genotype CC) Atorvastatin Coronary Artery Disease GPV0160 Genotype TT Correlated with the a nearly tripled increased percentage of drug AUC (0 - 48) values in patients (compare with genotype CC) Rifampicin Tuberculosis GPV0160 Genotype TT Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0160 Genotype TT Correlated with the decreased drug plasma concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT); Irrelevant to the percentage change in LDL-cholesterol levels in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Rosuvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0160 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased adverse drug reaction risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Mycophenolate mofetil Kidney Transplantation GPV0160 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased alcoholism risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Fluorouracil Breast Neoplasm GPV0160 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased alcoholism risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Epirubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0160 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased alcoholism risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Docetaxel Breast Neoplasm GPV0160 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased alcoholism risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Doxorubicin Breast Neoplasm GPV0160 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased alcoholism risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Cyclophosphamide Breast Neoplasm GPV0160 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug response as in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Fluvastatin Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the decreased drug dose in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0160 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the decreased drug dose in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Mercaptopurine Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0160 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the decreased drug oral clearance in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Atorvastatin Obesity GPV0160 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased drug dose decrease or switch to another cholesterol-lowering drug risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug toxicity, muscular diseases, rhabdomyolysis and toxic liver disease in patients (compare with Genotype TT); Irrelevant to the increased drug dose decrease or switch to another cholesterol-lowering drug risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Atorvastatin Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased drug dose in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Sn-38 Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0160 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased likelihood of cough in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Enalapril Essential Hypertension GPV0160 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased muscular diseases risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Simvastatin Hyperlipidemias GPV0160 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Irinotecan Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0160 Genotypes CC + CT Irrelevant to the diarrhea in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Irinotecan Neoplasm GPV0160 Genotypes CC + CT Irrelevant to the increased myalgia unspecified risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Atorvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0160 Genotypes CC + CT Irrelevant to the increased myalgia unspecified risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Rosuvastatin Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased likelihood of disease in patients (compare with genotype CC) Sorafenib Thrombocytopenia GPV0160 Genotypes CT + TT Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype CC) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0160 Genotypes CT + TT Irrelevant to the the drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Pravastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0161 Allele G Correlated with the drug clearance in patients (compare with allele A); Correlated with the increased gastrointestinal toxicity risk in patients (compare with Allele A) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0161 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased LDL-C reduction in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Rosuvastatin Coronary Disease GPV0161 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased LDL-C reduction in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Simvastatin Coronary Disease GPV0161 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased LDL-C reduction in patients (compare with genotype GG) Rosuvastatin Coronary Disease GPV0161 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased LDL-C reduction in patients (compare with genotype GG) Simvastatin Coronary Disease GPV0162 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased likelihood of muscular diseases in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Simvastatin Myocardial Infarction GPV0162 Genotypes CC + CT Irrelevant to the increased myalgia unspecified risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Rosuvastatin Muscular Diseases GPV0163 Allele G Correlated with the increased leukopenia risk in patients (compare with Allele A) Docetaxel Neoplasm GPV0164 Allele G Correlated with the decreased dose-normalized Cmax and dose-normalized AUC0to12 h in patients (compare with Allele T); Correlated with the increased adverse drug reactions risk in patients (compare with Allele T); Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele T) Mycophenolate mofetil Kidney Transplantation GPV0164 Allele T Irrelevant to the increased leukopenia risk in patients (compare with allele G) Mycophenolate mofetil Kidney Transplantation GPV0164 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased overall survival in patients (compare with Genotypes GT + TT) Sunitinib Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors GPV0164 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with Genotypes GT + TT) Paclitaxel Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0164 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with Genotypes GT + TT) Carboplatin Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0164 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased dose-adjusted area under the curve of mycophenolic acid in patients (AUC6-12) (compare with Genotype TT) Mycophenolate mofetil Kidney Transplantation GPV0164 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with genotype Gt) Mycophenolate mofetil Kidney Transplantation GPV0164 Genotypes GT + TT Correlated with the decreased likelihood of thrombocytopenia in patients (compare with genotype GG) Paclitaxel Lung Neoplasm; Malignant Tumor Of Peritoneum; Ovarian Neoplasm; Uterine Neoplasm GPV0164 Genotypes GT + TT Correlated with the decreased likelihood of thrombocytopenia in patients (compare with genotype GG) Carboplatin Lung Neoplasm; Malignant Tumor Of Peritoneum; Ovarian Neoplasm; Uterine Neoplasm GPV0165 Allele A Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with allele G) Mycophenolate mofetil Kidney Transplantation GPV0165 Allele A Correlated with the decreased transport of drug (compare with allele G) Paclitaxel Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0165 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Paclitaxel Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0165 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Carboplatin Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0165 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased dose-adjusted area under the curve (AUC6-12) of mycophenolic acid in patients (compare with genotype GG) Mycophenolate mofetil Kidney Transplantation GPV0168 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with allele G) Montelukast Healthy Individuals GPV0168 Genotype AG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Montelukast Asthma GPV0169 Allele T Correlated with the decreased area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) in healthy individuals (compare with genotype CC) Fexofenadine Healthy Individuals GPV0171 Allele C Irrelevant to the decreased hemoglobin levels in patients (compare with Allele A) Glibenclamide Diabetes Mellitus GPV0171 Allele C Irrelevant to the decreased hemoglobin levels in patients (compare with Allele A) Glimepiride Diabetes Mellitus GPV0171 Allele C Irrelevant to the decreased hemoglobin levels in patients (compare with Allele A) Glipizide Diabetes Mellitus GPV0172 Allele G Irrelevant to the likelihood of ototoxicity in patients (compare with Allele T) Cisplatin Testicular Neoplasm GPV0172 Genotypes GG + GT Correlated with the increased severity of ototoxicity in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Cisplatin Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0174 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0174 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype CC); Irrelevant to the mucositis risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0175 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0175 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Methotrexate Psoriasis GPV0176 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) Methylphenidate Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity GPV0176 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Methylphenidate Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity GPV0177 Allele C Irrelevant to the neutropenia and thrombocytopenia risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Gemcitabine Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0177 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased overall survival in patients (compare with genotype CC); Irrelevant to the progression-free survival in patients (compare with genotype CC) Gemcitabine Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0179 Genotypes AC + CC Correlated with the increased severity of neutropenia in patients (compare with genotype AA) Irinotecan Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0180 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype CC) Dabigatran Atrial Fibrillation GPV0183 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the decreased severity of neutropenia in patients (compare with genotype AA) Irinotecan Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0184 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Lamivudine HIV Infection GPV0184 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Lopinavir HIV Infection GPV0184 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Zidovudine HIV Infection GPV0184 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Ritonavir HIV Infection GPV0185 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele A); Correlated with the increased toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Methotrexate Psoriasis GPV0186 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0186 Genotypes GG + AG Correlated with the decreased onset of toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotype AA) Methotrexate Psoriasis GPV0187 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele AG) Methotrexate Psoriasis GPV0188 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug exposure in patients (compare with genotype CC) Sn-38 Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0189 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the decreased severity of neutropenia in patients (compare with genotype CC) Irinotecan Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0190 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0191 Genotypes AT + TT Correlated with the increased drug exposure in patients (compare with genotype AA) Sn-38 Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0192 Genotypes GG + GT Correlated with the increased leukopenia risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Fluorouracil Neoplasm GPV0194 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype GG) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0195 Genotypes AA + AT Correlated with the decreased likelihood of thrombocytopenia in patients (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the increased drug plasma levels in patients (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the increased relapse in the central nervous system risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Methotrexate Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma GPV0196 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug renal clearance, and lower the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0196 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased intracellular tenofovir diphosphate (tFV-DP) concentrations in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0197 Genotypes AC + CC Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype AA) Tenofovir HIV Infection GPV0198 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in nA18967 cells (compare with genotype CC) Mercaptopurine Inflammatory Bowel Diseases GPV0198 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased likelihood of leukopenia in patients (compare with genotype CC) Azathioprine Inflammatory Bowel Diseases GPV0198 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased likelihood of leukopenia in patients (compare with genotype CC) Mercaptopurine Inflammatory Bowel Diseases GPV0199 Genotypes GG + GT Correlated with the decreased drug plasma level in patients (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the decreased toxicity risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Methotrexate Acute B-Cell Leukemia GPV0200 Genotypes GG + GT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0201 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele AG) Methotrexate Psoriasis GPV0202 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug response (compare with genotype CC) Rosuvastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0203 Genotypes AC + CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0204 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Lamotrigine Epilepsy GPV0205 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Topotecan Brain Neoplasm GPV0207 Genotypes GG + GT Correlated with the decreased overall survival in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Pemetrexed Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0208 Genotype TT Correlated with the decreased overall survival in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Pemetrexed Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0209 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Metformin Diabetes Mellitus GPV0217 Genotypes AT + TT Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0218 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased likelihood of fever in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Cytarabine Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0219 Genotype TT Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Imatinib Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors GPV0219 Genotype TT Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Imatinib Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia GPV0220 Genotypes CG + GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Imatinib Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors GPV0221 Genotypes CG + GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Imatinib Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors GPV0222 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the decreased periorbital edema risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Imatinib Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors GPV0225 Genotype TTA/de Correlated with the increased drug response in patienrs (compare with Genotype TTA/ttA) Atenolol Hypertension GPV0226 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Ivacaftor Cystic Fibrosis GPV0227 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Repaglinide Diabetes Mellitus GPV0233 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the decreased gastrointestinal toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Melphalan Multiple Myeloma GPV0235 Genotypes GT + TT Correlated with the increased drug response (compare with genotype GG) Lovastatin Hypercholesterolemia GPV0236 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased event-free survival and overall survival in patients (compare with genotype CC) Etoposide Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0236 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased event-free survival and overall survival in patients (compare with genotype CC) Mitoxantrone Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0236 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased event-free survival and overall survival in patients (compare with genotype CC) Daunorubicin Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0236 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased event-free survival and overall survival in patients (compare with genotype CC) Cytarabine Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0237 Genotypes AC + CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Atorvastatin Coronary Artery Disease GPV0240 Allele G Correlated with the drug response in patients Quetiapine Schizophrenia GPV0245 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype TT) Methotrexate Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0253 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug dose in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Fentanyl Postoperative Pain GPV0254 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele T) Lamotrigine Epilepsy GPV0254 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele T) Levetiracetam Epilepsy GPV0254 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele T) Carbamazepine Epilepsy GPV0254 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele T) Valproic acid Epilepsy GPV0264 Allele C Correlated with the aggressive periodontitis (compare with allele G) Vitamin C Periodontitis GPV0265 Allele C Correlated with the altered the distribution of dietary choline between the CDP-choline and phosphatidylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PEMT) denovo pathway (compare with allele G) Choline Muscle dysfunction GPV0276 Genotype GG Correlated with the higher drug concentrations in plasma (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Vitamin C Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia GPV0286 Allele G Correlated with the increased risk muscle damage (compare with allele T) Choline Muscle dysfunction GPV0294 Allele G Correlated with the neuropsychiatric disorders (compare with C) Reserpine Neuropsychiatric Disorder GPV0295 Allele A Correlated with the neuropsychiatric disorders (compare with G) Reserpine Neuropsychiatric Disorder GPV0304 Allele G Correlated with the risk for schizophrenia (compare with T) Reserpine Neuropsychiatric Disorder GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Rosiglitazone Diabetes Mellitus GPV0294 Allele G Correlated with the neuropsychiatric disorders (compare with C) Tetrabenazine Neuropsychiatric Disorder GPV0295 Allele A Correlated with the neuropsychiatric disorders (compare with G) Tetrabenazine Neuropsychiatric Disorder GPV0304 Allele G Correlated with the risk for schizophrenia (compare with T) Tetrabenazine Neuropsychiatric Disorder GPV0243 Allele G Correlated with the decreased response to duloxetine in people with Depressive Disorder, Major (compare with allele A) Duloxetine . GPV0238 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Candesartan Essential hypertension GPV0255 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Flecainide Myotonia GPV0238 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Irbesartan Essential hypertension GPV0003 Allele A Correlated with the increased suicidal ideation risk in patients (compare with allele C) Clomipramine Depression GPV0227 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug response in healthy individuals (compare with genotype CC) Zinc Acetate Healthy Individuals GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Agomelatine Depressive Disorder GPV0125 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Peginterferon alfa-2A Chronic Hepatitis C GPV0004 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) Amitriptyline Depression GPV0005 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Amitriptyline Depression GPV0008 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Amitriptyline Bipolar Disorder GPV0008 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype AA) Amitriptyline Depression GPV0010 Allele A Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Amitriptyline Depression GPV0010 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Amitriptyline Depression GPV0011 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Amitriptyline Depression GPV0013 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Amitriptyline Depression GPV0018 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) Amitriptyline Depression GPV0019 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) Amitriptyline Depression GPV0022 Allele A Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Amitriptyline Depression GPV0027 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) Amitriptyline Depression GPV0030 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) Amitriptyline Depression GPV0003 Allele A Correlated with the increased suicidal ideation risk in patients (compare with allele C) Nefazodone Depression GPV0002 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased likelihood of adverse events in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Sevoflurane Tonsillectomy GPV0055 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of osteonecrosis in patients (compare with allele C) Bisphosphonates Osteonecrosis GPV0063 Allele C Correlated with the increased toxicity risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Thalidomide Prostatic Neoplasm GPV0077 Allele A Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with allele G) Thalidomide Prostatic Neoplasm GPV0225 Genotype TTA/de Correlated with the increased drug response in patienrs (compare with Genotype TTA/ttA) Hydrochlorothiazide Hypertension GPV0003 Allele A Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Fluoxetine Depressive Disorder GPV0003 Allele C Irrelevant to the increased fluoxetine/in patients (S)-norfluoxetine ratio in patients (compare with Allele A) Fluoxetine Depressive Disorder GPV0014 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Fluoxetine Major Depressive Disorder GPV0018 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Fluoxetine Major Depressive Disorder GPV0018 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) Fluoxetine Depression GPV0147 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Fluoxetine Major Depressive Disorder GPV0147 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased reduced drug response risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Fluoxetine Major Depressive Disorder GPV0002 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Remifentanil Tonsillectomy GPV0171 Genotypes AA + CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AC) Sulfonamides Diabetes Mellitus GPV0239 Allele T Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Sulfonamides Diabetes Mellitus GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) Oxcarbazepine Epilepsy GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Oxcarbazepine Epilepsy GPV0042 Allele A Irrelevant to the number of seizures per year in patients (compare with Allele G) Oxcarbazepine Epilepsy GPV0042 Allele G Irrelevant to the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with allele A) Oxcarbazepine Epilepsy GPV0042 Genotype AG Correlated with the relationship with drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype GG) Oxcarbazepine Epilepsy GPV0044 Genotype TT Irrelevant to the drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) Oxcarbazepine Epilepsy GPV0254 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele T) Oxcarbazepine Epilepsy GPV0166 Allele G Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Allele A) Infliximab Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0166 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Infliximab Psoriatic Arthritis GPV0166 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Infliximab Psoriasis GPV0245 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype TT) Infliximab Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Venlafaxine Depressive Disorder GPV0001 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Venlafaxine Narcolepsy GPV0003 Allele A Correlated with the increased suicidal ideation risk in patients (compare with allele C) Venlafaxine Depression GPV0004 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) Venlafaxine Depression GPV0005 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Venlafaxine Depression GPV0008 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with Allele A) Venlafaxine Major Depressive Disorder GPV0008 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Venlafaxine Bipolar Disorder GPV0008 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype AA) Venlafaxine Depression GPV0010 Allele A Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Venlafaxine Depression GPV0010 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Venlafaxine Depression GPV0011 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with allele C) Venlafaxine Major Depressive Disorder GPV0011 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Venlafaxine Depression GPV0013 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Venlafaxine Depression GPV0018 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Venlafaxine Major Depressive Disorder GPV0018 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) Venlafaxine Depression GPV0019 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) Venlafaxine Depression GPV0022 Allele A Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Venlafaxine Depression GPV0027 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) Venlafaxine Depression GPV0030 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) Venlafaxine Depression GPV0140 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Venlafaxine Major Depressive Disorder GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the decreased toxic liver disease risk in patients (compare with allele G); Correlated with the decreased toxic liver disease risk in patients (compare with allele G) Nevirapine HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype AA) Nevirapine HIV Infection GPV0003 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype CC) Nevirapine HIV Infection GPV0037 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased likelihood of lower nevirapine plasma concentrations in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Nevirapine HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) Voriconazole Healthy Individuals GPV0112 Allele T Correlated with the decreased the drug K(m) (compare with Allele C); Irrelevant to the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with allele C) Adefovir Dipivoxil Hepatitis B GPV0113 Allele T Correlated with the decreased drug uptake (compare with Allele C) Adefovir Dipivoxil HBV Infection GPV0113 Allele T Correlated with the decreased drug uptake (compare with Allele C); Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele C); Irrelevant to the nephrotoxicity risk in patients (compare with Allele C) Adefovir Dipivoxil Hepatitis B GPV0171 Allele C Irrelevant to the decreased hemoglobin levels in patients (compare with Allele A) Gliclazide Diabetes Mellitus GPV0241 Allele T Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Gliclazide Diabetes Mellitus GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Rocuronium Muscle Relaxant GPV0156 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Rocuronium Muscle Relaxant GPV0234 Genotypes T/del + TT Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotype del/del) Rocuronium Healthy Individuals GPV0166 Allele G Irrelevant to the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Allele A) Adalimumab Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0245 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype TT) Adalimumab Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0008 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with Allele A) Sertraline Major Depressive Disorder GPV0008 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Sertraline Bipolar Disorder GPV0008 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype AA) Sertraline Depression GPV0010 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Sertraline Depression GPV0011 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with allele C) Sertraline Major Depressive Disorder GPV0014 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Sertraline Major Depressive Disorder GPV0018 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Sertraline Major Depressive Disorder GPV0018 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) Sertraline Depression GPV0148 (AGCCCACCC)12 Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele (AGCCCACCC)9) Sertraline Major Depressive Disorder GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Granisetron Nausea; Vomiting GPV0009 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased diarrhea and vomiting risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Prednisone Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma GPV0088 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype CC) Prednisone Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0166 Allele G Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Allele A) Etanercept Psoriatic Arthritis GPV0166 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Etanercept Psoriatic Arthritis GPV0166 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased drug response to tumor necrosis factor alpha (tnF-alpha) inhibitors in patients (compare with genotype AA) Etanercept Psoriasis GPV0245 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype TT) Etanercept Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0225 Genotype TTA/de Correlated with the increased drug response in patienrs (compare with Genotype TTA/ttA) Metoprolol Hypertension GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of toxic liver disease in patients (compare with Allele T) Fludarabine Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0218 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased likelihood of fever in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Fludarabine Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0140 Genotype TT Correlated with the decreased drug response (compare with genotypes CC + CT) 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Posttraumatic Stress Disorder GPV0141 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Posttraumatic Stress Disorder GPV0229 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response (compare with genotypes AA + AG) 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Posttraumatic Stress Disorder GPV0114 Allele A Correlated with the decreased transport of drug (compare with Allele T) Cefotaxime Upper Respiratory Tract Infections and Bacterial Meningitis GPV0114 Genotype AT Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with Genotype TT) Cefotaxime Healthy Individuals GPV0002 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Propofol Anesthesia GPV0257 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug response (compare with genotype GG) Propofol . GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug-induced liver injury risk in patients (compare with Allele G) Isoniazid Tuberculosis GPV0009 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased diarrhea and vomiting risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Rituximab Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma GPV0008 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Escitalopram Bipolar Disorder GPV0010 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Escitalopram Depression GPV0119 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Peginterferon alfa-2B Hepatitis C GPV0125 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Peginterferon alfa-2B Chronic Hepatitis C GPV0001 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Dexrazoxane Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0002 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Dexrazoxane Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0003 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) Dexrazoxane Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0025 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Fenofibrate Hypertriglyceridemia GPV0025 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Fenofibrate Hypertriglyceridemia GPV0026 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Fenofibrate Hypertriglyceridemia GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the likelihood of treatment failure in patients (compare with Allele G) Atazanavir HIV Infection GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with Allele A); Irrelevant to the hyperbilirubinemia risk in patients (compare with allele A); Irrelevant to the likelihood of hyperbilirubinemia in patients (compare with allele A); Irrelevant to the severity of hyperbilirubinemia in patients (compare with allele A); Irrelevant to the trough concentration of drug in patients (compare with allele A) Atazanavir HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Atazanavir HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Irrelevant to the increased drug discontinuation in patients (compare with genotype GG) Atazanavir HIV Infection GPV0045 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk (compare with Genotype CC) Atazanavir HIV Infection GPV0001 Allele A Correlated with the decreased toxic liver disease risk in patient (compare with allele G); Correlated with the decreased toxic liver disease risk in patients (compare with allele G); Correlated with the increased likelihood of toxicity-related treatment failure in patients (compare with allele G) Efavirenz HIV Infection GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the neurotoxicity syndromes in patients (compare with allele A) Efavirenz HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased CD4 t cell count in patients (compare with genotype AG + GG); Correlated with the increased CD4 t cell count in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype AG); Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug responses in patients (compare with genotypes GG + Gt); Irrelevant to increased likelihood of drug plasma exposure in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Efavirenz HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype AG); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype AA) Efavirenz HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Irrelevant to the increased drug minimum plasma or PBMC concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Efavirenz HIV Infection GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Efavirenz HIV Infection GPV0003 Allele A Correlated with the decreased likelihood of emerging viral drug resistance in patients (compare with allele C) Efavirenz HIV Infection GPV0003 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype CC) Efavirenz HIV Infection GPV0003 Genotypes AT + CT Irrelevant to the increased drug plasma exposure in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Efavirenz HIV Infection GPV0045 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Efavirenz HIV Infection GPV0070 Genotypes GT + TT Correlated with the increased abnormal dreams risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Efavirenz HIV Infection GPV0170 Allele C Correlated with the drug concentrations in patients (compare with Allele T); Correlated with the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele T); Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with Allele T) Efavirenz HIV Infection GPV0170 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased drug accumulation in patients (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the increased drug trough concentration in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Efavirenz HIV Infection GPV0001 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG) Modafinil Narcolepsy GPV0002 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG) Modafinil Narcolepsy GPV0003 Genotypes AC + CT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Modafinil Narcolepsy GPV0009 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased diarrhea and vomiting risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Bleomycin Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma GPV0227 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug response in healthy individuals (compare with genotype CC) Insulin recombinant Healthy Individuals GPV0171 Allele C Irrelevant to the decreased hemoglobin levels in patients (compare with Allele A) Gliquidone Diabetes Mellitus GPV0003 Allele A Correlated with the increased suicidal ideation risk in patients (compare with allele C) Paroxetine Depression GPV0004 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) Paroxetine Depression GPV0005 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Paroxetine Depression GPV0008 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with Allele A) Paroxetine Major Depressive Disorder GPV0008 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Paroxetine Bipolar Disorder GPV0008 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype AA) Paroxetine Depression GPV0010 Allele A Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Paroxetine Depression GPV0010 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Paroxetine Depression GPV0011 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with allele C) Paroxetine Major Depressive Disorder GPV0011 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Paroxetine Depression GPV0013 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Paroxetine Depression GPV0014 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Paroxetine Major Depressive Disorder GPV0018 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Paroxetine Major Depressive Disorder GPV0018 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) Paroxetine Depression GPV0019 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) Paroxetine Depression GPV0022 Allele A Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) Paroxetine Depression GPV0027 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) Paroxetine Depression GPV0030 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) Paroxetine Depression GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of toxic liver disease in patients (compare with Allele T) Gemtuzumab ozogamicin Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0218 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased likelihood of fever in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Gemtuzumab ozogamicin Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Daptomycin Bacterial infections GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased likelihood of hypotension, orthostatic in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Nortriptyline Major Depressive Disorder GPV0008 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Nortriptyline Bipolar Disorder GPV0010 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Nortriptyline Depression GPV0133 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Nortriptyline Depression GPV0009 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased diarrhea and vomiting risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) Vindesine Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma GPV0001 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Palonosetron Nausea; Vomiting GPV0139 Allele A Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Atomoxetine Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity GPV0142 Allele T Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) Atomoxetine Attention Deficit Disorder With Hyperactivity GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the severity of pain in patients (compare with Allele G) Oxycodone Postoperative Pain GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotype AA) Silibinin Healthy Individuals GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased likelihood of postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Omeprazole Helicobacter Infections GPV0001 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Omeprazole Gastroesophageal Reflux GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased likelihood of 3-year Event Free Survival in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Correlated with the increased likelihood of complete remission in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Idarubicin Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0003 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) Idarubicin Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of toxic liver disease in patients (compare with Allele T) Idarubicin Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0218 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased likelihood of fever in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Idarubicin Acute Myeloid Leukemia GPV0001 Allele A Irrelevant to the overall survival in patients (compare with Allele G) Diphenhydramine Breast Neoplasm GPV0008 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Trimipramine Bipolar Disorder GPV0010 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Trimipramine Depression GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased hand-foot syndrome risk in patients (compare with genotype AA) Capecitabine Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotypes AG + GG Irrelevant to the decreased clinical outcome in patients (compare with genotype AA) Capecitabine Neoplasm GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased hand-foot syndrome and neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Capecitabine Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0003 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased hand-foot syndrome risk in patients (compare with genotype AA) Capecitabine Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0006 Allele T Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) Capecitabine Neoplasm GPV0070 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes GT + TT) Capecitabine Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0088 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Capecitabine Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0156 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Capecitabine Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0223 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug toxicity in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Capecitabine Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0224 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the decreased likelihood of diarrhea in patients (compare with genotype AA) Capecitabine Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0160 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased alcoholism risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Goserelin Breast Neoplasm GPV0145 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased alcoholism risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) Ethanol Intractable Chronic Pain; Cystitis GPV0001 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug resistance in patients (compare with allele A); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug dose in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Opioids Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug dose in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Opioids Postoperative Pain GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype GG) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug-induced liver injury risk in patieants (compare with genotype GG) Antivirals combinations drugs for treatment of tuberculosis HIV Infection; Tuberculosis Co-Infection GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased likelihood of complete response in patients (compare with genotypes GG + AG) Anthracyclines Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased likelihood of complete response in patients (compare with genotypes GG + AG) Taxanes Breast Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype GG) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0001 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased severity of nausea in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG) Antineoplastic agents Neoplasm GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased opioid-related disorders risk in patients (compare with genotype AG) Opioids Opioid-Related Disorders GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Melatonin receptor agonists Depressive Disorder GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Platinum compounds Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Depressive Disorder GPV0001 Genotype GG Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug-resistance in patients (compare with genotype AA) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0002 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug resistance in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the likelihood of drug resistance in patients (compare with Allele G) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0002 Allele G Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Tipifarnib Neoplasm GPV0002 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Platinum compounds Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0003 Allele A Correlated with the increased suicidal ideation risk in patients (compare with allele C) Lithium Depression GPV0003 Allele A Irrelevant to the likelihood of drug resistance in patients (compare with Allele C) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0003 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele A) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0003 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0003 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug resistance risk in patients (compare with genotype AC) Anthracyclines Breast Neoplasm GPV0008 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Bipolar Disorder GPV0008 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype AA) Antidepressants Depression GPV0010 Genotype AA Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Depression GPV0012 Allele C Correlated with the increased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele A) Anthracyclines Neoplasm GPV0016 Allele A Irrelevant to the likelihood of drug resistance in patients (compare with Allele G) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0031 Allele G Correlated with the increased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele T) Anthracyclines Neoplasm GPV0032 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Anthracyclines Neoplasm GPV0035 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele G) Anthracyclines Neoplasm GPV0042 Allele A Correlated with the increased probability of drug response in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug resistance in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the drug resistance in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the number of seizures per year in patients (compare with Allele G) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0042 Allele G Irrelevant to the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with allele A) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0042 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) Exjade Beta-Thalassemia GPV0042 Genotypes AA + AG Irrelevant to the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype GG) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0044 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug resistance in patients (compare with Allele T) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0044 Allele T Irrelevant to the number of seizures per year in patients (compare with allele C) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0044 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC); Irrelevant to the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0045 Allele C Irrelevant to the drug resistance in patients (compare with Allele T) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0045 Allele T Irrelevant to the number of seizures per year in patients (compare with allele C) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0045 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC); Irrelevant to the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0067 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Exjade Beta-Thalassemia GPV0067 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug exposure in patients (compare with genotype CC) Exjade Beta-Thalassemia GPV0070 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug response (compare with genotypes GG + Gt) Opioids Neoplasm GPV0078 Allele A Correlated with the decreased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Anthracyclines Neoplasm GPV0079 Allele A Correlated with the decreased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Anthracyclines Neoplasm GPV0080 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased reduction in mean blood pressure in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) Thiazides Essential Hypertension GPV0082 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased psoriasis risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Tumor necrosis factor alpha (Tnf-Alpha) inhibitors Psoriasis GPV0088 Genotype TT Correlated with the decreased progression-free survival in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Platinum compounds Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0089 Allele G Correlated with the increased progression-free survival in patients (compare with Allele A) Bevacizumab Lung Neoplasm GPV0093 Allele T Correlated with the increased severity of pharmacological resistance in patients (compare with allele C) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder GPV0094 Allele C Correlated with the increased severity of pharmacological resistance in patients (compare with Allele T) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder GPV0095 Allele C Correlated with the increased severity of pharmacological resistance in patients (compare with Allele G) Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder GPV0107 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of drug in patients (compare with genotypes tt + Ct) Doxorubicinol Breast Neoplasm GPV0109 Allele A Correlated with the decreased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Anthracyclines Neoplasm GPV0109 Genotypes AA + AC Correlated with the increased severity of drug toxicity in patients (compare with genotype CC); Correlated with the increased severity of toxic liver disease in patients (compare with genotype CC) Platinum compounds Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0111 Allele T Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism (compare with allele C) Catecholamines . GPV0112 Allele T Irrelevant to the the drug uptake (compare wuth Allele C) Aminohippurate Cancer GPV0116 Allele C Correlated with the decreased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele A) Anthracyclines Neoplasm GPV0117 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Anthracyclines Neoplasm GPV0119 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Protease Inhibitors Hepatitis C GPV0120 Allele A Correlated with the decreased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Anthracyclines Neoplasm GPV0123 Allele A Correlated with the decreased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with allele C) Anthracyclines Neoplasm GPV0125 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Tipiracil hydrochloride Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0126 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Tipiracil hydrochloride Colorectal Neoplasm GPV0129 Genotype AC Correlated with the decreased likelihood of overall survival in patients (compare with genotypes AA + CC) Platinum compounds Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0129 Genotype AC Correlated with the increased severity of thrombocytopenia in patients (compare with genotypes AA + CC) Platinum compounds Thrombocytopenia GPV0130 Genotype AA Correlated with the decreased severity of drug toxicity in patients (compare with Genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased likelihood of overall survival in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Platinum compounds Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0131 Genotype AC Correlated with the decreased likelihood of overall survival in patients (compare with genotypes AA + CC) Platinum compounds Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0131 Genotype AC Correlated with the increased severity of thrombocytopenia in patients (compare with genotypes AA + CC) Platinum compounds Thrombocytopenia GPV0155 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with Allele T) Ticagrelor Acute Coronary Syndrome GPV0156 Allele G Correlated with the decreased drug-Induced abnormalities risk in patients (compare with Allele A) Hmg coa reductase inhibitors Diabetes Mellitus GPV0156 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased creatine kinase in patients (compare with genotype AG) Hmg coa reductase inhibitors Coronary Artery Disease GPV0157 Allele A Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) Hmg coa reductase inhibitors Coronary Artery Disease GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the all statin-induced myopathy and severe myopathy in patients (compare with Allele T) Hmg coa reductase inhibitors Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug concentrations (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with Allele T) Simvastatin acid Hypercholesterolemia GPV0160 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug-Induced abnormalities risk in patients (compare with Allele T) Hmg coa reductase inhibitors Diabetes Mellitus GPV0160 Allele T Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with allele C) Ticagrelor Acute Coronary Syndrome GPV0160 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased creatine kinase in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT); Correlated with the increased drug dose decrease or switch to another cholesterol-lowering drug risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Hmg coa reductase inhibitors Muscular Diseases GPV0160 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in healthy individuals (compare with Genotype TT) Simvastatin acid Healthy Individuals GPV0160 Genotype CT Correlated with the increased drug exposure in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Simvastatin acid Hypercholesterolemia GPV0160 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased drug concentrations (compare with Genotype TT) Simvastatin acid Hypercholesterolemia GPV0166 Allele G Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Allele A) Tumor necrosis factor alpha (Tnf-Alpha) inhibitors Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0166 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Tumor necrosis factor alpha (Tnf-Alpha) inhibitors Psoriatic Arthritis GPV0166 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) Tumor necrosis factor alpha (Tnf-Alpha) inhibitors Psoriasis GPV0167 Allele T Correlated with the increased likelihood of hyponatremia in patients (compare with allele C) Thiazides Hypertension GPV0171 Genotypes AA + CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AC) Urea derivatives Diabetes Mellitus GPV0173 Allele T Irrelevant to the likelihood of overall survival and progression-free survival in patients (compare with allele C) Platinum compounds Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0173 Genotypes CC + CT Correlated with the increased severity of drug toxicity, hematologic diseases, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia in patients (compare with Genotype TT) Platinum compounds Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0206 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Antipsychotics Psychotic Disorders GPV0228 Genotypes AG + GG Correlated with the increased severity of thrombocytopenia in patients (compare with genotype AA) Platinum compounds Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma GPV0238 Genotype GG Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) Imidapril Essential hypertension GPV0242 Genotype AA Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) Bevacizumab Colorectal Neoplasms GPV0244 Genotypes CT + TT Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) Antihypertensives Coronary Artery Disease; Hypertension GPV0245 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype TT) Certolizumab pegol Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0245 Genotype GG Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype TT) Glucocorticoids Rheumatoid Arthritis GPV0246 Allele A Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) Antidepressants Major Depressive Disorder GPV0247 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype TT) Antipsychotics Schizophrenia GPV0248 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) Antipsychotics Schizophrenia GPV0249 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype TT) Antipsychotics Schizophrenia GPV0250 Genotypes AA + AC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Antipsychotics Schizophrenia GPV0251 Genotype TT Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) Lithium Bipolar Disorder GPV0252 Genotype TT Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Antipsychotics Schizophrenia GPV0254 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele T) Clobazam Epilepsy GPV0254 Allele C Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele T) Ethosuximide Epilepsy GPV0256 Genotype TT Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) Lithium Bipolar Disorder GPV0258 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug resistance in patients (compare with allele G) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0259 Genotype CC Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotype TT) Ustekinumab Psoriasis GPV0260 Allele A Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele T) Antiepileptics Epilepsy GPV0261 Allele A Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) Platinum compounds Lung Neoplasms GPV0262 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype TT) Antipsychotics Schizophrenia GPV0263 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CT) Antipsychotics Schizophrenia GPV0266 Allele G Correlated with the anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity (compare with allele A) Anthracyclines Cardiotoxicity GPV0267 Allele A Correlated with the blue eyes and blond hair (compare with allele G) . Pigmentation GPV0268 Allele A Correlated with the decreased risk for acute myeloid leukemia (compare with allele G) . Acute myeloid leukemia GPV0269 Haplotype T-A-G-G Correlated with the decreased risk for sever ulcerative colitis (compare with other haplotype) . Ulcerative colitis GPV0270 Allele T Correlated with the decteased risk for autism spectrum disorder (compare with allele C) . Autism Spectrum Disorder GPV0271 Allele T Correlated with the decteased risk for autism spectrum disorder (compare with allele C) . Autism Spectrum Disorder GPV0272 Genotype AA Correlated with the depression status in patients (compare with GG + AG) Cornu ammonis Parkinson's disease GPV0273 Genotype CC Correlated with the development of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (compare with genotypes TT + TC) Bile acid Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy GPV0274 Allele T Correlated with the expression of transport in visceral adipose tissue (compare with allele G) . Type 2 diabetes GPV0275 Allele C Correlated with the expression of transporter (compare with A) . Suicide and Psychiatric Disorders GPV0277 Allele A Correlated with the higher rates of coronary artery abnormalities (compare with C) Calcium Kawasaki disease GPV0278 Genotype TT Correlated with the higher risk for angiographically significant in-stent restenosis (comare with genotypes AA + AT) . In-stent Restenosis GPV0279 Genotype CT Correlated with the higher risk for hyperuricemia (compare with genotypes CC + TT) . Hyperuricemia GPV0280 Genotype TC Correlated with the higher risk for hyperuricemia (compare with genotypes TT + CC) . Hyperuricemia GPV0281 Genotype AA Correlated with the human longevity (compare with allele C) . Human Longevity GPV0282 Genotype AA Correlated with the human longevity (compare with genotypes AG + GG ) . Human Longevity GPV0283 Allele C Correlated with the increased gallstone risk in patients (compare with allele G) Biliary cholesterol Gallstone GPV0284 Allele C Correlated with the increased gout susceptibility (compare with allele T) . Gout GPV0273 Genotype CC Correlated with the increased plasma bile acid levels (compare with genotype TT + TC) Bile acid Chronic hepatitis C GPV0285 Allele A Correlated with the increased risk for Type 2 diabetes (compare with allele G) . Type 2 diabetes GPV0287 Allele C Correlated with the increased risk of alzheimer's disease (compare with allele G) . Alzheimer's disease GPV0269 Haplotype T-G-G-A Correlated with the increased risk of sever ulcerative colitis (compare with other haplotype) . Ulcerative colitis GPV0288 Allele T Correlated with the increased risk of systemic lupus erythematosus in Han Chinese patients (compare with allele A) . Systemic Lupus Erythematosus GPV0289 Allele T Correlated with the increased risk of systemic lupus erythematosus in Han Chinese patients (compare with allele C) . Systemic Lupus Erythematosus GPV0290 Genotype AG Correlated with the increased risk of systemic lupus erythematosus in Han Chinese patients (compare with genotypes AA +GG) . Systemic Lupus Erythematosus GPV0291 Genotype AT Correlated with the increased risk of systemic lupus erythematosus in Han Chinese patients (compare with genotypes AA +TT) . Systemic Lupus Erythematosus GPV0292 Genotypes TT+CT Correlated with the increased the risk of systemic lupus erythematosus in Han Chinese patients (compare with genotype CC) . Systemic Lupus Erythematosus GPV0293 Allele G Correlated with the modest increased risk of alzheimer's disease (compare with allele T) . Alzheimer's disease GPV0296 Allele C Correlated with the periodontitis susceptibility (comare with wide type) . Periodontitis GPV0297 Allele G Correlated with the periodontitis susceptibility (comare with wide type) . Periodontitis GPV0298 Allele T Correlated with the periodontitis susceptibility (comare with wide type) . Periodontitis GPV0299 Allele G Correlated with the predisposition to systemic lupus erythematosus (compare with allele A) Anti-Ro/SSA production Systemic Lupus Erythematosus GPV0300 Allele T Correlated with the progression-free and overall survival in patients (compare with allele A) . Multiple myeloma GPV0301 Allele C Correlated with the protected against the development of gout (compare with allele T) . Gout GPV0302 Allele T Correlated with the risk for gout (compare with allele C) . Gout GPV0303 Allele C Correlated with the risk for gout (compare with allele T) . Gout GPV0305 Allele G Correlated with the risk locus for major depressive disorder in the Han Chinese population (compare with wide type) . Major depressive disorder GPV0306 Allele T Correlated with the risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (compare with C) . Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) GPV0307 Allele G Correlated with the risk of schizophrenia (compare with T) . Schizophrenia GPV0308 Allele C Correlated with the risk of sever ulcerative colitis (compare with allele G) . Ulcerative colitis GPV0309 Allele C Correlated with the risk of sever ulcerative colitis (compare with allele T) . Ulcerative colitis GPV0310 Genotypes AG+GG Correlated with the risk of sever ulcerative colitis (compare with genotype AA) . Ulcerative colitis GPV0308 Genotypes GC+CC Correlated with the risk of sever ulcerative colitis (compare with genotype GG) . Ulcerative colitis GPV0309 Genotypes TC+CC Correlated with the risk of sever ulcerative colitis (compare with genotype TT) . Ulcerative colitis GPV0310 Allele G Correlated with the risk of sever ulcerative colitis(compare with allele A) . Ulcerative colitis GPV0311 Allele A Correlated with the schizophrenia susceptibility (compare with wide type) . Schizophrenia GPV0312 Allele G Correlated with the schizophrenia susceptibility (compare with wide type) . Schizophrenia GPV0313 Allele A Correlated with the schizophrenia susceptibility (compare with wide type) . Schizophrenia GPV0293 Allele G Correlated with the significantly decreased the expression of transport (compare with allele T) . Alzheimer's disease GPV0314 Allele C Correlated with the significantly increased mRNA exoression of transporter (compare with allele A) . Autoimmune thyroid diseases GPV0315 Allele C Correlated with the skin aging trait (compare with allele T) Melanin Skin cancers GPV0316 Allele C Correlated with the small vessel disease subtype of ischemic stroke in Chinese population (compare with allele G) Antihypertensive Drug Small Vessel Disease Subtype of Ischemic Stroke GPV0275 Allele C Correlated with the suicide and other psychiatric disorders (compare with A) . Suicide and Psychiatric Disorders GPV0317 Allele G Correlated with the transcripts increased 7 fold (compare with allele T) . Autoimmune thyroid diseases GPV0318 Genotype CG Correlated with the vesicular glutamate transporter 1 coding (compare with genotypes CC + GG) Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) GPV0319 Genotype CT Correlated with the vesicular glutamate transporter 1 coding (compare with genotypes CC + TT) Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) GPV0320 Allele T Irrelevant to the alcohol dependence syndrome (compare with allele C) . Alcohol Dependence Syndrome GPV0321 Allele G Irrelevant to the compromised function or abnormal regulation (compare with allele A) Electroneutral sodium Diarrheal diseases GPV0322 Allele G Irrelevant to the risk for migraine (compare with wide type) . Migraine GPV0323 Allele C Irrelevant to the risk of schizophrenia (compare with wide type) . Schizophrenia GPV0287 Allele C Irrelevant to the significantly decreased the expression of transport (compare with allele G) . Alzheimer's disease GPV0324 Haplotype A-G-T-C Correlated with the type 2 diabetes susceptibility (compare with wide type) . Type 2 diabetes GPV0325 Allele T Correlated with the chronic lung disease in very premature infants (compare with allele C) . Respiratory Distress Syndrome GPV0326 Allele G Correlated with the increased weight gain (compare with allele A) . Weight gain GPV0327 Allele T Irrelevant to the Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 infection (compare with allele G) . Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 infection GPV0327 Allele T Irrelevant to the genetic susceptibility of tropical spastic paraparesis in BrazilianHuman T-lymphotropic virus 1 infected individuals (compare with allele G) . Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 infection GPV0328 Allele C Irrelevant to the Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 infection (compare with allele T) . Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 infection GPV0328 Allele C Irrelevant to the genetic susceptibility of tropical spastic paraparesis in BrazilianHuman T-lymphotropic virus 1 infected individuals (compare with allele T) . Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 infection GPV0329 Allele T Irrelevant to the Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 infection (compare with allele A) . Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 infection GPV0329 Allele T Irrelevant to the genetic susceptibility of tropical spastic paraparesis in BrazilianHuman T-lymphotropic virus 1 infected individuals (compare with allele A) . Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 infection GPV0330 Allele C Correlated with increased the risk for type 2 diabetes (compare with wide type) Triacylglycerol meta Type 2 diabetes GPV0331 Genotypes AA + AG Correlated with the drug sensitivity in patients (compare with genotype GG) Salazosulfamide Ankylosing spondylitis GPV0332 Insertion Correlated with the risk of predicting or preventing alcoholism . Alcoholism GPV0333 Allele C Correlated with the kidney stones disease (compare with allele G) . Kidney Stone GPV0334 Allele T Correlated with the risk for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (compare with allele A) . Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia GPV0335 Allele G Correlated with the significantly regulated transporter expression only in occipital cortex, intralobular white matter, and substantia nigra (compare with wide type) Interferon-beta Multiple sclerosis GPV0336 Allele G Correlated with the risk for celiac disease risk (compare with allele A) . Celiac disease