General Information of Drug Transporter (DT)
DT ID DTD0532 Transporter Info
Gene Name KCNT1
Protein Name Potassium channel subfamily T member 1
Gene ID
UniProt ID
3D Structure

Modelled Stucture

Method: Homology modeling

Teplate PDB: 5U70_A

Identity: 86.095%

Minimized Score: -2538.384

Detail: Structure Info

Inter-species Structural Differences (ISD)
Mus musculus (Mouse)
        Gene Name Kcnt1
        UniProt ID
        UniProt Entry
        3D Structure

Method: Homology modeling

Teplate PDB: 5U70_A

Sequence Length: 1224

Identity: 84.194%

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        Performance Minimized Score -2566.085 kcal/mol
Ramachandra Favored


QMEANBrane Quality


        Ramachandran Plot

Ramz Z Score: -0.42 ± 0.23

Residues in Favored Region: 1186

Ramachandran favored: 97.05%

Number of Outliers: 5

Ramachandran outliers: 0.41%

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        Local Quality

QMEANBrane Score: 0.73

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Rattus norvegicus (Rat)
        Gene Name Kcnt1
        UniProt ID
        UniProt Entry
        3D Structure

Method: Homology modeling

Teplate PDB: 5U70_A

Sequence Length: 1237

Identity: 84.839%

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        Performance Minimized Score -2597.201 kcal/mol
Ramachandra Favored


QMEANBrane Quality


        Ramachandran Plot

Ramz Z Score: -0.72 ± 0.22

Residues in Favored Region: 1199

Ramachandran favored: 97.09%

Number of Outliers: 5

Ramachandran outliers: 0.40%

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        Local Quality

QMEANBrane Score: 0.73

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Gallus gallus (Chicken)
        Gene Name KCNT1
        UniProt ID
        UniProt Entry
        3D Structure

Crystallisation Method: EM

Expression System: Spodoptera frugiperda

PDB ID: 5U70

Corresponding Chain: A

Sequence Length: 1-1201

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        Experimental Structures of This Model Oganism
                PDB ID Scanning Method Resolution Expression System Details Ref
                5U76 EM 4.2 Å Spodoptera frugiperda
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[ 1]
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Corresponding chain A
Sequence Length 1-1201 Mutation No
                5A6E EM 4.5 Å Spodoptera frugiperda
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[ 2]
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Corresponding chain B/C
Sequence Length 244-337; 351-1019; 1141-1171 Mutation No
                5A6F EM 4.2 Å Spodoptera frugiperda
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[ 2]
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Corresponding chain C
Sequence Length 351-1019; 1141-1171 Mutation No
                5A6G EM 4.5 Å Spodoptera frugiperda
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[ 2]
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Corresponding chain B
Sequence Length 244-337 Mutation No
1 Structural Titration of Slo2.2, a Na(+)-Dependent K(+) Channel. Cell. 2017 Jan 26;168(3):390-399.e11.
2 Cryo-electron microscopy structure of the Slo2.2 Na(+)-activated K(+) channel. Nature. 2015 Nov 12;527(7577):198-203.

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