General Information of Drug Transporter (DT)
DT ID DTD0363 Transporter Info
Gene Name SLC44A1
Transporter Name Choline transporter-like protein 1
Gene ID
UniProt ID
Epigenetic Regulations of This DT (EGR)


  Pancretic ductal adenocarcinoma

           2 Epigenetic Phenomena Related to This Phenotype Click to Show/Hide the Full List

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 1

Methylation of SLC44A1 in pancretic ductal adenocarcinoma [ 1 ]


TSS1500 (cg10133725)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: -1.31E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 1.43E-08; Z-score: -1.45E+00

Methylation in Case

5.40E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 7.06E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Pancretic ductal adenocarcinoma [ ICD-11: 2C10.0]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 2

Methylation of SLC44A1 in pancretic ductal adenocarcinoma [ 1 ]


TSS200 (cg10652277)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: -1.04E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 2.14E-02; Z-score: -3.02E-01

Methylation in Case

4.36E-02 (Median) Methylation in Control 4.54E-02 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Pancretic ductal adenocarcinoma [ ICD-11: 2C10.0]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Papillary thyroid cancer

           1 Epigenetic Phenomena Related to This Phenotype Click to Show/Hide the Full List

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 1

Methylation of SLC44A1 in papillary thyroid cancer [ 2 ]


TSS1500 (cg19287114)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: -1.16E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 2.24E-03; Z-score: -1.02E+00

Methylation in Case

5.44E-02 (Median) Methylation in Control 6.29E-02 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Papillary thyroid cancer [ ICD-11: 2D10.1]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Breast cancer

           4 Epigenetic Phenomena Related to This Phenotype Click to Show/Hide the Full List

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 1

Methylation of SLC44A1 in breast cancer [ 3 ]


TSS200 (cg24178533)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: 1.14E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 4.44E-02; Z-score: 5.43E-01

Methylation in Case

6.93E-02 (Median) Methylation in Control 6.10E-02 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Breast cancer [ ICD-11: 2C60-2C6Z]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 2

Methylation of SLC44A1 in breast cancer [ 3 ]


Body (cg14504440)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: 1.22E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 1.31E-15; Z-score: 1.92E+00

Methylation in Case

7.38E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 6.03E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Breast cancer [ ICD-11: 2C60-2C6Z]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 3

Methylation of SLC44A1 in breast cancer [ 3 ]


Body (cg13603332)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: -1.23E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 1.48E-09; Z-score: -2.23E+00

Methylation in Case

4.87E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 6.00E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Breast cancer [ ICD-11: 2C60-2C6Z]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 4

Methylation of SLC44A1 in breast cancer [ 3 ]


Body (cg13889369)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: 1.26E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 1.88E-05; Z-score: 9.69E-01

Methylation in Case

7.11E-02 (Median) Methylation in Control 5.65E-02 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Breast cancer [ ICD-11: 2C60-2C6Z]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor

           3 Epigenetic Phenomena Related to This Phenotype Click to Show/Hide the Full List

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 1

Methylation of SLC44A1 in atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor [ 4 ]


Body (cg13603332)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: 1.04E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 3.76E-02; Z-score: 4.94E-01

Methylation in Case

8.89E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 8.58E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor [ ICD-11: 2A00.1Y]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 2

Methylation of SLC44A1 in atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor [ 4 ]


Body (cg13889369)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: -1.22E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 3.96E-02; Z-score: -8.29E-01

Methylation in Case

3.93E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 4.79E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor [ ICD-11: 2A00.1Y]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 3

Methylation of SLC44A1 in atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor [ 4 ]


Body (cg14504440)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: 1.34E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 4.66E-02; Z-score: 1.10E+00

Methylation in Case

4.35E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 3.25E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor [ ICD-11: 2A00.1Y]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Bladder cancer

           1 Epigenetic Phenomena Related to This Phenotype Click to Show/Hide the Full List

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 1

Methylation of SLC44A1 in bladder cancer [ 5 ]


Body (cg13603332)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: -2.00E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 5.41E-11; Z-score: -1.54E+01

Methylation in Case

3.02E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 6.05E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Bladder cancer [ ICD-11: 2C94]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Colorectal cancer

           3 Epigenetic Phenomena Related to This Phenotype Click to Show/Hide the Full List

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 1

Methylation of SLC44A1 in colorectal cancer [ 6 ]


Body (cg13603332)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: -1.20E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 3.74E-08; Z-score: -2.71E+00

Methylation in Case

6.15E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 7.37E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Colorectal cancer [ ICD-11: 2B91]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 2

Methylation of SLC44A1 in colorectal cancer [ 6 ]


Body (cg14504440)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: -1.01E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 9.81E-03; Z-score: -6.59E-01

Methylation in Case

9.30E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 9.40E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Colorectal cancer [ ICD-11: 2B91]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Hepatocellular carcinoma

           1 Epigenetic Phenomena Related to This Phenotype Click to Show/Hide the Full List

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 1

Methylation of SLC44A1 in hepatocellular carcinoma [ 7 ]


Body (cg04958882)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: -1.76E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 2.72E-20; Z-score: -9.60E+00

Methylation in Case

4.39E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 7.71E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Hepatocellular carcinoma [ ICD-11: 2C12.02]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  HIV infection

           2 Epigenetic Phenomena Related to This Phenotype Click to Show/Hide the Full List

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 1

Methylation of SLC44A1 in HIV infection [ 8 ]


Body (cg13603332)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: 1.62E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 3.86E-08; Z-score: 3.75E+00

Methylation in Case

6.23E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 3.85E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

HIV infection [ ICD-11: 1C62.Z]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 2

Methylation of SLC44A1 in HIV infection [ 8 ]


Body (cg13889369)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: 1.39E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 5.63E-06; Z-score: 1.59E+00

Methylation in Case

1.13E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 8.11E-02 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

HIV infection [ ICD-11: 1C62.Z]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Lung adenocarcinoma

           1 Epigenetic Phenomena Related to This Phenotype Click to Show/Hide the Full List

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 1

Methylation of SLC44A1 in lung adenocarcinoma [ 9 ]


Body (cg13603332)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: 1.31E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 2.29E-03; Z-score: 2.32E+00

Methylation in Case

5.93E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 4.52E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Lung adenocarcinoma [ ICD-11: 2C25.0]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Panic disorder

           1 Epigenetic Phenomena Related to This Phenotype Click to Show/Hide the Full List

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 1

Methylation of SLC44A1 in panic disorder [ 10 ]


Body (cg13603332)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: -6.51E-01 Statistic Test p-value: 2.93E-05; Z-score: -8.62E-01

Methylation in Case

-1.50E+00 (Median) Methylation in Control -9.78E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Panic disorder [ ICD-11: 6B01]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Prostate cancer

           2 Epigenetic Phenomena Related to This Phenotype Click to Show/Hide the Full List

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 1

Methylation of SLC44A1 in prostate cancer [ 11 ]


Body (cg05740959)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: 4.94E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 8.11E-03; Z-score: 5.84E+01

Methylation in Case

6.40E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 1.30E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Prostate cancer [ ICD-11: 2C82]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 2

Methylation of SLC44A1 in prostate cancer [ 11 ]


Body (cg13013644)

Epigenetic Type

Methylation Experiment Method Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip

Methylation Fold Change

Fold Change: 1.18E+00 Statistic Test p-value: 3.07E-02; Z-score: 7.95E+00

Methylation in Case

8.30E-01 (Median) Methylation in Control 7.01E-01 (Median)

Studied Phenotype

Prostate cancer [ ICD-11: 2C82]

Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples


  Unclear Phenotype

         40 Epigenetic Phenomena Related to This Phenotype Click to Show/Hide the Full List

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 1

let-7a-2 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 12 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

let-7a-2 miRNA Mature ID let-7a-2-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Left ventricular cardiac tissues of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 2

let-7c directly targets SLC44A1 [ 12 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

let-7c miRNA Mature ID let-7c-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Left ventricular cardiac tissues of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 3

let-7g directly targets SLC44A1 [ 12 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

let-7g miRNA Mature ID let-7g-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Left ventricular cardiac tissues of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 4

miR-1-3p directly targets SLC44A1 [ 13 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method Microarray

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-1-3p miRNA Mature ID miR-1-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Human cervical cancer cell line (Hela)

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 5

miR-1197 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 14 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-1197 miRNA Mature ID miR-1197

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 6

miR-122 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 15 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method Microarray

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-122 miRNA Mature ID miR-122-5p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Human cervical cancer cell line (Hela)

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 7

miR-124 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 13 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method Microarray

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-124 miRNA Mature ID miR-124-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Human cervical cancer cell line (Hela)

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 8

miR-1283 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 16 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-1283 miRNA Mature ID miR-1283

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 9

miR-129 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 12 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-129 miRNA Mature ID miR-129-5p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Left ventricular cardiac tissues of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 10

miR-130b directly targets SLC44A1 [ 17 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method Sequencing

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-130b miRNA Mature ID miR-130b-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Human embryonic kidney 293 cells (HEK293)

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 11

miR-186 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 18 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-186 miRNA Mature ID miR-186-5p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 12

miR-19b directly targets SLC44A1 [ 17 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method Sequencing

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-19b miRNA Mature ID miR-19b-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Human embryonic kidney 293 cells (HEK293)

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 13

miR-203a directly targets SLC44A1 [ 19 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method PAR-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-203a miRNA Mature ID miR-203a-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 14

miR-2681 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 18 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-2681 miRNA Mature ID miR-2681-5p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 15

miR-3133 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 18 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-3133 miRNA Mature ID miR-3133

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 16

miR-3156 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 19 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method PAR-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-3156 miRNA Mature ID miR-3156-5p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 17

miR-3185 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 19 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method PAR-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-3185 miRNA Mature ID miR-3185

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 18

miR-329 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 12 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-329 miRNA Mature ID miR-329-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Left ventricular cardiac tissues of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 19

miR-362 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 12 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-362 miRNA Mature ID miR-362-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Left ventricular cardiac tissues of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 20

miR-3646 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 19 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method PAR-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-3646 miRNA Mature ID miR-3646

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 21

miR-3675 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 16 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-3675 miRNA Mature ID miR-3675-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 22

miR-3941 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 12 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-3941 miRNA Mature ID miR-3941

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Left ventricular cardiac tissues of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 23

miR-4311 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 20 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method PAR-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-4311 miRNA Mature ID miR-4311

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 24

miR-4436a directly targets SLC44A1 [ 14 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-4436a miRNA Mature ID miR-4436a

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 25

miR-4668 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 20 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method PAR-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-4668 miRNA Mature ID miR-4668-5p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 26

miR-4684 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 16 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-4684 miRNA Mature ID miR-4684-5p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Patient tissue samples

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 27

miR-4789 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 12 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-4789 miRNA Mature ID miR-4789-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Left ventricular cardiac tissues of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 28

miR-4797 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 12 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-4797 miRNA Mature ID miR-4797-5p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Left ventricular cardiac tissues of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 29

miR-493 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 12 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-493 miRNA Mature ID miR-493-5p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Left ventricular cardiac tissues of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 30

miR-5000 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 14 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-5000 miRNA Mature ID miR-5000-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 31

miR-545 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 19 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method PAR-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-545 miRNA Mature ID miR-545-5p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 32

miR-5695 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 21 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-5695 miRNA Mature ID miR-5695

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 33

miR-603 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 12 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-603 miRNA Mature ID miR-603

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Left ventricular cardiac tissues of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 34

miR-651 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 21 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-651 miRNA Mature ID miR-651-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 35

miR-6809 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 21 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-6809 miRNA Mature ID miR-6809-5p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 36

miR-6830 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 21 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-6830 miRNA Mature ID miR-6830-5p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 37

miR-6865 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 21 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-6865 miRNA Mature ID miR-6865-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 38

miR-7161 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 19 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method PAR-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-7161 miRNA Mature ID miR-7161-3p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 39

miR-8485 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 12 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-8485 miRNA Mature ID miR-8485

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Left ventricular cardiac tissues of human

  Epigenetic Phenomenon 40

miR-875 directly targets SLC44A1 [ 21 ]

Epigenetic Type

microRNA Experiment Method HITS-CLIP

miRNA Stemloop ID

miR-875 miRNA Mature ID miR-875-5p

miRNA Sequence


miRNA Target Type


Experimental Material

Multiple cell lines of human
1 Genome-wide DNA methylation patterns in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma reveal epigenetic deregulation of SLIT-ROBO, ITGA2 and MET signaling. Int J Cancer. 2014 Sep 1;135(5):1110-8.
2 Prognostic Classifier Based on Genome-Wide DNA Methylation Profiling in Well-Differentiated Thyroid Tumors. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017 Nov 1;102(11):4089-4099.
3 Genome-wide Scan for Methylation Profiles in Breast Cancer
4 Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumors Are Comprised of Three Epigenetic Subgroups with Distinct Enhancer Landscapes. Cancer Cell. 2016 Mar 14;29(3):379-393.
5 DNA Methylation Dynamics in Urological Tumors.
6 Differences in DNA methylation signatures reveal multiple pathways of progression from adenoma to colorectal cancer. Gastroenterology. 2014 Aug;147(2):418-29.e8.
7 Exploring genome-wide DNA methylation profiles altered in hepatocellular carcinoma using Infinium HumanMethylation 450 BeadChips. Epigenetics. 2013 Jan;8(1):34-43.
8 HIV-1 Infection Accelerates Age According to the Epigenetic Clock. J Infect Dis. 2015 Nov 15;212(10):1563-73.
9 DNA methylation analysis of lung adenocarcinoma and adjacent non-tumor tissues
10 DNA Methylation signatures in panic disorder. Transl Psychiatry. 2017 Dec 18;7(12):1287.
11 Reducing the risk of false discovery enabling identification of biologically significant genome-wide methylation status using the HumanMethylation450 array. BMC Genomics. 2014 Jan 22;15:51.
12 Elucidation of transcriptome-wide microRNA binding sites in human cardiac tissues by Ago2 HITS-CLIP. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016 Sep 6;44(15):7120-31.
13 The impact of microRNAs on protein output. Nature. 2008 Sep 4;455(7209):64-71.
14 Direct conversion of fibroblasts to neurons by reprogramming PTB-regulated microRNA circuits. Cell. 2013 Jan 17;152(1-2):82-96.
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16 Argonaute CLIP Defines a Deregulated miR-122-Bound Transcriptome that Correlates with Patient Survival in Human Liver Cancer. Mol Cell. 2017 Aug 3;67(3):400-410.e7.
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