General Information of DT
Gene Name ABCB11
Protein Name Bile salt export pump
Gene ID
UniProt ID
3D Structure

Modelled DT Structure

Method: loop building

Template PDB: 6LR0_U

Identity: 99.924%

Minimized Score: -2429.527 kcal/mol

Detail: Structure Info

Synonyms ABC16; ABCB11; ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 11; BRIC2; BSEP; PFIC-2; PFIC2; PGY4; SPGP
DT Family ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Superfamily
Multidrug Resistance Exporter (MDR) Family (ABCB)
Tissue Specificity Expressed predominantly, if not exclusively inthe liver, where it was further localized to the canalicularmicrovilli and to subcanalicular vesicles of the hepatocytes by insitu.
Function This transporter involved in the ATP-dependent secretion of bile salts into the canaliculus of hepatocytes.
Disease(s) Hypercholesterolemia [ICD-11: 5C80.0]
Endogenous Substrate(s) Congugated bile salts; Glycine conjugates; Taurine conjugates; Unconjugated bile salts; Glycochenodeoxycholate; Glycocholate; Taurochenodeoxycholate
Variability Data of This Drug Transporter (DT)

Regulatory Variability Data of This DT (VARIDT 3.0)

(α) Microbiota Influence of This DT

(β) Post-translational Modification of This DT

(γ) Transcriptional Regulation of This DT

(δ) Epigenetic Regulation of This DT

(ε) Exogenous Modulation of This DT

Structural Variability Data of This DT (VARIDT 2.0)

(α) Mutation-induced Structural Variation

(β) Inter-species Structural Differences

(γ) Outward/inward-facing Conformation

(δ) Xenobiotics-regulated Structural Variability

General Variability Data of This DT (VARIDT 1.0)

(α) Genetic Polymorphisms of This DT

(β) Disease-specific Protein Abundances of This DT

(γ) Species- and Tissue-specific DT Abundances

Molecular Transporting Profile of This DT

Full List of Drug(s) Transported by This DT

 Approved Drug

Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Drug:            4 Drugs in Total
Drug Name Highest Status Detail Indication ICD 11 Ref
Approved Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia 5C80.0 [1]
Approved Drug Info Diabetes 5A10-5A14 [1]
Approved Drug Info Diabetes 5A10-5A14 [1]
Approved Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia 5C80.0 [2]

 Withdrawn, Discontinued or Preclinical Drug

Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Drug:            2 Drugs in Total
Drug Name Highest Status Detail Indication ICD 11 Ref
Sodium taurocholate
Preclinical Drug Info Type 2 diabetes 5A11 [2]
Taurocholic acid
Terminated Drug Info Type 2 diabetes 5A11 [3]

Endogenous Metabolites (EMs) Handled by This DT

 Endogenous Metabolites (EMs)

Click to Show/Hide the Full List of EMs:            1 EMs in Total
EM Name PubChem CID Detail Experimental Material Ref
EM Info Unclear experiment used for identifying this EM [4]

Drug-DT Affinity Assessed by Cell Line

 Approved Drug

Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Drug:            1 Drugs in Total
Drug Name Highest Status Detail Cell Line Affinity Ref
Pravastatin Approved Drug Info Human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293)-BSEP Km = 124 microM [2]

 Withdrawn, Discontinued or Preclinical Drug

Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Drug:            3 Drugs in Total
Drug Name Highest Status Detail Cell Line Affinity Ref
Sodium taurocholate Preclinical Drug Info Human embryonic kidney cells (HEK293)-BSEP Km = 4.64 microM [2]
Sodium taurocholate Preclinical Drug Info Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells-BSEP Km = 15 microM [5]
Taurocholic acid Terminated Drug Info High five cells-BSEP Km = 4.25 microM [6]
1 Early identification of clinically relevant drug interactions with the human bile salt export pump (BSEP/ABCB11). Toxicol Sci. 2013 Dec;136(2):328-43.
2 Bile salt export pump (BSEP/ABCB11) can transport a nonbile acid substrate, pravastatin. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2005 Aug;314(2):876-82.
3 Inhibition of transport across the hepatocyte canalicular membrane by the antibiotic fusidate. Biochem Pharmacol. 2002 Jul 1;64(1):151-8.
4 Beyond Competitive Inhibition: Regulation of ABC Transporters by Kinases and Protein-Protein Interactions as Potential Mechanisms of Drug-Drug Interactions. Drug Metab Dispos. 2018 May;46(5):567-580.
5 Effect of membrane cholesterol on BSEP/Bsep activity: species specificity studies for substrates and inhibitors. Drug Metab Dispos. 2009 Sep;37(9):1878-86.
6 The human bile salt export pump: characterization of substrate specificity and identification of inhibitors. Gastroenterology. 2002 Nov;123(5):1649-58.

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