General Information of Drug Transporter (DT)
DT ID DTD0003 Transporter Info
Gene Name ABCB1
Protein Name P-glycoprotein 1
Gene ID
UniProt ID
Genetic Polymorphisms of DT (GPD)
Genetic Polymorphism rs1045642
Site of GPD chr7:87509329 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP A>G / A>T
Minor Allele Frequency A=0.3952/1979 (Global)
 Allele A Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          47 Drugs in Total
Methadone Drug Info Opioid-Related Disorders Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with allele G) [ 1]
Vincristine Drug Info Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma Correlated with the decreased likelihood of event-free survival in patients (compare with allele G) [ 2]
Simvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Correlated with the decreased myalgia risk in patients (compare with allele G) [ 3]
Nelfinavir Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the decreased toxic liver disease risk in patient (compare with allele G); Correlated with the increased likelihood of toxicity-related treatment failure in patients (compare with allele G) [ 4], [ 5]
Methotrexate Drug Info Rheumatoid Arthritis Correlated with the increased adverse drug event risk in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug discontinuation in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 6], [ 7], [ 8]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Hemorrhage Correlated with the increased disease risk in patients (compare with allele G) [ 9]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Acute Coronary Syndrome Correlated with the increased disease risk in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug exposure in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the the drug antiplatelet effect or clinical outcomes in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 10], [ 11], [ 12]
Digoxin Drug Info Congestive Cardiac Insufficiency; Arrhythmias; Heart Failure Correlated with the increased drug serum concentrations in patients (compare with allele G) [ 13]
Codeine Drug Info CNS Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of disease in patients (compare with allele G) [ 14]
Carbamazepine Drug Info Epilepsy Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug resistance in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 15], [ 16], [ 17], [ 18]
Everolimus Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the increased likelihood of mucositis in patients (compare with allele G) [ 19]
Atorvastatin Drug Info Coronary Artery Disease Correlated with the increased likelihood of myalgia in patients (compare with allele G) [ 20]
Phenytoin Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the increased plasma drug levels in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) [ 21]
Olanzapine Drug Info Psychotic Disorders Correlated with the positive relationship between drug plasma levels and positive symptom reduction in patients (compare genotype GG) [ 22]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the acute cellular rejection in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug bioavailability in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the drug trough concentrations in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the likelihood of achieving target concentrations of drug in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 23], [ 24], [ 25], [ 26], [ 27], [ 28], [ 29], [ 30], [ 31], [ 32]
Paliperidone Drug Info Bipolar Disorder Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 33]
Paliperidone Drug Info Psychotic Disorders Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 34]
Risperidone Drug Info Bipolar Disorder Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 33]
Risperidone Drug Info Psychotic Disorders Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 34]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Hemopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 35]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Liver Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 36]
Cyclosporine Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with allele G) [ 23]
Sirolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 24]
Imatinib Drug Info Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 37]
Methotrexate Drug Info Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 38]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Angina Pectoris Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 39]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Platelet Reactivity Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the the antiplatelet effect or drug clinical outcomes in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 12], [ 40]
Sunitinib Drug Info Renal Cell Carcinoma Irrelevant to the drug toxicity in patients (compare with allele G) [ 41]
Clopidogrel Drug Info St-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Irrelevant to the increased disease risk in patients (compare with allele G) [ 42]
Valproic acid Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 15]
Phenytoin Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 15]
Phenobarbital Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 15]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Coronary Artery Disease Irrelevant to the increased high on-treatment platelet reactivity risk in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the increased myocardial infarction (mI) or composite outcome of non-fatal mI, all cause death and stent thrombosis risk in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the major adverse cardiac risk in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 43], [ 44], [ 45]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Irrelevant to the increased high post-treatment platelet reactivity risk in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 46]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Myocardial Infarction Irrelevant to the increased mortality risk in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 47]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Coronary Disease Irrelevant to the increased on-treatment platelet activity risk in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 48]
Ritonavir Drug Info HIV Infection Irrelevant to the likelihood of treatment failure in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 49]
Ranitidine Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Irrelevant to the overall survival in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 50]
Dexamethasone Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Irrelevant to the overall survival in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 50]
Paclitaxel Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Irrelevant to the overall survival in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 50]
Oxcarbazepine Drug Info Epilepsy Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) [ 51]
Nevirapine Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the decreased toxic liver disease risk in patients (compare with allele G); Correlated with the decreased toxic liver disease risk in patients (compare with allele G) [ 5], [ 52], [ 53]
Isoniazid Drug Info Tuberculosis Irrelevant to the drug-induced liver injury risk in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 54]
Atazanavir Drug Info HIV Infection Irrelevant to the likelihood of treatment failure in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 49]
Efavirenz Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the decreased toxic liver disease risk in patient (compare with allele G); Correlated with the decreased toxic liver disease risk in patients (compare with allele G); Correlated with the increased likelihood of toxicity-related treatment failure in patients (compare with allele G) [ 4], [ 5]
Oxycodone Drug Info Postoperative Pain Irrelevant to the severity of pain in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 55]
Diphenhydramine Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Irrelevant to the overall survival in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 50]
 Allele G Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          23 Drugs in Total
Phenytoin Drug Info Epilepsy Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug resistance in patients (compare with Allele A); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) [ 56], [ 57]
Atorvastatin Drug Info Coronary Artery Disease Irrelevant to the dose decrease or drug switching risk (compare with allele A) [ 58]
Atorvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Irrelevant to the dose decrease or drug switching risk (compare with allele A) [ 58]
Simvastatin Drug Info Coronary Artery Disease Irrelevant to the dose decrease or drug switching risk (compare with allele A) [ 58]
Simvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Irrelevant to the dose decrease or drug switching risk (compare with allele A) [ 58]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Organ Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 59]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with allele A) [ 60]
Methotrexate Drug Info Rheumatoid Arthritis Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) [ 61]
Fluorouracil Drug Info Esophageal Neoplasm Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) [ 62]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Acute Coronary Syndrome Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) [ 63]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Myocardial Infarction Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) [ 64]
Cisplatin Drug Info Esophageal Neoplasm Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) [ 62]
Carbamazepine Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) [ 56]
Valproic acid Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) [ 56]
Phenobarbital Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) [ 56]
Ritonavir Drug Info HIV Infection Irrelevant to the hyperbilirubinemia risk in patients (compare with allele A); Irrelevant to the severity of hyperbilirubinemia in patients (compare with allele A); Irrelevant to the trough concentration of drug in patients (compare with allele A) [ 65], [ 66], [ 67]
Paliperidone Drug Info Schizophrenia Irrelevant to the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 68]
Risperidone Drug Info Schizophrenia Irrelevant to the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 68]
Fluorouracil Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Irrelevant to the likelihood of drug toxicity in patients (compare with allele A) [ 69]
Cyclophosphamide Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Irrelevant to the likelihood of drug toxicity in patients (compare with allele A) [ 69]
Atazanavir Drug Info HIV Infection Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with Allele A); Irrelevant to the hyperbilirubinemia risk in patients (compare with allele A); Irrelevant to the likelihood of hyperbilirubinemia in patients (compare with allele A); Irrelevant to the severity of hyperbilirubinemia in patients (compare with allele A); Irrelevant to the trough concentration of drug in patients (compare with allele A) [ 65], [ 66], [ 67], [ 70]
Efavirenz Drug Info HIV Infection Irrelevant to the neurotoxicity syndromes in patients (compare with allele A) [ 71]
Antiepileptics N.A. Epilepsy Irrelevant to the drug resistance in patients (compare with allele A); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) [ 72], [ 73], [ 74], [ 75]
 Genotype AA Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          47 Drugs in Total
Clopidogrel Drug Info Coronary Artery Disease Correlated with the decreased bleeding events in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the decreased drug exposure in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the decreased drug peak plasma concentration (Cmax) and the total area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) in patients (compare with genotypes GG + AG); Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increase early major adverse cardiovascular events (mACE) risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 76], [ 77], [ 78], [ 79]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased drug dose in patients (compare with genotype AG) [ 80], [ 81], [ 82]
Digoxin Drug Info Congestive Cardiac Insufficiency; Arrhythmias; Heart Failure Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism (compare with genotype GG) [ 83]
Fexofenadine Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the decreased drug plasma concentration in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes GG + AG) [ 84]
Fentanyl Drug Info Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Genotype AA + AG) [ 85]
Methotrexate Drug Info Rheumatoid Arthritis Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 86]
Anastrozole Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased likelihood of Arthralgia in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 87]
Pantoprazole Drug Info Helicobacter Infections Correlated with the decreased likelihood of Postoperative nausea and Vomiting in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 88], [ 89]
Sunitinib Drug Info Renal Cell Carcinoma Correlated with the decreased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 90]
Methylprednisolone Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the decreased osteonecrosis risk in patients (compare with genotypes GG + AG) [ 80]
Prednisolone Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the decreased osteonecrosis risk in patients (compare with genotypes GG + AG) [ 80]
Clozapine Drug Info Schizophrenia Correlated with the increased agranulocytosis and neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased drug plasma concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 91], [ 92]
Vincristine Drug Info Lymphoma Correlated with the increased anemia and thrombocytopenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 93]
Doxorubicin Drug Info Lymphoma Correlated with the increased anemia and thrombocytopenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 93]
Prednisolone Drug Info Lymphoma Correlated with the increased anemia and thrombocytopenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 93]
Methotrexate Drug Info Lymphoma Correlated with the increased anemia and thrombocytopenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased toxic liver disease risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 93], [ 94]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Acute Coronary Syndrome Correlated with the increased cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke risk in patients (compare with genotypes GG + AG); Correlated with the increased thrombosis risk in pstients(compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 95], [ 96]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Myocardial Infarction Correlated with the increased cardiovascular events risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased platelet reactivity in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 97], [ 98]
Nelfinavir Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the increased CD4 t cell count in patients (compare with genotype AG + GG) [ 99]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Rheumatoid Arthritis Correlated with the increased dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 100]
Talinolol Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the increased drug clearance in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 101]
Methadone Drug Info Opioid-Related Disorders Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 102]
Methadone Drug Info Heroin Dependence Correlated with the increased drug dose in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 103]
Tramadol Drug Info Pain Correlated with the increased drug exposure (compare with genotype GG) [ 104]
Morphine Drug Info Pain Correlated with the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 105]
Imatinib Drug Info Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 106]
Fentanyl Drug Info Postoperative Pain Correlated with the increased likelihood of respiratory insufficiency in patients (compare with Genotype AA + AG) [ 107]
Morphine Drug Info Neoplasm Correlated with the increased reduction in pain in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 108]
Simvastatin Drug Info Coronary Artery Disease Correlated with the increased reduction in total cholesterol in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 109]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Liver Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 110]
Daunorubicin Drug Info Acute Myeloid Leukemia Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 111]
Cytarabine Drug Info Acute Myeloid Leukemia Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 111]
Methotrexate Drug Info Hematologic Neoplasm Irrelevant to the neurotoxicity syndromes risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 112]
Voriconazole Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) [ 113]
Granisetron Drug Info Nausea; Vomiting Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 114]
Dexrazoxane Drug Info Acute Myeloid Leukemia Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 111]
Efavirenz Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased CD4 t cell count in patients (compare with genotype AG + GG); Correlated with the increased CD4 t cell count in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype AG); Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug responses in patients (compare with genotypes GG + Gt); Irrelevant to increased likelihood of drug plasma exposure in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 4], [ 99], [ 115], [ 117]
Daptomycin Drug Info Bacterial infections Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 118]
Nortriptyline Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased likelihood of hypotension, orthostatic in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 119]
Palonosetron Drug Info Nausea; Vomiting Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 120]
Omeprazole Drug Info Helicobacter Infections Correlated with the decreased likelihood of postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 88], [ 89]
Opioids N.A. Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased drug dose in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 121]
Opioids N.A. Postoperative Pain Correlated with the decreased drug dose in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 122]
Antiepileptics N.A. Epilepsy Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 123], [ 124]
Antivirals combinations drugs for treatment of tuberculosis N.A. HIV Infection; Tuberculosis Co-Infection Correlated with the increased drug-induced liver injury risk in patieants (compare with genotype GG) [ 125]
Anthracyclines N.A. Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the increased likelihood of complete response in patients (compare with genotypes GG + AG) [ 126]
Taxanes N.A. Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the increased likelihood of complete response in patients (compare with genotypes GG + AG) [ 126]
 Genotype AG Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          10 Drugs in Total
Paclitaxel Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased disease control rate and lower overall survival rate in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 126]
Methotrexate Drug Info Rheumatoid Arthritis Correlated with the decreased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 127]
Tamoxifen Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the increased disease recurrence risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased disease recurrence risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG) [ 128]
Methadone Drug Info Opioid-Related Disorders Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG) [ 129]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the increased hypokalemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG); Correlated with the increased transplant rejection risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG); Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 32], [ 131]
Oxaliplatin Drug Info Colorectal Neoplasm Correlated with the increased recurrence-free survival in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 132]
Carbamazepine Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG) [ 133]
Modafinil Drug Info Narcolepsy Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG) [ 134]
Antiepileptics N.A. Epilepsy Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 122]
Antineoplastic agents N.A. Neoplasm Correlated with the increased severity of nausea in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG) [ 136]
 Genotype GA Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Methotrexate Drug Info Rheumatoid Arthritis Correlated with the increased nonresponse risk in patients [ 135]
 Genotype GG Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          50 Drugs in Total
Fluorouracil Drug Info Colorectal Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with genotype AA); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug toxicity in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 136], [ 137]
Cyclosporine Drug Info Transplantation Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype AA); Correlated with the decreased drug intracellular and blood concentration in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 138], [ 139]
Verapamil Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 140]
Atorvastatin Drug Info Coronary Artery Disease Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 20], [ 141]
Vincristine Drug Info Multiple Myeloma Correlated with the decreased survival in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 143]
Dexamethasone Drug Info Multiple Myeloma Correlated with the decreased survival in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 143]
Doxorubicin Drug Info Multiple Myeloma Correlated with the decreased survival in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 143]
Fluorouracil Drug Info Esophageal Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased survival rate in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 62]
Cisplatin Drug Info Esophageal Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased survival rate in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 62]
Fluorouracil Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 145]
Doxorubicin Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 145]
Cyclophosphamide Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the increased anemia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 145]
Probenecid Drug Info Gout; Hyperuricemia Correlated with the increased drug clearance (compare with genotype AG) [ 146]
Dicloxacillin Drug Info Cystic Fibrosis Correlated with the increased drug clearance (compare with genotype AG) [ 146]
Carbamazepine Drug Info Epilepsy Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype AG); Irrelevant to the drug resistance in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 132], [ 148]
Paliperidone Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with Genotypes AA + AG) [ 149]
Risperidone Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with Genotypes AA + AG) [ 149]
Digoxin Drug Info Congestive Cardiac Insufficiency; Arrhythmias; Heart Failure Correlated with the increased drug metabolism (compare with genotype AA) [ 150]
Etoposide Drug Info Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma Correlated with the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 151]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Liver Transplantation Correlated with the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 152], [ 153], [ 154]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Hypertension Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 155]
Phenobarbital Drug Info Epilepsy Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 156]
Imatinib Drug Info Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 157], [ 158]
Methotrexate Drug Info Rheumatoid Arthritis Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 159]
Sunitinib Drug Info Renal Cell Carcinoma Correlated with the increased exanthema and mucositis risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 160]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Acute Coronary Syndrome Correlated with the increased ischaemic events risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 161]
Cytarabine Drug Info Acute Myeloid Leukemia Correlated with the increased likelihood of 3-year Event Free Survival in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Correlated with the increased likelihood of complete remission in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 162]
Cytarabine Drug Info Acute Multiple Myeloma Irrelevant to the decreased survival in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 163]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with Allele T); Irrelevant to the drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the glomerular filtration rate in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 164], [ 165], [ 166], [ 167], [ 168]
Bilirubin Drug Info HIV Infection Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 169]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Organ Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 170]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Rheumatoid Arthritis Irrelevant to the drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 171]
Simvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 3]
Irinotecan Drug Info Colorectal Neoplasm Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug toxicity in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 137]
Oxaliplatin Drug Info Colorectal Neoplasm Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug toxicity in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 137]
Agomelatine Drug Info Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 173]
Oxcarbazepine Drug Info Epilepsy Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 51]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 173]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Narcolepsy Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 133]
Nevirapine Drug Info HIV Infection Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 176]
Atazanavir Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 169], [ 66]
Efavirenz Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype AG); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 176], [ 116]
Silibinin Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotype AA) [ 179]
Idarubicin Drug Info Acute Myeloid Leukemia Correlated with the increased likelihood of 3-year Event Free Survival in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Correlated with the increased likelihood of complete remission in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 162]
Capecitabine Drug Info Colorectal Neoplasm Correlated with the increased hand-foot syndrome risk in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 136]
Opioids N.A. Opioid-Related Disorders Correlated with the decreased opioid-related disorders risk in patients (compare with genotype AG) [ 180]
Melatonin receptor agonists N.A. Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 173]
Platinum compounds N.A. Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 181]
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors N.A. Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 173]
Antiepileptics N.A. Epilepsy Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug-resistance in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 182]
 Genotypes AA + AG Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          21 Drugs in Total
Clopidogrel Drug Info Acute Coronary Syndrome Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased early major adverse cardiovascular events (mACE) risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the increased high on-treatment platelet reactivity risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 77], [ 175], [ 177], [ 178], [ 179]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Platelet Reactivity Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 175]
Imatinib Drug Info Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the decreased drug trough concentration in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 154], [ 181]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the decreased glomerular filtration rate in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the renal transplant failure risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the transplant rejection risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 182], [ 163], [ 184]
Fluorouracil Drug Info Esophageal Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased lymph node metastases risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 62]
Cisplatin Drug Info Esophageal Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased lymph node metastases risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 62]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Lung Transplantation Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 186]
Rivaroxaban Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) [ 187]
Dabigatran Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the increased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotype GG) [ 187]
Losartan Drug Info Hypertension Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 188]
Methotrexate Drug Info Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the mucositis risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 38], [ 190]
Sorafenib Drug Info Renal Cell Carcinoma Correlated with the increased hypertension risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 191]
Sirolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the increased low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased total cholesterol in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 192]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Coronary Artery Disease Correlated with the increased major adverse cardiovascular events (mACE) risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the all-cause mortality in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the increased high on-treatment platelet reactivity risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the increased ischemic stroke risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the increased major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the increased myocardial Infarction risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the stent thrombosis in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 77]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Myocardial Infarction Correlated with the increased major cardiovascular events (mACE) risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 193]
Cytarabine Drug Info Acute Multiple Myeloma Correlated with the increased overall survival in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 194]
Ritonavir Drug Info HIV Infection Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG); Irrelevant to the increased drug discontinuation in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 195], [ 196]
Paclitaxel Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 197]
Atazanavir Drug Info HIV Infection Irrelevant to the increased drug discontinuation in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 195]
Efavirenz Drug Info HIV Infection Irrelevant to the increased drug minimum plasma or PBMC concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 198]
Omeprazole Drug Info Gastroesophageal Reflux Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 199]
 Genotypes AG + GG Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          15 Drugs in Total
Tacrolimus Drug Info Liver Transplantation Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 195]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype AA); Correlated with the increased drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotype AA); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 81], [ 197], [ 198]
Lamivudine Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 199]
Lopinavir Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 199]
Zidovudine Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 199]
Ritonavir Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 199]
Gemcitabine Drug Info Neoplasm Irrelevant to the decreased clinical outcome in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 200]
Epirubicin Drug Info Neoplasm Irrelevant to the decreased clinical outcome in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 200]
Docetaxel Drug Info Neoplasm Irrelevant to the decreased clinical outcome in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 200]
Cisplatin Drug Info Neoplasm Irrelevant to the decreased clinical outcome in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 200]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Ulcerative Colitis Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype AA); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 201]
Fluorouracil Drug Info Colorectal Neoplasm Irrelevant to the prognosis in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 131]
Leucovorin Drug Info Colorectal Neoplasm Irrelevant to the prognosis in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 131]
Cisplatin Drug Info Colorectal Neoplasm Irrelevant to the prognosis in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 131]
Capecitabine Drug Info Neoplasm Irrelevant to the decreased clinical outcome in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 200]
Genetic Polymorphism rs1128503
Site of GPD chr7:87550285 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP A>G
Minor Allele Frequency A=0.4161/2084 (Global)
 Allele A Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          16 Drugs in Total
Simvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Correlated with the decreased myalgia risk in patients (compare with allele G) [ 3]
Digoxin Drug Info Congestive Cardiac Insufficiency; Arrhythmias; Heart Failure Correlated with the increased drug serum concentrations in patients (compare with allele G) [ 13]
Codeine Drug Info Pain Correlated with the increased likelihood of CnS depression when used drug (compare with allele G) [ 14]
Phenytoin Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the increased plasma drug levels in healthy individual (compare with genotype GG) [ 21]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 24], [ 25], [ 27]
Cyclosporine Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with allele G) [ 23]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Liver Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 36], [ 210]
Carbamazepine Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 56], [ 18]
Methotrexate Drug Info Rheumatoid Arthritis Irrelevant to the drug discontinuation in patients (compare with allele G) [ 6]
Sirolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 24]
Imatinib Drug Info Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 37]
Valproic acid Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 56]
Phenytoin Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 56]
Phenobarbital Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 56]
Sunitinib Drug Info Renal Cell Carcinoma Irrelevant to the drug toxicity in patients (compare with allele G) [ 41]
Antiepileptics N.A. Epilepsy Irrelevant to the drug resistance in patients (compare with allele G); Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele G); Irrelevant to the likelihood of drug resistance in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 15], [ 217], [ 218]
 Allele G Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            9 Drugs in Total
Methotrexate Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 204]
Vincristine Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 204]
Cisplatin Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 204]
Doxorubicin Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 204]
Cyclophosphamide Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 204]
Carbamazepine Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with allele A) [ 16]
Doxorubicin Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) [ 206]
Cyclophosphamide Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) [ 206]
Antiepileptics N.A. Epilepsy Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) [ 72], [ 207]
 Genotype AA Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          20 Drugs in Total
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG); Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 82], [ 208], [ 209]
Fentanyl Drug Info Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Genotype AG + GG ) [ 85]
Sunitinib Drug Info Renal Cell Carcinoma Correlated with the decreased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 90]
Gefitinib Drug Info Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma Correlated with the increased diarrhea and exanthema risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 212]
Tramadol Drug Info Pain Correlated with the increased drug exposure (compare with genotype GG) [ 104]
Fentanyl Drug Info Postoperative Pain Correlated with the increased likelihood of respiratory insufficiency in patients (compare with Genotype AG + GG) [ 107]
Cyclosporine Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the increased nephrotoxicity risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 215]
Oxaliplatin Drug Info Colorectal Neoplasm Correlated with the increased overall survival in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 131]
Simvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Correlated with the increased reduction in total cholesterol in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 109]
Sirolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the increased triglycerides in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 187]
Cyclosporine Drug Info Myasthenia Gravis Correlated with the increased trough blood concentration in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 219]
Daunorubicin Drug Info Acute Myeloid Leukemia Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 111]
Cytarabine Drug Info Acute Myeloid Leukemia Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 111]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Ulcerative Colitis Irrelevant to the increased success rate in achieving short-term remission in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 221]
Rocuronium Drug Info Muscle Relaxant Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 222]
Dexrazoxane Drug Info Acute Myeloid Leukemia Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 111]
Efavirenz Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 115]
Capecitabine Drug Info Colorectal Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased hand-foot syndrome and neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 136]
Tipifarnib N.A. Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 225]
Platinum compounds N.A. Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotype GG); Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotypes AG + GG) [ 226]
 Genotype AG Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            4 Drugs in Total
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the increased drug trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 216]
Methotrexate Drug Info Rheumatoid Arthritis; Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug toxicity in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 217]
Oxaliplatin Drug Info Colorectal Neoplasm Correlated with the increased overall survival in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 131]
Modafinil Drug Info Narcolepsy Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + GG) [ 133]
 Genotype GG Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          10 Drugs in Total
Tacrolimus Drug Info Liver Transplantation Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 218]
Sirolimus Drug Info Urinary Bladder Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased drug exposure in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 219]
Temsirolimus Drug Info Urinary Bladder Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased drug exposure in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 219]
Simvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 3]
Imatinib Drug Info Bcr-Abl Positive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 106], [ 155]
Cytarabine Drug Info Acute Myeloid Leukemia Correlated with the decreased survival in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 160]
Gefitinib Drug Info Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma Irrelevant to the drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 224]
Sevoflurane Drug Info Tonsillectomy Correlated with the decreased likelihood of adverse events in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 225]
Remifentanil Drug Info Tonsillectomy Correlated with the increased drug response (compare with genotypes AA + AG); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 225], [ 226]
Propofol Drug Info Anesthesia Correlated with the increased drug response (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 226]
 Genotypes AA + AG Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            8 Drugs in Total
Sunitinib Drug Info Renal Cell Carcinoma Correlated with the decreased diarrhea risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 90]
Carbamazepine Drug Info Epilepsy Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 224]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Acute Coronary Syndrome Correlated with the increased drug resistance (compare with genotype GG) [ 152]
Risperidone Drug Info Autistic Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 226]
Methotrexate Drug Info Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma Correlated with the increased drug toxicity risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 185]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Heart Transplantation Correlated with the increased infection risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 228]
Cyclosporine Drug Info Heart Transplantation Correlated with the increased infection risk in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 228]
Cytarabine Drug Info Acute Multiple Myeloma Correlated with the increased overall survival in patients (compare with genotype GG) [ 189]
 Genotypes AG + GG Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Tacrolimus Drug Info Ulcerative Colitis Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 200]
Methotrexate Drug Info Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma Irrelevant to the mucositis risk in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 38]
Genetic Polymorphism rs2032582
Site of GPD chr7:87531302 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP A>C / A>T
Minor Allele Frequency A=0.3343/1674 (Global)
 Allele A Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          17 Drugs in Total
Digoxin Drug Info Congestive Cardiac Insufficiency; Arrhythmias; Heart Failure Correlated with the increased drug serum concentrations in patients (compare with allele C) [ 13]
Everolimus Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the increased likelihood of lymphopenia in patients (compare with allele C) [ 19]
Mycophenolate mofetil Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the increased transplant rejection risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 228]
Cyclosporine Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the increased transplant rejection risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 228]
Atorvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Irrelevant to the dose decrease or drug switching risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 58]
Simvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Irrelevant to the dose decrease or drug switching risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 58]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with allele C); Irrelevant to the drug trough concentrations in patients (compare with Allele C) [ 26], [ 31]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Hemopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele C) [ 35]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Liver Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele C) [ 201]
Clomipramine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased suicidal ideation risk in patients (compare with allele C) [ 234]
Nefazodone Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased suicidal ideation risk in patients (compare with allele C) [ 234]
Fluoxetine Drug Info Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) [ 235]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased suicidal ideation risk in patients (compare with allele C) [ 234]
Efavirenz Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the decreased likelihood of emerging viral drug resistance in patients (compare with allele C) [ 4]
Paroxetine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased suicidal ideation risk in patients (compare with allele C) [ 234]
Lithium N.A. Depression Correlated with the increased suicidal ideation risk in patients (compare with allele C) [ 234]
Antiepileptics N.A. Epilepsy Irrelevant to the likelihood of drug resistance in patients (compare with Allele C) [ 203]
 Allele C Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          10 Drugs in Total
Atorvastatin Drug Info Coronary Artery Disease Correlated with the increased drug-induced liver injury risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 229]
Sirolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 24]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 24]
Carbamazepine Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele A); Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 15], [ 16]
Pravastatin Drug Info Hyperlipoproteinemia Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with allele A) [ 233]
Valproic acid Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 15]
Phenytoin Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 15]
Phenobarbital Drug Info Epilepsy Irrelevant to the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 15]
Fluoxetine Drug Info Depressive Disorder Irrelevant to the increased fluoxetine/in patients (S)-norfluoxetine ratio in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 228]
Antiepileptics N.A. Epilepsy Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 72], [ 206]
 Allele T Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            5 Drugs in Total
Carbamazepine Drug Info Epilepsy Correlated with the drug-resistant phenotype in patients (compare with allele C) [ 202]
Valproic acid Drug Info Epilepsy Correlated with the drug-resistant phenotype in patients (compare with allele C) [ 202]
Phenytoin Drug Info Epilepsy Correlated with the drug-resistant phenotype in patients (compare with allele C) [ 202]
Atorvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele A); Correlated with the increased drug response in patients(compare with allele C) [ 232]
Clopidogrel Drug Info Coronary Artery Disease Correlated with the increased Hemorrhage risk in patients (compare with allele A) [ 233]
 Genotype AA Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          17 Drugs in Total
Doxorubicin Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 233]
Doxorubicin Drug Info Leukemia Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 233]
Anastrozole Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) [ 87]
Tramadol Drug Info Pain Correlated with the increased drug exposure (compare with genotype CC) [ 104]
Cyclosporine Drug Info Ulcerative Colitis Correlated with the increased drug resistance risk in patients (compare with genotypes CC + AC) [ 236]
Cyclosporine Drug Info Myasthenia Gravis Correlated with the increased drug trough blood concentration in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 211]
Carbamazepine Drug Info Epilepsy Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 16]
Fentanyl Drug Info Postoperative Pain Correlated with the increased likelihood of respiratory insufficiency in patients (compare with Genotype AA) [ 107]
Simvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Correlated with the increased reduction in total cholesterol in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 109]
Mitoxantrone Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the increased sensitivity to drug in vitro (compare with genotypes CC + AC) [ 160]
Daunorubicin Drug Info Acute Myeloid Leukemia Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) [ 111]
Cytarabine Drug Info Acute Myeloid Leukemia Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) [ 111]
Nevirapine Drug Info HIV Infection Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 170]
Dexrazoxane Drug Info Acute Myeloid Leukemia Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) [ 111]
Efavirenz Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC); Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 115], [ 170]
Idarubicin Drug Info Acute Myeloid Leukemia Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) [ 111]
Antiepileptics N.A. Epilepsy Correlated with the increased likelihood of drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 16]
 Genotype AC Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Methadone Drug Info Opioid-Related Disorders Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotypes AA + CC) [ 129]
Simvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Correlated with the increased reduction in total cholesterol in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 109]
 Genotype AT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with allele C) [ 23]
Cyclosporine Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug clearance in patients (compare with allele C) [ 23]
 Genotype CC Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          13 Drugs in Total
Methadone Drug Info Opioid-Related Disorders Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotypes AC + Ct) [ 235]
Rivaroxaban Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the decreased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AA + AC) [ 183]
Dabigatran Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the decreased drug exposure in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AA + AC) [ 183]
Verapamil Drug Info Healthy Individuals Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in healthy individuals (compare with genotypes AA + AC) [ 140]
Cytarabine Drug Info Acute Multiple Myeloma Correlated with the decreased survival in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) [ 160]
Cyclosporine Drug Info Cystic Fibrosis Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 144]
Dicloxacillin Drug Info Cystic Fibrosis Correlated with the increased drug clearance in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 144]
Digoxin Drug Info Congestive Cardiac Insufficiency; Arrhythmias; Heart Failure Correlated with the increased drug metabolism (compare with genotype AA) [ 147]
Temsirolimus Drug Info Urinary Bladder Neoplasm Correlated with the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) [ 219]
Atorvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 141]
Pravastatin Drug Info Acute Coronary Syndrome Correlated with the increased percent reduction in LDL-cholesterol in patients [ 243]
Capecitabine Drug Info Colorectal Neoplasm Correlated with the increased hand-foot syndrome risk in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 136]
Anthracyclines N.A. Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the increased drug resistance risk in patients (compare with genotype AC) [ 126]
 Genotypes AA + AC Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Atorvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 237]
Cytarabine Drug Info Acute Myeloid Leukemia Irrelevant to the increased overall survival in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 189]
 Genotypes AA + AT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Sunitinib Drug Info Renal Cell Carcinoma Correlated with the decreased overall survival in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) [ 238]
Paclitaxel Drug Info Ovarian Neoplasm Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AC + CC) [ 239]
 Genotypes AA + TT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Tacrolimus Drug Info Nephrotic Syndrome Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) [ 240]
 Genotypes AC + CC Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            4 Drugs in Total
Cyclosporine Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the decreased drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations as in patients (compare with genotypes AA + Ct); Correlated with the increased drug dose in patients (compare with genotypes AA + Ct) [ 241]
Ritonavir Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 242]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the increased drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 81]
Fentanyl Drug Info Neoplasm Correlated with the increased likelihood of constipation in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 85]
 Genotypes AC + CT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the increased drug trough concentrations in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 216]
Modafinil Drug Info Narcolepsy Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 133]
 Genotypes CC + CT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Fentanyl Drug Info Neoplasm Correlated with the increased likelihood of constipation in patients (compare with Genotype TT) [ 85]
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotypes AC + At) [ 60]
 Genotypes CT + TT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Doxorubicin Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased survival in patients(compare with Genotypes AC + CC) [ 243]
Cyclophosphamide Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Correlated with the decreased survival in patients(compare with Genotypes AC + CC) [ 243]
 Genotypes AT + CT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Efavirenz Drug Info HIV Infection Irrelevant to the increased drug plasma exposure in patients (compare with genotypes CC + CT) [ 4]
Genetic Polymorphism rs11983225
Site of GPD chr7:87532204 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP T>C
Minor Allele Frequency C=0.1456/729 (Global)
 Allele C Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            4 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 244]
Amitriptyline Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 244]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 244]
Paroxetine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 244]
Genetic Polymorphism rs12720067
Site of GPD chr7:87540040 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP C>T
Minor Allele Frequency T=0.0899/450 (Global)
 Allele T Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            4 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Amitriptyline Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Paroxetine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Genetic Polymorphism rs17160359
Site of GPD chr7:87717503 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP G>A / G>T
Minor Allele Frequency T=0.0092/46 (Global)
 Allele T Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Fluorouracil Drug Info Neoplasm Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) [ 245]
Capecitabine Drug Info Neoplasm Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) [ 245]
Genetic Polymorphism rs1922242
Site of GPD chr7:87544351 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP A>T
Minor Allele Frequency T=0.3790/1898 (Global)
 Genotype AA Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Fluvastatin Drug Info Hypercholesterolemia Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with genotype At) [ 246]
Genetic Polymorphism rs2032583
Site of GPD chr7:87531245 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP A>G
Minor Allele Frequency G=0.1454/728 (Global)
 Allele G Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            5 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 247]
Fluvoxamine Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 247]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 247]
Sertraline Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 247]
Paroxetine Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 247]
 Genotype GG Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            9 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Bipolar Disorder Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 248]
Amitriptyline Drug Info Bipolar Disorder Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 248]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Bipolar Disorder Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 248]
Sertraline Drug Info Bipolar Disorder Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 248]
Escitalopram Drug Info Bipolar Disorder Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 248]
Paroxetine Drug Info Bipolar Disorder Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 248]
Nortriptyline Drug Info Bipolar Disorder Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 248]
Trimipramine Drug Info Bipolar Disorder Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 248]
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors N.A. Bipolar Disorder Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AG) [ 248]
 Genotypes AG + GG Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            7 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 244]
Fluvoxamine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 244]
Amitriptyline Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 244]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 244]
Sertraline Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 244]
Paroxetine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 244]
Antidepressants N.A. Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 244]
Genetic Polymorphism rs2229109
Site of GPD chr7:87550493 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP C>A / C>T
Minor Allele Frequency T=0.0126/63 (Global)
 Allele C Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Dexamethasone Drug Info Multiple Myeloma Irrelevant to the anemia, neutropenia or thrombocytopenia risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 249]
Lenalidomide Drug Info Multiple Myeloma Irrelevant to the anemia, neutropenia or thrombocytopenia risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 249]
 Genotype CT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          14 Drugs in Total
Vincristine Drug Info Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Correlated with the increased diarrhea and vomiting risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 250]
Doxorubicin Drug Info Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Correlated with the increased diarrhea and vomiting risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 250]
Cyclophosphamide Drug Info Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Correlated with the increased diarrhea and vomiting risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 250]
Methotrexate Drug Info Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 93]
Vincristine Drug Info Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 93]
Doxorubicin Drug Info Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 93]
Prednisolone Drug Info Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma Correlated with the increased drug resistance in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 93]
Dexamethasone Drug Info Multiple Myeloma Correlated with the increased likelihood of progression-free survival in patients (compare with genotype CC); Irrelevant to the likelihood of overall survival in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 249]
Lenalidomide Drug Info Multiple Myeloma Correlated with the increased likelihood of progression-free survival in patients (compare with genotype CC); Irrelevant to the likelihood of overall survival in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 249]
Valganciclovir Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the increased neutropenia risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 253]
Prednisone Drug Info Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Correlated with the increased diarrhea and vomiting risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 250]
Rituximab Drug Info Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Correlated with the increased diarrhea and vomiting risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 250]
Bleomycin Drug Info Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Correlated with the increased diarrhea and vomiting risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 250]
Vindesine Drug Info Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Correlated with the increased diarrhea and vomiting risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 250]
 Genotypes CT + TT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the increased renal transplant failure risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 180]
Genetic Polymorphism rs2235015
Site of GPD chr7:87570248 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP C>A / C>T
Minor Allele Frequency A=0.2157/1080 (Global)
 Allele A Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            4 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Amitriptyline Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Paroxetine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
 Genotype AA Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            9 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Depression Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) [ 248]
Amitriptyline Drug Info Depression Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) [ 248]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Depression Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) [ 248]
Sertraline Drug Info Depression Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) [ 248]
Escitalopram Drug Info Depression Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) [ 248]
Paroxetine Drug Info Depression Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) [ 248]
Nortriptyline Drug Info Depression Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) [ 248]
Trimipramine Drug Info Depression Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) [ 248]
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors N.A. Depression Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with genotypes AA + AC) [ 248]
Genetic Polymorphism rs2235040
Site of GPD chr7:87536434 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP C>A / C>G / C>T
Minor Allele Frequency T=0.1396/699 (Global)
 Allele T Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            9 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with allele C) [ 247]
Fluvoxamine Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with allele C) [ 247]
Citalopram Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Amitriptyline Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with allele C) [ 247]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Sertraline Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with allele C) [ 247]
Paroxetine Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased likelihood of adverse effects in patients (compare with allele C) [ 247]
Paroxetine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
 Genotype CT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Imatinib Drug Info Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Correlated with the decreased periorbital edema risk in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 252]
Genetic Polymorphism rs2235047
Site of GPD chr7:87509216 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP A>C / A>G
Minor Allele Frequency C=0.1745/874 (Global)
 Allele C Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            3 Drugs in Total
Daunorubicin Drug Info Neoplasm Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 253]
Doxorubicin Drug Info Neoplasm Irrelevant to the likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 253]
Anthracyclines N.A. Neoplasm Correlated with the increased likelihood of cardiotoxicity in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 254]
Genetic Polymorphism rs2235067
Site of GPD chr7:87520606 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP C>T
Minor Allele Frequency T=0.1338/670 (Global)
 Allele T Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            4 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Amitriptyline Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Paroxetine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Genetic Polymorphism rs28401781
Site of GPD chr7:87519012 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP C>T
Minor Allele Frequency T=0.1474/738 (Global)
 Allele T Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            4 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) [ 255]
Fluoxetine Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) [ 255]
Sertraline Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) [ 255]
Paroxetine Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with allele C) [ 255]
Genetic Polymorphism rs3213619
Site of GPD chr7:87600877 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP A>G
Minor Allele Frequency G=0.0543/272 (Global)
 Allele G Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Atenolol Drug Info Hypertension Correlated with the increased hypercholesterolemia risk in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 256]
Genetic Polymorphism rs3789243
Site of GPD chr7:87591570 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP A>G
Minor Allele Frequency A=0.4635/2321 (Global)
 Allele A Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Antiepileptics N.A. Epilepsy Irrelevant to the likelihood of drug resistance in patients (compare with Allele G) [ 203]
Genetic Polymorphism rs4148737
Site of GPD chr7:87541836 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP T>C
Minor Allele Frequency C=0.3790/1898 (Global)
 Allele C Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            7 Drugs in Total
Methotrexate Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 204]
Vincristine Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 204]
Cisplatin Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 204]
Doxorubicin Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 204]
Cyclophosphamide Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 204]
Doxorubicin Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 205]
Cyclophosphamide Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 205]
Genetic Polymorphism rs4148739
Site of GPD chr7:87531733 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP T>C
Minor Allele Frequency C=0.1454/728 (Global)
 Allele C Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:          11 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 255]
Citalopram Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 244]
Amitriptyline Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 244]
Fluoxetine Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 255]
Fluoxetine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 244]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 255]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 244]
Sertraline Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 255]
Sertraline Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 244]
Paroxetine Drug Info Major Depressive Disorder Correlated with the increased drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 255]
Paroxetine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 244]
 Genotype TT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Carbamazepine Drug Info Epilepsy Correlated with the decreased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype Ct) [ 223]
Genetic Polymorphism rs4148740
Site of GPD chr7:87522787 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP A>G
Minor Allele Frequency G=0.1446/724 (Global)
 Allele G Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            4 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 244]
Amitriptyline Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 244]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 244]
Paroxetine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 244]
 Genotype AG Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Carbamazepine Drug Info Epilepsy Correlated with the increased drug metabolism in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 223]
Genetic Polymorphism rs4728709
Site of GPD chr7:87604286 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP G>A
Minor Allele Frequency A=0.1769/886 (Global)
 Allele A Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Vincristine Drug Info Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma Correlated with the decreased neurotoxicity syndromes risk in patients (compare with allele G) [ 2]
Genetic Polymorphism rs7787082
Site of GPD chr7:87527735 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP G>A
Minor Allele Frequency A=0.3778/1892 (Global)
 Allele A Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            4 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Amitriptyline Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
Paroxetine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with allele C) [ 244]
 Allele G Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Clozapine Drug Info Schizophrenia Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 257]
Genetic Polymorphism rs9282564
Site of GPD chr7:87600124 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP T>A / T>C / T>G
Minor Allele Frequency C=0.0260/130 (Global)
 Allele C Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Methadone Drug Info Opioid-Related Disorders Correlated with the decreased drug clearance in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 1]
 Allele T Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Irrelevant to the drug trough concentration in patients (compare with allele C) [ 258]
 Genotype CT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Tacrolimus Drug Info Lung Transplantation Correlated with the increased drug concentrations in patients (compare with Genotype TT) [ 182]
 Genotypes CC + CT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Tacrolimus Drug Info Kidney Transplantation Correlated with the decreased drug dose-adjusted trough concentrations in patients (compare with Genotype TT) [ 259]
Morphine Drug Info Neoplasm Correlated with the increased respiratory insufficiency risk (compare with Genotype TT) [ 260]
Genetic Polymorphism rs10248420
Site of GPD chr7:87535670 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP A>G / A>T
Minor Allele Frequency G=0.3474/1740 (Global)
 Allele A Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Clozapine Drug Info Schizophrenia Correlated with the decreased drug response in patients (compare with allele G) [ 257]
 Allele G Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            4 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 244]
Amitriptyline Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 244]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 244]
Paroxetine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 244]
Genetic Polymorphism rs10267099
Site of GPD chr7:87649444 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP G>A
Minor Allele Frequency G=0.1434/718 (Global)
 Allele G Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Atenolol Drug Info Hypertension Correlated with the increased hypercholesterolemia risk in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 256]
Genetic Polymorphism rs10276036
Site of GPD chr7:87550882 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP C>A / C>T
Minor Allele Frequency C=0.4323/2165 (Global)
 Allele A Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            2 Drugs in Total
Doxorubicin Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 205]
Cyclophosphamide Drug Info Breast Neoplasm Irrelevant to the drug response in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 205]
 Allele C Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            5 Drugs in Total
Methotrexate Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 204]
Vincristine Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 204]
Cisplatin Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 204]
Doxorubicin Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 204]
Cyclophosphamide Drug Info Osteosarcoma Correlated with the increased death risk in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 204]
Genetic Polymorphism rs10280101
Site of GPD chr7:87524269 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP A>C / A>G
Minor Allele Frequency C=0.1446/724 (Global)
 Allele C Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            4 Drugs in Total
Citalopram Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 244]
Amitriptyline Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 244]
Venlafaxine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 244]
Paroxetine Drug Info Depression Correlated with the increased likelihood of remission in patients (compare with Allele A) [ 244]
Genetic Polymorphism rs3842
Site of GPD chr7:87504050 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP T>C
Minor Allele Frequency C=0.1879/941 (Global)
 Allele C Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Efavirenz Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the drug concentrations in patients (compare with Allele T); Correlated with the drug metabolism in patients (compare with Allele T); Irrelevant to the drug concentrations in patients (compare with Allele T) [ 261], [ 262], [ 263]
 Genotypes CC + CT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Efavirenz Drug Info HIV Infection Correlated with the increased drug accumulation in patients (compare with Genotype TT); Correlated with the increased drug trough concentration in patients (compare with Genotype TT) [ 193], [ 265]
Genetic Polymorphism rs12720066
Site of GPD chr7:87540386 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP A>C
Minor Allele Frequency C=0.0212/106 (Global)
 Genotypes AC + CC Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Irinotecan Drug Info Colorectal Neoplasm Correlated with the increased severity of neutropenia in patients (compare with genotype AA) [ 265]
Genetic Polymorphism rs4148738
Site of GPD chr7:87533733 (GRCh38.p12)
Allele(s) in dbSNP C>T
Minor Allele Frequency C=0.3814/1910 (Global)
 Genotypes CT + TT Click to Show/Hide the Full List of Affected Drugs:            1 Drugs in Total
Dabigatran Drug Info Atrial Fibrillation Correlated with the decreased drug concentrations in patients (compare with genotype CC) [ 266]
1 ABCB1 and cytochrome P450 genotypes and phenotypes: influence on methadone plasma levels and response to treatment. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2006 Dec;80(6):668-81.
2 Polymorphisms of the vincristine pathway and response to treatment in children with childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Pharmacogenomics. 2014 Jun;15(8):1105-16.
3 The role of common variants of ABCB1, CYP3A4, and CYP3A5 genes in lipid-lowering efficacy and safety of simvastatin treatment. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2005 Nov;78(5):551-8.
4 Pharmacogenetics of long-term responses to antiretroviral regimens containing Efavirenz and/or Nelfinavir: an Adult Aids Clinical Trials Group Study. J Infect Dis. 2005 Dec 1;192(11):1931-42.
5 Drug transporter and metabolizing enzyme gene variants and nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor hepatotoxicity. Clin Infect Dis. 2006 Sep 15;43(6):779-82.
6 Clinical-pharmacogenetic predictive models for MTX discontinuation due to adverse events in rheumatoid arthritis. Pharmacogenomics J. 2017 Oct;17(5):412-418.
7 Replication study of polymorphisms associated with response to methotrexate in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Sci Rep. 2018 May 9;8(1):7342.
8 Functional polymorphisms and methotrexate treatment outcome in recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis. Pharmacogenomics. 2010 Feb;11(2):163-75.
9 Meta-analysis of effects of ABCB1 polymorphisms on clopidogrel response among patients with coronary artery disease. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2017 Jul;73(7):843-854.
10 Predicting clopidogrel response using DNA samples linked to an electronic health record. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2012 Feb;91(2):257-63.
11 Influence of genetic co-factors on the population pharmacokinetic model for clopidogrel and its active thiol metabolite. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2017 Dec;73(12):1623-1632.
12 Effect of the CYP2C19 2 and 3 genotypes, ABCB1 C3435T and PON1 Q192R alleles on the pharmacodynamics and adverse clinical events of clopidogrel in Chinese people after percutaneous coronary intervention. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2013 May;69(5):1103-12.
13 Common ATP-binding cassette B1 variants are associated with increased digoxin serum concentration. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2008 Apr;18(4):299-305.
14 Prediction of codeine toxicity in infants and their mothers using a novel combination of maternal genetic markers. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2012 Apr;91(4):692-9.
15 Absence of a general association between ABCB1 genetic variants and response to antiepileptic drugs in epilepsy patients. Biochimie. 2010 Sep;92(9):1207-12.
16 ABCB1 polymorphisms influence the response to antiepileptic drugs in Japanese epilepsy patients. Pharmacogenomics. 2006 Jun;7(4):551-61.
17 Gene-wide tagging study of association between ABCB1 polymorphisms and multidrug resistance in epilepsy in Han Chinese. Pharmacogenomics. 2009 May;10(5):723-32.
18 Effects of CYP3A4/5 and ABCB1 genetic polymorphisms on carbamazepine metabolism and transport in Chinese patients with epilepsy treated with carbamazepine in monotherapy and bitherapy. Epilepsy Res. 2015 Nov;117:52-7.
19 Polymorphisms associated with everolimus pharmacokinetics, toxicity and survival in metastatic breast cancer. PLoS One. 2017 Jul 20;12(7):e0180192.
20 The C3435T polymorphism in ABCB1 influences atorvastatin efficacy and muscle symptoms in a high-risk vascular cohort. J Clin Lipidol. 2011 Mar-Apr;5(2):91-6.
21 CYP2C9, CYP2C19, ABCB1 (MDR1) genetic polymorphisms and phenytoin metabolism in a Black Beninese population. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2005 Nov;15(11):779-86.
22 The relationship between P-glycoprotein (PGP) polymorphisms and response to olanzapine treatment in schizophrenia. Ther Drug Monit. 2006 Oct;28(5):668-72.
23 Pharmacogenetics of calcineurin inhibitors in Brazilian renal transplant patients. Pharmacogenomics. 2011 Sep;12(9):1293-303.
24 CYP3A5 and ABCB1 genotype influence tacrolimus and sirolimus pharmacokinetics in renal transplant recipients. Springerplus. 2015 Oct 23;4:637.
25 Impact of tacrolimus intraindividual variability and CYP3A5 genetic polymorphism on acute rejection in kidney transplantation. Ther Drug Monit. 2012 Dec;34(6):680-5.
26 Long-Term Influence of CYP3A5, CYP3A4, ABCB1, and NR1I2 Polymorphisms on Tacrolimus Concentration in Chinese Renal Transplant Recipients. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2017 Nov;21(11):663-673.
27 Pharmacogenotyping of CYP3A5 in predicting dose-adjusted trough levels of tacrolimus among Malaysian kidney-transplant patients. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2014 Jan;92(1):50-7.
28 CYP3A5 and CYP3A4, but not ABCB1 polymorphisms affect tacrolimus dose-adjusted trough concentrations in kidney transplant recipients. Pharmacogenomics. 2014 Feb;15(2):179-88.
29 Influence of everolimus on the pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in Japanese renal transplant patients. Int J Urol. 2016 Jun;23(6):484-90.
30 Pharmaceutical and genetic determinants for interindividual differences of tacrolimus bioavailability in renal transplant recipients. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2013 Sep;69(9):1659-65.
31 MDR1 haplotypes derived from exons 21 and 26 do not affect the steady-state pharmacokinetics of tacrolimus in renal transplant patients. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2004 Nov;58(5):548-53.
32 The impact of genetic polymorphisms on time required to attain the target tacrolimus levels and subsequent pharmacodynamic outcomes in pediatric kidney transplant patients. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2014 Mar;25(2):266-77.
33 Genetics-Based Population Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Risperidone in a Psychiatric Cohort. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2015 Dec;54(12):1259-72.
34 Pharmacogenetic study on risperidone long-acting injection: influence of cytochrome P450 2D6 and pregnane X receptor on risperidone exposure and drug-induced side-effects. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2013 Jun;33(3):289-98.
35 Engraftment syndrome, but not acute GVHD, younger age, CYP3A5 or MDR1 polymorphisms, increases tacrolimus clearance in pediatric hematopoietic SCT. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2011 Jan;46(1):90-7.
36 Influence of CYP3A4, CYP3A5 and MDR-1 polymorphisms on tacrolimus pharmacokinetics and early renal dysfunction in liver transplant recipients. Gene. 2013 Jan 10;512(2):226-31.
37 Molecular study of ABCB1 gene and its correlation with imatinib response in chronic myeloid leukemia. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2017 Oct;80(4):829-839.
38 Polymorphisms in methotrexate transporters and their relationship to plasma methotrexate levels, toxicity of high-dose methotrexate, and outcome of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Oncotarget. 2017 Jun 6;8(23):37761-37772.
39 Impact of genetic variants on post-clopidogrel platelet reactivity in patients after elective percutaneous coronary intervention. Pharmacogenomics. 2011 Sep;12(9):1269-80.
40 The CYP2C19*2 and CYP2C19*17 Polymorphisms play a Vital Role in Clopidogrel Responsiveness after Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Pharmacogenomics Study. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2017 Jul;121(1):29-36.
41 Pharmacogenetic determinants associated with sunitinib-induced toxicity and ethnic difference in Korean metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2013 Oct;72(4):825-35.
42 Value of platelet pharmacogenetics in common clinical practice of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Int J Cardiol. 2013 Sep 10;167(6):2882-8.
43 Influence of genetic polymorphisms on the effect of high- and standard-dose clopidogrel after percutaneous coronary intervention: the GIFT (Genotype Information and Functional Testing) study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2012 May 29;59(22):1928-37.
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