General Information of Drug Transporter (DT)
DT ID DTD0028 Transporter Info
Gene Name SLC47A2
Protein Name Multidrug and toxin extrusion protein 2
Gene ID
UniProt ID
Genetic Polymorphisms of DT (GPD)
Genetic Polymorphism rs12943590
Site of GPD chr17:19716685 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP G>A
Minor Allele Frequency A=0.3155/1580 (Global)
 Allele A Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Metformin Drug Info Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 1]
Metformin Drug Info Healthy Individuals Irrelevant to the steady-state concentration of metformin in healthy individuals (compare with Allele G) [ 2]
 Genotype AA Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Metformin Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the decreased drug response in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased drug renal clearance and secretion clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the differences in the plasma metformin concentration versus time curve or the maximum metformin concentration in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the drug glucose-lowering effect in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) [ 3], [ 4]
Metformin Drug Info Diabetes Mellitus Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 5]
 Genotype GG Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Metformin Drug Info Healthy Individuals Irrelevant to the increased drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 6]
 Genotypes AA + AG Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Metformin Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the increased renal and secretory drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) [ 3]
Genetic Polymorphism rs34834489
Site of GPD chr17:19716951 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP G>A
Minor Allele Frequency A=0.2694/1349 (Global)
 Genotype AA Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Metformin Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the increased drug renal clearance and secretion clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the differences in the plasma metformin concentration versus time curve or the maximum drug concentration in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the drug glucose-lowering effect in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) [ 4]
1 The Pharmacogenetics of Metformin in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Randomized Trial. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2018 Feb;122(2):239-244.
2 Steady-state pharmacokinetics of metformin is independent of the OCT1 genotype in healthy volunteers. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2015 Jun;71(6):691-697.
3 The effect of novel promoter variants in MATE1 and MATE2 on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of metformin. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2013 Feb;93(2):186-94.
4 Functional characterization of MATE2-K genetic variants and their effects on metformin pharmacokinetics. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2013 Jul;23(7):365-73.
5 A common 5'-UTR variant in MATE2-K is associated with poor response to metformin. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Nov;90(5):674-84.
6 Influences of organic cation transporter polymorphisms on the population pharmacokinetics of metformin in healthy subjects. AAPS J. 2013 Apr;15(2):571-80.

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