General Information of Drug Transporter (DT)
DT ID DTD0511 Transporter Info
Gene Name KCNJ11
Protein Name ATP-sensitive inward rectifier potassium channel 11
Gene ID
UniProt ID
3D Structure

Crystal Structure of This DT

Crystallisation Method: EM


Corresponding Chain: A/B/C/D

Sequence Length: 1-390

Detail: Struture Info

Inter-species Structural Differences (ISD)
Mus musculus (Mouse)
        Gene Name Kcnj11
        UniProt ID
        UniProt Entry
        3D Structure

Crystallisation Method: EM

Expression System: Homo sapiens


Corresponding Chain: A/C/E

Sequence Length: 1-390

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        Experimental Structures of This Model Oganism
                PDB ID Scanning Method Resolution Expression System Details Ref
                5YKF EM 4.33 Å Homo sapiens
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[ 1]
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Corresponding chain A/C/E/G
Sequence Length 1-390 Mutation No
                5YKG EM 4.57 Å Homo sapiens
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[ 1]
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Corresponding chain A/C/E/G
Sequence Length 1-390 Mutation No
                5YW8 EM 4.4 Å Homo sapiens
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[ 1]
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Corresponding chain A/C/E/G
Sequence Length 1-390 Mutation No
                5YW9 EM 5 Å Homo sapiens
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[ 1]
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Corresponding chain A/C/E/G
Sequence Length 1-390 Mutation No
                5YWA EM 6.1 Å Homo sapiens
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[ 1]
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Corresponding chain A/C/E/G
Sequence Length 1-390 Mutation No
                5YWB EM 5.2 Å Homo sapiens
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[ 1]
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Corresponding chain A/C/E/G
Sequence Length 1-390 Mutation No
                5YWC EM 4.3 Å Homo sapiens
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[ 1]
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Corresponding chain A/C/E/G
Sequence Length 1-390 Mutation No
                5WUA EM 5.6 Å Homo sapiens
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[ 2]
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Corresponding chain A/B/C/D
Sequence Length 1-390 Mutation No
Rattus norvegicus (Rat)
        Gene Name Kcnj11
        UniProt ID
        UniProt Entry
        3D Structure

Crystallisation Method: EM

Expression System: Rattus norvegicus


Corresponding Chain: D

Sequence Length: 1-390

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        Experimental Structures of This Model Oganism
                PDB ID Scanning Method Resolution Expression System Details Ref
Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit)
        Gene Name KCNJ11
        UniProt ID
        UniProt Entry
        3D Structure

Method: Homology modeling

Teplate PDB: 6C3O_A

Sequence Length: 390

Identity: 96.667%

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        Performance Minimized Score -876.017 kcal/mol
Ramachandra Favored


QMEANBrane Quality


        Ramachandran Plot

Ramz Z Score: 0.17 ± 0.42

Residues in Favored Region: 377

Ramachandran favored: 97.16%

Number of Outliers: 0

Ramachandran outliers: 0.00%

Click to Save Ramachandran Plot in PNG Format
        Local Quality

QMEANBrane Score: 0.75

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1 Ligand binding and conformational changes of SUR1 subunit in pancreatic ATP-sensitive potassium channels. Protein Cell. 2018 Jun;9(6):553-567.
2 Structure of a Pancreatic ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channel. Cell. 2017 Jan 12;168(1-2):101-110.e10.
3 The Structural Basis for the Binding of Repaglinide to the Pancreatic K(ATP) Channel. Cell Rep. 2019 May 7;27(6):1848-1857.e4.
4 Mechanism of pharmacochaperoning in a mammalian K(ATP) channel revealed by cryo-EM. Elife. 2019 Jul 25;8:e46417.
5 Cryo-EM structure of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel illuminates mechanisms of assembly and gating. Elife. 2017 Jan 16;6:e24149.
6 Anti-diabetic drug binding site in a mammalian K(ATP) channel revealed by Cryo-EM. Elife. 2017 Oct 24;6:e31054.

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