General Information of Drug Transporter (DT)
DT ID DTD0012 Transporter Info
Gene Name ABCC3
Protein Name Multidrug resistance-associated protein 3
Gene ID
UniProt ID
Genetic Polymorphisms of DT (GPD)
Genetic Polymorphism rs1051640
Site of GPD chr17:50691125 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP A>G
Minor Allele Frequency G=0.1040/521 (Global)
 Allele G Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Cisplatin Drug Info Neoplasm Correlated with the increased ototoxicity risk in patients (compare with Allele A); Irrelevant to the ototoxicity risk in patients (compare with allele A) [ 1], [ 2], [ 3]
Cisplatin Drug Info Testicular Neoplasm Irrelevant to the likelihood of ototoxicity in patients (compare with allele A) [ 4]
Genetic Polymorphism rs4148416
Site of GPD chr17:50676062 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP C>T
Minor Allele Frequency T=0.1370/686 (Global)
 Allele T Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            5 Drugs in Total
Methotrexate Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with allele C) [ 5]
Vincristine Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with allele C) [ 5]
Cisplatin Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with allele C) [ 5]
Doxorubicin Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with allele C) [ 5]
Cyclophosphamide Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with allele C) [ 5]
Genetic Polymorphism rs4793665
Site of GPD chr17:50634726 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP C>A / C>T
Minor Allele Frequency C=0.3313/1659 (Global)
 Genotype CC Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Morphine Drug Info Pain Correlated with the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with Genotypes CT + TT) [ 6]
Genetic Polymorphism rs9895420
Site of GPD chr17:50634677 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP T>A
Minor Allele Frequency A=0.1276/639 (Global)
 Genotypes AA + AT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Methotrexate Drug Info Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma Correlated with the decreased likelihood of thrombocytopenia in patients (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the increased drug plasma levels in patients (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the increased relapse in the central nervous system risk in patients (compare with Genotype TT) [ 7]
1 Replication of TPMT and ABCC3 genetic variants highly associated with cisplatin-induced hearing loss in children. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2013 Aug;94(2):243-51.
2 Genetic markers of cisplatin-induced hearing loss in children. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2014 Sep;96(3):296-8.
3 Promoter region variation in NFE2L2 influences susceptibility to ototoxicity in patients exposed to high cumulative doses of cisplatin. Pharmacogenomics J. 2017 Dec;17(6):515-520.
4 Association Between SLC16A5 Genetic Variation and Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxic Effects in Adult Patients With Testicular Cancer. JAMA Oncol. 2017 Nov 1;3(11):1558-1562.
5 Effect of ABCB1 and ABCC3 polymorphisms on osteosarcoma survival after chemotherapy: a pharmacogenetic study. PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e26091.
6 ABCC3 and OCT1 genotypes influence pharmacokinetics of morphine in children. Pharmacogenomics. 2014 Jul;15(10):1297-309.
7 Polymorphism in multidrug resistance-associated protein gene 3 is associated with outcomes in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Pharmacogenomics J. 2012 Oct;12(5):386-94.

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